5.5.x: Pong!
by Michael Anstis
During my pre-release testing, I noticed that the user's paddle\bat in Pong
hangs-up\locks-up\freezes after moving it up and down a bit... the ball
continues to move.
I suspect this isn't a blocker for 5.5.0.CR1 (however it was frustrating
when I was 1-0 ahead of my wife to find my bat lock-up and she drew 1-1 ;)
With kind regards,
12 years, 2 months
drools 5 + jbpm5 + spring persistence
by rickylkl
I am new to Jbpm5 and Drool 5, i am trying to integrate those with
spring persistence. ( i am using jbpm5.3 and drools 5.4)
is there any nice reference link it show a example JBPM5 + Drools5 + Spring
with persistence sample ?
btw, is the persistence.xml file must contains the class name ?
how can i use the annotation to do that instead to write every class in
persistence.xml , any 1 can help ?
Best Regards & Thanks
View this message in context: http://drools.46999.n3.nabble.com/drools-5-jbpm5-spring-persistence-tp402...
Sent from the Drools: Developer (committer) mailing list mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
12 years, 2 months
Last Chance for Intellifest - Register to learn about Drools & jBPM
by Mark Proctor
IntelliFest 2012 starts NEXT week, in San Diego, Monday 22nd of October.
Program Overview ( detailed agenda for Monday and Tuesday below ):
Monday - Healthcare focus for Rules, Workflow, Ontologies and Events (Free)
Tuesday - General Drools&jBPM session (Free)
Tuesday - Rule Design Patterns in Production Rule Systems
Wed - Fri - General IntelliFest Sessions
There are limited spaces, so register soon here.
Monday - Healthcare focus for Rules, Workflow, Ontologies and Events (free)
0830-0920 Captain Emory Fry, MD
Socratic Grid : Open Source Distributed Decision Support for Healthcare
0930-1020 Dr Robert Greenes, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Arizona State University
Key Note : Embedding Decision Support in Clinical Systems
1030-1120 Dr Aziz Boxwala, Division of Biomedical Informatics, University of California
Clinical Decision Support Consortium
1130-1200 Dr Seong Ki Mun, President and CEO of OSEHRA
Open Source Electronic Health Record Agent
1200:1300 Lunch
1300-1350 Dr Davide Sottara, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Arizona State University
Knowledge Representation Standards For Building Executable Clinical Processes Models
1400-1450 David Shields, Health ITS, University of Utah
OpenCDS: a Clinical Decision Support Infrastructure Based on Drools
1500-1520 Harold Solbring, Division of Biomedical Informatics, Mayo Clinic
Semantic Wiki
1530-1655 Conor Dowling, Caregraf
Semantic Terminology Services
1600-1620 Dr Xiao Hu, Department of Neurosurgery, University of California
Clinical Decision Support Driven Alarms
Panel Discussion - Collaboration Opportunities
Tuesday - General Drools&jBPM Workshop (free)
8.00 AM: Breakfast Social – pre-laptop setup, and QA time with solution Architects.
-Key will be provided to setup your laptop, so you can view and run the examples used during the talks.
9.00 BRMS Product Overview (Prakash Aradhya 15min)
How we turn the Drools and jBPM communtiy parts into a world class product. Supporting and harvesting all the innovation done in the open community, Red Hat delivers reliable, dependable and integrated solutions for enterprise customers.
9.15 Introduction to Drools Expert (Mark Proctor 45min)
Drools Expert covers the business rule engine. A gentle, example driven, dive into the Drools technical rule language and engine features.
10.10 Introduction to Drools Fusion (Edson Tirelli 45min)
Learn how Drools does CEP differently. Our unified approach extends Drools Expert with a series of language and sub-engine extensions to provide temporal reasoning and event correlation.
11.05 Introduction to jBPM and BPMN2 (Tihomir Surdilovic 45min)
jBPM is a BPM engine designed for flexible processes, implementing and extending the BPMN2 spec. Built form the ground up to be part of a unified strategy for business automation and decision management. jBPM fully integrates with Drools Expert and Fusion.
11.45 Decision Modelling with Graphical Editors (Edson Tirelli 30min)
Drools Expert provides sophisticated web based tooling, around decision tables, guided editors and templates. Our decision modelling approach draws from the very best research found at Dr Jan Vanthienien school of Decision Modelling.
12.30 Working Lunch – Experience Drools and jBPM – Hands on labs (Optional) (1hour)
13.30 Human Tasks up Close and Personal (Tihomir Surdilovic 40min)
Human tasks are a central component of BPM. This example driven talk will build an example live, demonstrating what jBPM’s Human Task technology can do for you.
14.20 Building Games with Drools – Pong, Snake and Wumpus (Mark Proctor 40min)
Time for some hard play, learn how to build classic computer games with Drools. These also provide interesting exercises in BA requirements gathering.
15.10 Drools Planner a Quick Overview (Geoffrey De Smet 40min)
Whether it’s employee rostering, task scheduling, vehicle routing, bin packing or another planning problem: all organizations try to optimize their limited resources under constraints. Drools Planner optimizes business resources for normal Java programmers.
15.50 Drools Chance for Imperfect Reasoning (Davide Sottara 40min)
Sometimes data quality is not perfect, so facts may not be known with precision and certainty. Likewise, crisp constraints such as hard thresholds might not be able to capture the complexity of a business policy. Drools Chance allows to apply gradual and/or probabilistic constraints to uncertain or vague data.
16.40 UberFire – Drools&jBPM Workbench framework (Mark Proctor 30min)
UberFire is a new project that forms the foundation of our 6.0 web tooling. It’s standalone framework that provides a sophisticated workbench framework for the web; where everything is a plugin. Come learn about the Uberfire, and how you can use the workbench to build your own web applications.
17.10 Drools&jBPM 6.0 and Beyond (Optional : open as long as people remain)
An open presentation and discussion about the design ideas, principles and goals that are driving the development of Drools & jBPM version 6.0. This will be an optional and informal session where attendees will have the opportunity to learn about what is coming, contribute ideas and provide feedback that will be taken in consideration by the development team.
17.10 Hands on Lab
Run at the same time as "Drools&jBPM and Beyond" and Beyond. Solution Architects are on hand to help you with your coding problems, and running examples.
Tuesday - Rule Design Patterns in Production Systems
Rule Design Patterns
What is a “Rule Design Pattern”?
Basic Rule Formats
Fact Classification
Handling Failure to Match
Extending Rules
Reasoning with Interfaces
Active Facts
Marker Facts
Fact Proxies
Application Design Patterns
Short-Term Sessions
Permanent Sessions
12 years, 2 months
fun projects :)
by Mark Proctor
If anyone wants to get involved in a fun task, we would like to get two existing components ported from SWT to SVG/GWT. So that those components can be used in the UberFire project - our new web based workbench.
Audit Viewer
Also migrate to support ErraiJSon, instead of our XStream dump, for seamless client and server marshalling.
Rete Viewer
The ReteViewer should be ported to svg/gwt, again using ErraiJSon to provide the tree format.
The above two also have an endless list of features that could be added, to make them more useful - especially the Audit Viewer. With more continuous work the AuditViewer can really help us to improve runtime diagnostics.
UberFire is not officially alpha launched yet, so it needs some cleaning and some docs up before we make it wider known. Although I did mention it here with screenshots and a video (link towards end):
If you want to get involved, come onto irc and we'll talk you through getting started. UberFire really is a very cool project, it's completely standalone from Drools&jBPM, and a good project to be involved in, as you can use it for your own workbench projects.
Just ask for manstis or porcelli (irc nicks)
12 years, 2 months
How to diagnose the osgi bundles test failures if they break
by Geoffrey De Smet
If you ever have to fix the osgi bundles if they break,
read this comment:
# NOTE: the OSGi error reporting is messed up:
# If drools-core fails to start, it will report an error with
# To look past that messed up error reporting, comment out the
reported bundle(s) here to see the real troublesome bundle
in this file:
For example, first I got
ERROR - AbstractOsgiTests.startBundle(344) | cannot start bundle
[jBPM :: BPMN2
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle could not be resolved.
Reason: Missing Constraint: Require-Bundle: org.jbpm.flow.builder;
But after commenting out jbpm-bpmn2, the real problem surfaced:
ERROR - AbstractOsgiTests.startBundle(344) | cannot start bundle
[jBPM :: Flow
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle could not be resolved.
Reason: Missing Constraint: Import-Package: org.joda.time; version="1.6.0"
12 years, 2 months
Re: [rules-dev] cr1
by Michael Anstis
These are the current issues....
Failing tests:
- org.drools.integrationtests.MultithreadTest.testSlidingTimeWindows
Failing tests:
Failing tests:
- AssetPackageResourceIntegrationTest.testUpdateAssetFromAtom (RESTEasy
- AssetPackageResourceIntegrationTest.testCreateAssetFromAtom (RESTEasy
- BasicPackageResourceIntegrationTest.testCreateAndUpdateAndDeletePackageFromAtom
(RESTEasy issue)
- CategoryResourceIntegrationTest.testGetAssetsCreatedByAtomByCategoryAsAtom
(RESTEasy issue)
Thanks to those concerned for fixing the failing tests from my previous
With kind regards,
On 16 October 2012 08:51, Toni Rikkola <toni(a)rikkola.net> wrote:
> This test keeps passing for me locally. I'm using the 5.5.x branch.
> PackageAssemblerIntegrationTest.testFunctionWithFactType (Rikkola, is this
> as a result of the change I think you were making around Functions you were
> doing for Mario?)
> Toni
> On Oct 15, 2012, at 12:18 PM, Michael Anstis wrote:
> Hi,
> I will make the 5.5.x branch today.
> These are the current issues....
> *
> http://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/job/droolsjbpm-integration/*
> Failing tests:
> http://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/job/droolsjbpm-integration/lastComplete...
> - SpringDroolsTest.testConfiguration
> *http://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/job/guvnor/*
> Failing tests:
> http://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/job/guvnor/lastCompletedBuild/testReport/
> - ServiceImplementationIntegrationTest.testListUserPermissionsPagedResults
> (jliu, could you please take a look?)
> - PackageAssemblerIntegrationTest.testFunctionWithFactType (Rikkola,
> is this as a result of the change I think you were making around Functions
> you were doing for Mario?)
> - AssetPackageResourceIntegrationTest.testUpdateAssetFromAtom
> (RESTEasy issue, do we want to @Ignore on the 5.5.x branch?)
> - AssetPackageResourceIntegrationTest.testCreateAssetFromAtom
> (RESTEasy issue, do we want to @Ignore on the 5.5.x branch?)
> - BasicPackageResourceIntegrationTest.testCreateAndUpdateAndDeletePackageFromAtom
> (RESTEasy issue, do we want to @Ignore on the 5.5.x branch?)
> - CategoryResourceIntegrationTest.testGetAssetsCreatedByAtomByCategoryAsAtom
> (RESTEasy issue, do we want to @Ignore on the 5.5.x branch?)
> http://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/job/droolsjbpm-build-distribution/
> Failing tests:
> http://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/job/droolsjbpm-build-distribution/lastC...
> - BPMN2OsgiTest.testMinimalProcess
> - SimpleOsgiTest.testOsgiPlatformStarts
> - SimpleOsgiTest.testOsgiEnvironment
> - SimpleOsgiTest.testCompiler
> - SimpleOsgiTest.testDecisionTable
> Who is going to volunteer to look into the Spring and OSGi failing tests?
> ;)
> For those who may not already be aware, due to a RESTEasy issue (
> https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RESTEASY-782) the Atom REST API in Guvnor
> only works with AS7.0.1.
> Any pressure that can be applied to get the RESTEasy team to fix this
> would be welcome as it is required for jBPM Designer to work with Guvnor on
> AS7.1.x.
> With kind regards,
> Mike
> On 13 October 2012 17:12, Mark Proctor <mproctor(a)codehaus.org> wrote:
>> We should try and wrap up CR1 this week. This release will never be
>> productised, so quicker we can switch to 6.0 the better. We have a month to
>> produce a stable "runtime" core, 6.0-alpha1, where we promise binary
>> compatibility to other groups in SOA.
>> I'll send an email explaining 6.0-alpha1 for monday.
>> Mark
12 years, 2 months
1 Week Until Intellifest - Register soon to learn about Drools & jBPM
by Mark Proctor
Only 1 week to go for IntelliFest 2012, in San Diego, start Monday 22nd of October.
Program Overview ( detailed agenda for Monday and Tuesday below ):
Monday - Healthcare focus for Rules, Workflow, Ontologies and Events (Free)
Tuesday - General Drools&jBPM session (Free)
Tuesday - Rule Design Patterns in Production Rule Systems
Wed - Fri - General IntelliFest Sessions
There are limited spaces, so register soon here.
Monday - Healthcare focus for Rules, Workflow, Ontologies and Events (free)
0830-0920 Captain Emory Fry, MD
Socratic Grid : Open Source Distributed Decision Support for Healthcare
0930-1020 Dr Robert Greenes, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Arizona State University
Key Note : Embedding Decision Support in Clinical Systems
1030-1120 Dr Aziz Boxwala, Division of Biomedical Informatics, University of California
Clinical Decision Support Consortium
1130-1200 Dr Seong Ki Mun, President and CEO of OSEHRA
Open Source Electronic Health Record Agent
1200:1300 Lunch
1300-1350 Dr Davide Sottara, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Arizona State University
Knowledge Representation Standards For Building Executable Clinical Processes Models
1400-1450 David Shields, Health ITS, University of Utah
OpenCDS: a Clinical Decision Support Infrastructure Based on Drools
1500-1520 Harold Solbring, Division of Biomedical Informatics, Mayo Clinic
Semantic Wiki
1530-1655 Conor Dowling, Caregraf
Semantic Terminology Services
1600-1620 Dr Xiao Hu, Department of Neurosurgery, University of California
Clinical Decision Support Driven Alarms
Panel Discussion - Collaboration Opportunities
Tuesday - General Drools&jBPM Workshop (free)
8.00 AM: Breakfast Social – pre-laptop setup, and QA time with solution Architects.
-Key will be provided to setup your laptop, so you can view and run the examples used during the talks.
9.00 BRMS Product Overview (Prakash Aradhya 15min)
How we turn the Drools and jBPM communtiy parts into a world class product. Supporting and harvesting all the innovation done in the open community, Red Hat delivers reliable, dependable and integrated solutions for enterprise customers.
9.15 Introduction to Drools Expert (Mark Proctor 45min)
Drools Expert covers the business rule engine. A gentle, example driven, dive into the Drools technical rule language and engine features.
10.10 Introduction to Drools Fusion (Edson Tirelli 45min)
Learn how Drools does CEP differently. Our unified approach extends Drools Expert with a series of language and sub-engine extensions to provide temporal reasoning and event correlation.
11.05 Introduction to jBPM and BPMN2 (Tihomir Surdilovic 45min)
jBPM is a BPM engine designed for flexible processes, implementing and extending the BPMN2 spec. Built form the ground up to be part of a unified strategy for business automation and decision management. jBPM fully integrates with Drools Expert and Fusion.
11.45 Decision Modelling with Graphical Editors (Edson Tirelli 30min)
Drools Expert provides sophisticated web based tooling, around decision tables, guided editors and templates. Our decision modelling approach draws from the very best research found at Dr Jan Vanthienien school of Decision Modelling.
12.30 Working Lunch – Experience Drools and jBPM – Hands on labs (Optional) (1hour)
13.30 Human Tasks up Close and Personal (Tihomir Surdilovic 40min)
Human tasks are a central component of BPM. This example driven talk will build an example live, demonstrating what jBPM’s Human Task technology can do for you.
14.20 Building Games with Drools – Pong, Snake and Wumpus (Mark Proctor 40min)
Time for some hard play, learn how to build classic computer games with Drools. These also provide interesting exercises in BA requirements gathering.
15.10 Drools Planner a Quick Overview (Geoffrey De Smet 40min)
Whether it’s employee rostering, task scheduling, vehicle routing, bin packing or another planning problem: all organizations try to optimize their limited resources under constraints. Drools Planner optimizes business resources for normal Java programmers.
15.50 Drools Chance for Imperfect Reasoning (Davide Sottara 40min)
Sometimes data quality is not perfect, so facts may not be known with precision and certainty. Likewise, crisp constraints such as hard thresholds might not be able to capture the complexity of a business policy. Drools Chance allows to apply gradual and/or probabilistic constraints to uncertain or vague data.
16.40 UberFire – Drools&jBPM Workbench framework (Mark Proctor 30min)
UberFire is a new project that forms the foundation of our 6.0 web tooling. It’s standalone framework that provides a sophisticated workbench framework for the web; where everything is a plugin. Come learn about the Uberfire, and how you can use the workbench to build your own web applications.
17.10 Drools&jBPM 6.0 and Beyond (Optional : open as long as people remain)
An open presentation and discussion about the design ideas, principles and goals that are driving the development of Drools & jBPM version 6.0. This will be an optional and informal session where attendees will have the opportunity to learn about what is coming, contribute ideas and provide feedback that will be taken in consideration by the development team.
17.10 Hands on Lab
Run at the same time as "Drools&jBPM and Beyond" and Beyond. Solution Architects are on hand to help you with your coding problems, and running examples.
Tuesday - Rule Design Patterns in Production Systems
Rule Design Patterns
What is a “Rule Design Pattern”?
Basic Rule Formats
Fact Classification
Handling Failure to Match
Extending Rules
Reasoning with Interfaces
Active Facts
Marker Facts
Fact Proxies
Application Design Patterns
Short-Term Sessions
Permanent Sessions
12 years, 2 months
Drools and jBPM 5.5.x branches have been created
by Michael Anstis
Just a note to you all to advise that the 5.5.x branches have been made on
github and Jenkins jobs setup accordingly.
Should you make changes to master that are needed for 5.5.x please be sure
to cherry-pick...
There are a couple of remaining tasks:-
- jBPM Form Builder - Needs branching and POM's updated.
- jBPM Designer - Needs branching, POM's updated and Jenkins job
to build jBPM Designer 5.5.x.
- jBPM contains properties overriding the Drools version in
droolsjbpm-parent POM. I suspect these need changing in master to point to
The jBPM Team wanted to handle these changes for 5.5.0.Beta1 so I have
assumed the same for the branch.
With kind regards,
12 years, 2 months
Re: [rules-dev] cr1
by Michael Anstis
I will make the 5.5.x branch today.
These are the current issues....
Failing tests:
- SpringDroolsTest.testConfiguration
Failing tests:
- ServiceImplementationIntegrationTest.testListUserPermissionsPagedResults
(jliu, could you please take a look?)
- PackageAssemblerIntegrationTest.testFunctionWithFactType (Rikkola, is
this as a result of the change I think you were making around Functions you
were doing for Mario?)
- AssetPackageResourceIntegrationTest.testUpdateAssetFromAtom (RESTEasy
issue, do we want to @Ignore on the 5.5.x branch?)
- AssetPackageResourceIntegrationTest.testCreateAssetFromAtom (RESTEasy
issue, do we want to @Ignore on the 5.5.x branch?)
- BasicPackageResourceIntegrationTest.testCreateAndUpdateAndDeletePackageFromAtom
(RESTEasy issue, do we want to @Ignore on the 5.5.x branch?)
- CategoryResourceIntegrationTest.testGetAssetsCreatedByAtomByCategoryAsAtom
(RESTEasy issue, do we want to @Ignore on the 5.5.x branch?)
Failing tests:
- BPMN2OsgiTest.testMinimalProcess
- SimpleOsgiTest.testOsgiPlatformStarts
- SimpleOsgiTest.testOsgiEnvironment
- SimpleOsgiTest.testCompiler
- SimpleOsgiTest.testDecisionTable
Who is going to volunteer to look into the Spring and OSGi failing tests? ;)
For those who may not already be aware, due to a RESTEasy issue (
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RESTEASY-782) the Atom REST API in Guvnor
only works with AS7.0.1.
Any pressure that can be applied to get the RESTEasy team to fix this would
be welcome as it is required for jBPM Designer to work with Guvnor on
With kind regards,
On 13 October 2012 17:12, Mark Proctor <mproctor(a)codehaus.org> wrote:
> We should try and wrap up CR1 this week. This release will never be
> productised, so quicker we can switch to 6.0 the better. We have a month to
> produce a stable "runtime" core, 6.0-alpha1, where we promise binary
> compatibility to other groups in SOA.
> I'll send an email explaining 6.0-alpha1 for monday.
> Mark
12 years, 2 months