Building from source problem and an open stream problem
by Brett Bergquist
I'm trying to track down a I/O stream that is not being closed. So I
figured I would build from source and find the problem. The problem is
that when I build from source, I'm having another problem.
I downloaded the file and installed ant 1.7.0 and
maven 2.0.7. I run the mvn command to build and I'm getting two failed
Results :
Failed tests:
Tests run: 417, Failures: 2, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
Any ideas why this would be failing? Any way to bypass the tests?
Thanks in advance for any help.
17 years, 6 months
'from' improvements
by Mark Proctor
I find my self increasingly doing this
order : Order(...)
purcahse : Purchase(...) from order.items
Where ... is for possible field constraints; so I figured some nice
sugar for this would be
purchase : Purchase(...) from Order(...).items
So Order is a standard Pattern with standard field constraints, the
difference it it has . operator at the end with the name of a field, or
even possibly a method, which is what the 'from' uses as its data source.
17 years, 6 months
[vote] Bring taseree into drools as drools-solver
by Geoffrey De Smet
Hi all,
Mark proposed moving "taseree" as an experimental "drools-solver" module
into the drools trunk. There a couple of things that might need a decision:
1) Does no one object to moving into drools as an experimental module?
It would not be included into the <module> set of the parent pom (yet),
as it's still very experimental.
But it will use the parent pom, so it might require additional
dependencies in dependencyManagement.
Currently it depends on commons-lang, commons-logging, log4j and
xstream. And drools of course :)
2) What name do we give it?
- taseree (original name, legacy)
-1 as its no longer correct as it's more then a tabu search with rule
engine evaluation: simulated annealing, etc
- drools-solver
+1 sounds good, although people might think it's an alternative to
for example ilog solver, while it's in a quite different league:
localsearch instead of simplex. Someday drools might build a simplex
based solver too...
- drools-solver-localsearch
+0 some of the code is already a bit reusable between other types of
solvers, such as genetic algoritms, so calling it only localsearch
doesn't really fit
3) What is it's package?
- org.drools.solver ?
3) How should the modules be moduralized?
trunk/ (parent pom)
trunk/drools-solver-examples (depends on solver)
trunk/drools-solver-benchmarks (depends on examples)
trunk/ (parent pom)
trunk/drools-solver (solver parent pom)
trunk/drools-solver/drools-solver-examples (depends on solver-core)
trunk/drools-solver/drools-solver-benchmarks (depends on examples)
4) Code format
Currently I am using the standard "Sun's code conventions for Java",
much like JBoss hibernate, Jboss Seam, etc.
However as a drools module it should use drools's code format of course.
What do you think?
With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet
17 years, 6 months
IMPORTANT: 4.0.1 release
by Edson Tirelli
We have a hard release date set for this Friday (August, 24th) to release
4.0.1 version. So, please, lets plan to get whatever tickets we want to make
4.0.1 release, ready by this Thursday.
It is important to note that release 4.0.1 is the one to be included in
JBoss SOA platform, so, please take that in consideration and fix the most
important bugs.
Any problem you see related to that, please talk to me and to Mark.
Edson Tirelli
Software Engineer - JBoss Rules Core Developer
Office: +55 11 3529-6000
Mobile: +55 11 9287-5646
JBoss, a division of Red Hat @
17 years, 7 months
drools-solver example configuration - feed back welcome
by Geoffrey De Smet
Below you 'll find the nqueens example drools-solver configuration.
It's currently configured as a tabu search.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Feed back welcome :)
Do you think this is clear?
Different configuration options are possible, I 'll explain them in due
With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet
17 years, 7 months
Error in drools-example-brms
by Xavier Breton
Hi, I tried to run the drools-example-brms and I got the following error:
RuleAgent(insuranceconfig) INFO (Thu Aug 16 14:40:26 CDT 2007):
Configuring with newInstance=false, secondsToRefresh=30
RuleAgent(insuranceconfig) INFO (Thu Aug 16 14:40:26 CDT 2007):
Configuring package provider : URLScanner monitoring URLs:
with local cache dir of
RuleAgent(insuranceconfig) WARNING (Thu Aug 16 14:40:27 CDT 2007):
Falling back to local cache.
at org.drools.agent.FileScanner.readPackage(
at org.drools.agent.FileScanner.getChangeSet(
at org.drools.agent.FileScanner.loadPackageChanges(
at org.drools.agent.URLScanner.loadPackageChanges(
at org.drools.agent.RuleAgent.checkForChanges(
at org.drools.agent.RuleAgent.refreshRuleBase(
at org.drools.agent.RuleAgent.configure(
at org.drools.agent.RuleAgent.init(
at org.drools.agent.RuleAgent.newRuleAgent(
The JBoss Business Rules Management System are runing and with the
backup of the rules repository for the example imported.
The path in the for the localCacheDir was
changed to the path in my machine
17 years, 7 months
by Xavier Breton
Hi, where can I find mvel14-1.2rc1rv805.jar, it's because I can't
build the project for this dependency, I downloaded the jar from the
mvel home page, but it doesn't work, the revision is older and I also
have the revision 780 and doesn't work to.
The error I get is in the drools-compiler project and is as follows:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Compilation failure
cannot find symbol
symbol : method addPackageImport(java.lang.String)
location: class org.mvel.ParserContext
cannot find symbol
symbol : method addPackageImport(java.lang.String)
location: class org.mvel.ParserContext
17 years, 7 months
New Bee
by Saleem Lakhani
I am very new to Drools. I need to know from where I can get some
resources on DSL Syntax in 4.0. Examples etc. I am working on a project
which used Drools 3 and my job is to upgrade it to 4.0. I am able to get
everything compiled but getting stuck at loading DSLs. For example: I am
getting an exception like:
An exception occurred while attempting to parse a Validation rule in
Failed to add the compiled rule package to the RuleBase cause by: Unable
to resolve ObjectType 'orRiskTO' : [Rule name=Certificate]
Unable to resolve ObjectType 'orRiskTO' : [Rule name=Certificate,
agendaGroup=Rating, salience=0, no-loop=false]
Rule Compilation error : [Rule name=Dwellings, agendaGroup=Rating,
salience=0, no-loop=false]
rating/ (36:39) : A method named
"intValue" is not declared in any enclosing class nor any supertype, nor
through a static import
at org.drools.rule.Package.checkValidity(
... 29 more
Saleem Lakhani
17 years, 7 months