Recursion bug in JBoss TMS
by Alex Besogonov
I've encountered a NPE in TruthMaintananceSystem:304 on retractions of
tracked facts (because getLogicalDependencies() returns null).
I hunted it down to DefaultKnowledgeHelper::setActivation() method. A
comment there says that this was added to resolve the JBRULES-2558
My attempt to fix it is attached - instead of removing the list of
logical dependencies, I instead track re-additions and then remove
everything else.
14 years
by Wolfgang Laun
I've just discovered this, although apparently experimental, it's quite
Will this approach be continued and extended?
Note that "Meta Data" should be written as "Metadata".
And the "metadata" grabbed from comments isn't the "real" rule metadata.
14 years, 1 month
Fwd: Early bird registration ENDS TODAY: Rules Fest 2010
by Edson Tirelli
Hey people,
I am glad to see that people are registering for the bootcamp (and the
conference)! Hope to meet you all there! If you've never been to Rules Fest
before (this is the 3rd year it is happening), it is the only technical,
no-fluff, conference in Rules Engines and related technologies that I know
of. I had a great time last 2 years and I know it will not be different
this year.
And for those that did not registered yet, just a reminder, the early
bird discount ends today as per the e-mail bellow.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rules Fest Association <Rules_Fest_Association(a)>
Date: 2010/9/17
Subject: Early bird registration ENDS TODAY: Rules Fest 2010
To: tirelli(a)
International Rules Fest 2010 Conference
[image: Header.jpg]
*Studied, Defined, Explained, Illustrated*:
Rules & Decisioning Technologies Made Easy
[image: Register Now Before September 17
*Conference fee*:
*Early Bird Registration*
*Register today and save $50!*
*Conference package deal*:
- 4 nights and 3 days at the historic Dolce Hayes Mansion
- A boot camp of choice
- Continental breakfast and lunch each day
- Discount off from the Rules Fest 2011 conference
- *$999 ($225 savings)*
Rules Fest 2010 offers a number of hands-on tutorial and coding sessions
known as "bootcamps." These events give all developers — from novice to
advanced — a chance to learn new technologies and/or techniques while being
coached by those who know them well. All bootcamps are a full day, and they
run concurrently on Thursday, October 14th, the day after the main
conference ends.
More info on Bootcamps...<>
Hi ,
Dozens of the world’s top thinkers, developers , architects, engineers and
programmers from industry and academia will come together on October 11-14
to present a single-track of 17 hot topics reasoning, inferencing,
artificial intelligence and pattern matching … at the heart of many
solutions to modern, complex computing problems.
The world's only technical conference devoted to the practical application
of all rule-based and knowledge-based reasoning, inferencing, and
decisioning technologies will feature 3 days of presentations.
*Conference Agenda<>
Topic categories include:
- Reasoning *in Action*
- Reasoning Methodologis & Best Practices
- Reasoning and Management
- Reasoning Trends
Factoid: RulesFest 2010 speakers comprise
7 CEOs
6 Ph.D.s
4 CTOs
8 Senior Developers
1 Vice President
View abstracts<>
*Click to register and save $50
For info:<>
Email: info(a)
*Join the Dialog on
Rules Fest 2010!*
[image: Rules Fest 2010 on
[image: "Like us" on
[image: Join our LinkedIn
A message from Rules Fest 2010 Vice Chairman, Charles Young of Solidsoft:
[image: Message from Rules Fest Vice Chairman Charles Young,
*RulesFest 2010*
*International Conference on Reasoning Technologies *
[image: Rules Fest 2010: International Conference on Reasoning
serving Software
Contact Information: Rules Fest Association, Inc.
6655 W. Sahara Avenue Suite E-102
Las Vegas, Nevada 89146
Click to view this email in a
If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please reply to this message
with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the following
link: Unsubscribe <>
Rules Fest Association, Inc.
6655 W. Sahara Avenue Suite E-102
Las Vegas, NV 89146
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VerticalResponse marketing policy.
[image: Try Email Marketing with VerticalResponse!]
Edson Tirelli
JBoss Drools Core Development
JBoss by Red Hat @
14 years, 1 month
A checklist for Configuring Eclipse/IntelliJ is in the README.txt file
by Geoffrey De Smet
I've documented a checklist for configuring eclipse and/or IntelliJ in
the trunk/README.txt file. Feel free to change or expand it as you see fit.
Please take a moment of your time to check this stuff, so you can avoid
the following headaches:
- tabs VS spaces (not just in java but also in XML): merge problems
- encoding: wierd bugs (especially with translated text that contains ë,
ç or €) + merge problems
- line endings: wierd bugs (with regex find/replaces, ...) + merge problems
- license correctly: legally
Configuring Eclipse
Code style
Correct number of spaces for tabs:
- Open menu "Window", menu item "Preferences".
- Open tree item "Java", tree item "Code Style", tree item "Formatter".
-- If you imported the trunk/eclipse-formatter.xml file,
you don't need to set it here,
but you do need to set it for XML anyway!
-- Click button "Edit" of the active profile
-- Tab "Indentation"
--- Combobox "Tab policy": spaces only
--- Indentation size: 4
--- Tab size: 4
-- If it is a build in profile, you need to change its name with the
textfield on top
- Open tree item "XML", tree item "XML Files", tree item "Editor".
-- Radio button "Indent using space": on
-- Indentation size: 2
Correct file encoding (UTF-8 except for properties files) and EOL (unix):
- Open menu "Window", menu item "Preferences".
- Open tree item "General", tree item "Workspace".
-- Label "Text file encoding", radiobutton "Other", combobox "UTF-8"
-- Label "New text file delimiter", radiobutton "Other", combobox "Unix"
- Open tree item "XML", tree item "XML Files".
-- Combobox "Encoding": ISO 10646/Unicode(UTF-8)
- Open tree item "CSS", tree item "CSS Files".
-- Combobox "Encoding": ISO 10646/Unicode(UTF-8)
- Open tree item "HTML", tree item "HTML Files".
-- Combobox "Encoding": ISO 10646/Unicode(UTF-8)
- Note: i18n properties files must be in ISO-8859-1 as specified by the
java ResourceBundle contract.
License header
Eclipse JEE Helios currently has no build-in support of license headers,
but you can configure it for new files.
- Open menu "Window", menu item "Preferences".
- Open tree item "Java", tree item "Code Style", tree item "Copy templates".
-- Open tree item "Comments", tree item "Files".
-- Replace the text area with this:
* Copyright 2010 JBoss Inc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
-- Do not start or end with a newline character
-- Update the year (2010) every year.
Configuring IntelliJ
Code style
Correct number of spaces for tabs:
- Open menu "File", menu item "Settings".
- Open tree item "Code Style", tree item "General".
- Open tab "Java"
-- Checkbox "Use tab character": off
-- Textfield "Tab size": 4
-- Textfield "Indent": 4
-- Textfield "Continuation indent": 8
- Open tab "XML"
-- Checkbox "Use tab character": off
-- Textfield "Tab size": 2
-- Textfield "Indent": 2
-- Textfield "Continuation indent": 4
Correct file encoding (UTF-8 except for properties files) and EOL (unix):
- Open menu "File", menu item "Settings".
- Open tree item "Code Style", tree item "General".
-- Combobox "Line seperator (for new files)": Unix
- Open tree item "File Encodings".
-- Combobox "IDE Encoding": "UTF-8"
-- Combobox "Default encoding for properties files": ISO-8859-1
License header
- Open menu "File", menu item "Settings".
- Open tree item "Copyright", tree item "Copyright profiles".
- Add Copyright profile
-- Textfield name: JBoss Inc
-- Fill this into the text area:
Copyright $today.year JBoss Inc
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
-- Do not start or end with a newline character
- Open tree item "Copyright"
-- Combobox "Default project copyright": JBoss Inc
With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet
14 years, 1 month
drools-examples-drl: additional dependency
by Michael Anstis
The captioned project, when checked out from svn, lacks a dependency in
Patch below.
Index: pom.xml
--- pom.xml (revision 35140)
+++ pom.xml (working copy)
@@ -44,6 +44,11 @@
+ <dependency>
+ <groupId>org.drools</groupId>
+ <artifactId>drools-flow-core</artifactId>
+ <scope>compile</scope>
+ </dependency>
14 years, 1 month
Persistent FOL quantifier results
by Wolfgang Laun
On 14 September 2010 17:47, Mark Proctor <mproctor(a)> wrote:
> Here is another project proposal, this time simpler. I think this one has
> Wolfgang's name on it ;)
I don't recall having proposed anything relating to this?
My last proposal was making FOL quantifier result "false" non-blocking for
LHS evaluation and accessible through a binding variable. As this is now
public, I asked around for opinions on my short
and here is one comment, which I interpret to be positive and encouraging:
It seems to me that the most powerful new concept here is the ability to
directly combine Boolean statements about WMEs with Boolean statements about
other quantities in the same expression, at the same level -- i.e., to be
able to directly express "(some WME exists) || f(x) == 3", *which is awkward
at best in most rule languages*.
(Emphasis added by me.)
14 years, 1 month