Semantic Web Drools Module, Request for Feedbak
by Xavier Breton
I'm looking for feedback, I'll develop a Semantic Web Drools Module that
will be the subject of my Master Degree Tesis.
The idea is to use Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF) for prototyping and
follow a Model Driven Architecture (MDA) where the source language is
Semantic of Business Vocabularies and Business Rules (SBVR) and the target
language is Drools DRL.
The mapping could be (PIM level):
- Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL)
- Ontology Web Language (OWL)
- RuleML
- Rule Interchange …
[View More]Format (RIF)
- REWERSE Rule Markup Language (R2ML)
It could be added to the module at the source UML or Entity Relationship
like models to transform the models into SBVR.
Xavier Breton
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11 years, 1 month
Guided Editor in BRMS / Guvnor Version 5 (Snapshot of 26 June)
by Paul Browne
For various reasons I'm trying out the Guided Editor for Business Rules in
the Guvnor Version 5 (Snapshot of 26 June from Hudson, deployed on JBoss App
Server 4.2.2GA).
I've created the Package / Category and uploaded a simple fact model (as
works in BRMS version 4). I create a new business rule using the guided
editor and the screen shows successfully with both 'When' and 'Then'
parts.Assume the next question is due to me missing something, but wanted to
double check:
When I press …
[View More]the green '+' to the right of the screen I am shown the message
/ dialog layer saying '
*Add a condition to the rule... *or* Add an action to the rule.
*Problem is that there doesn't appear to be a way of adding a condition or
action. The only thing I'm seeing in the logs is
* ( could not discover
transaction status
*Am I missing something or should I come back to Guvnor later in the
development Cycle?
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13 years
unknown error while parsing
by Boschung Daniel
hi folks
drools prompt me to contact the development team. the following error apears, whithout stacktrace, while developing
a rule. maybe the error is known to you?!
thanks for a little statement
14 years, 4 months
Drools + Spring
by Abu Rasheed
Are there any plans to have Spring support in drools-api? The last mail that
I saw in searching the topic is dated last year, and there are no new
postings related to this.
Does anyone have any success in injecting KnowledgeBase into their apps
using Spring? Is there any examples out there that I can refer to?
14 years, 11 months
drools compiler issue
by Abu Rasheed
I'm using the Drools 5.0.0 M5, with Guvnor, when I tried to save and
validate my configuration, I got this error:
[ERR 102] Line 5:63 mismatched input '-'
It's pointing to this line:
import <my pachage path>.package-info
Does drools support package with "-" characters? The package is part of
jaxws generated artifacts.
15 years, 2 months
KnowledgeAgent not building change-set resources in order defined
by Steve Ronderos
Hello Rules Devs,
I'm experiencing an issue in Drools 5.0.1.FINAL using a KnowledgeAgent to
build my rules which are defined in a change-set.xml file. My rules
resources contain a dsl and a dslr. Everything was working perfectly
until today when I changed the names of the dsl and dslr files. All of
the sudden the Agent started throwing exceptions saying that the dsl
patterns could not be expanded. After a little research it appears that
the reason this is happening is that the Agent …
[View More]does not necessarily build
the resources defined in the change-sets provided to it in the order that
the resources are defined. For now I have stopped using the
KnowledgeAgent. It turns out that I'm not really using any of the
KnowledgeAgent features and that a KnowledgeBase will work fine for now.
In the future I would like to use the KnowedgeAgent. I googled around a
little to try to find any other information on this issue but found
nothing. Is this a known issue? Should I log a JIRA request?
Steve Ronderos
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15 years, 3 months