I've talked with edson and later mark a bit on IRC and they identified 3
issues which I created in JIRA:
Accumulate should be implemented with left-input incremental so they
don't start from scratch on every left-input retraction/assertion
Batching accumulate to avoid wasteful re-propagations
True modify
You can easily benchmark any before and after your changes with this
"run configuration":
- Project: drools-solver-examples
- Run configuration name: ExaminationBenchmarkApp short
- Main class:
- VM parameters: -Xms256m -Xmx512m -server
- Program parameters: short
- Working directory: .../drools/drools-solver/drools-solver-examples
If you run this, it will do a 100 steps of the examination problem (on
my pc this takes 71s). The last line of output will be like this:
2009-08-08 10:10:55,499 [main] INFO Solved at step index (99) with time
spend (71524) for best score (0hard/-7545soft).
The "time spend (71524)" tells you how many milliseconds it took.
The "best score (0hard/-7545soft)" should never change in any changes
you make.
You'll want to make changes in the examinationScoreRules.drl file:
There are 3 rules of interest in there that use accumulate:
rule "roomCapacityTooSmall" // TODO improve performance, as it takes 50%
of the performance
rule "hardConstraintsBroken"
rule "softConstraintsBroken"
PS: Note that drools-solver on trunk is fixed on drools-core 5.0.1 in
the drools-solver pom.xml (you can easily change this).
With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet