Drools has supported simple truth maintenance for a long time, and followed a similar
approach as that in Jess and Clips.
In 6.0 we abstracted the TMS system to allow for pluggable belief systems. This allows a
sub system to control what the main working memory can see; i.e. what is inserted for the
user to write rules to join against.
There are two interfaces for this the BeliefSystem and the BeliefSet. The BeliefSystem is
global to the engine and provides the handling for logical inserts or deletes. It also has
a constructor method to provide the LogicalDependency instance; this allows BeliefSystem
to have it's own implementation.
The BeliefSet is the set of "equals" beliefs; i.e. logical insertions. If you
remember in a TMS system a belief is a one or more logical insertions; but only one will
ever be visible in the system. Logical means they have a supported rule, which is tracked
by a counter. Only when there are no supporters and that counter is zero, is the belief
deleted. We've extended this so a logical insertion have an additional value
associated with it; which becomes useful in our JTMS implementation, that I'll cover
in a moment.
We have a "simple" implementation, that emulates what we had in 5.x, and is
still the default.
We've added am experimental JTMS implementation, which allows a logical insertion to
have a positive or a negative label. This allows for contradiction handling. A logical
insertion will only exist in the main working memory, as long as there is no conflict in
the labelling - i.e. it must be one or more positive labels, and no minus label.
I've covered the bus pass system before, here. The code is still the same, the only
difference now with the JTMS plugin is that each logical insertion defaults to a positive
rule "IsChild" when
p : Person( age < 16 )then
logicalInsert( new IsChild( p ) )end
rule "IsAdult" when
p : Person( age >= 16 )then logicalInsert( new IsAdult( p ) )end
rule "Issue Child Bus Pass" when p : Person( ) IsChild( person == p
logicalInsert(new ChildBusPass( p ) );end
rule "Issue Adult Bus Pass" when p : Person() IsAdult( person == p
)then logicalInsert(new AdultBusPass( p ) );end
In the case of someone who is a child, it results in a tree that looks like below.
These are called your "default" rules. Now what happens if you want to add an
exception, that contradicts the default rule. JTMS allows a negative insertion for a fact,
doing this causes a conflict an the fact will be held in limbo, and not available in the
working memory, until the conflict is resolved. For instance we might want an exception
rule, that does not allow a bus pass to be issued to someone who is banned.
rule "Do not issue to banned people" when
p : Person( ) Banned( person == p )then
logicalInsert( new ChildBusPass( p ) , “neg” );end
If the person is banned, it results in a tree with one positive and one negative label.
The belief system is incremental and cascading, so at any time the exception rule can
become true which would result in a cascading undo operation.
We've also added another experimental implementation for Defeasible logic.
Interestingly it turned out that Defeasible logic can be derived from the JTMS
implementation, using the same BeliefSystem implementation but a custom BeliefSet
implementation. The DefeasibleSet can be found here, clearly it is a lot more complicated
than the JTMS one. We use mask operations to try and keep it optimal. We haven't added
tracking for recursion yet, that is a TODO, and ideally done at compile time.
Defeasible augments the JTMS with annotations to provide declarative resolving of
@Strict // rule cannot be defeated
@Defeasible // rule can be defeated
@Defeater // rule can defeat other rules, but it's result is not propagated into the
working memory
@Defeats // takes list of rules it defeats
rule "Do not issue to banned people" @Defeasible when
p : Person( ) Banned( person == p )then
logicalInsert(new ChildBusPass( p ) , “neg” );end
rule "Exception for children with minor offences" @Defeats("Do not issue to
banned people") when
p : Person( )
IsChild( person == p )
Banned( person == p, offence == "minor" )then
logicalInsert(new ChildBusPass( p ) );end
In defeasible logic the exception rule here is called a counter argument, and it is
possible for another rule to rebut the counter-arguents, creating an argumentation chain,
that rebuttal can also be rebutted. A good presentation on this can be found here.
We are currently working on other Belief System implementations. One is based on the
Belief Logic Programmingidea, which uses the concepts of belief combination functions as
inspired by Dempster-Shafer. This will allow each logical insertion to have a degree of
belief, and the BeliefSystem will be able to process those chains of logical insertions,
applying the combination functions.
The other idea we are working on is Bayesian network integration. The BeliefSystem can
back onto a Bayesian network, which can control which facts are inserted, or not inserted,
into the engine. As the data changes over time, the sub system can add or remove what the
main engine sees.
If you find this interesting, and what to have a go at implementing your own and need some
help, then don't hesitate to drop onto irc and ask:
While the system is pluggable, the registration process is currently hard coded into an
Enum, which you'll need to update with your implementation: