range indexing - help wanted
by Mark Proctor
I started to write this range indexing class, based on a RBTree
implementation that I lifted from the web somewhere. However it's a bit
buggy, and large ranges null pointer. Anyone want to work on making
these stable? Once done we can start using them with not/exists nodes.
Standard joins will take a bit more work, due to some integration issues
of the tuple structures.
The two classes can be found in this commit, just try removing the
@Ignore to see the issues, and feel free to add more range tests.
12 years, 6 months
Re: [rules-dev] [rules-users] Remove rule but timer still fires
by Wolfgang Laun
@developers: please comment
An existing/active rule with a timer produces an activation if the
conditions are met. This activation is now part of the Rete and
continues to be so until the LHS turns to false; the repeating timer
merely retriggers the execution of the consequence. Killing the rule
itself merely prohibits new activations.
Its debatable whether removing the rule should also retract pending
activations. This is not defined/documented for rules without timer
(at least I'm not aware of any such documentation), but surely all
kinds of rules should be treated alike.
On 06/07/2012, Ladd <ladd(a)codemettle.com> wrote:
> I see that working as an alternative to enable/disable.
> But what's the recommended approach for totally removing a rule that runs
> on
> a timer? After running pkg.removeRule( rule ) the rule seems to be deleted
> because pkg.getRules() comes back empty. Yet the rule with the timer
> continues to fire every 2 seconds.
> Thanks,
> - Ladd
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://drools.46999.n3.nabble.com/Remove-rule-but-timer-still-fires-tp401...
> Sent from the Drools: User forum mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> _______________________________________________
> rules-users mailing list
> rules-users(a)lists.jboss.org
> https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/rules-users
12 years, 6 months
Drools Community Release: 5.3.3.Final
by Michael Anstis
FYI, drools 5.3.3.Final was released today (jBPM 5.2.2.Final) at Douglas's
request (for the -tools fixes made by Alexandre).
The Drools 5.3.x branch now has the current release version set to
5.3.4-SNAPSHOT and jBPM 5.2.x branch 5.2.3-SNAPSHOT.
With kind regards,
12 years, 6 months
IntelliFest Oct 2012 (San Diego) : Healthcare, Bootcamps and More
by Mark Proctor
Please spread the word and submit presentations.
IntelliFest <http://intellifest.org/> 22 - 26 Oct 2012 is under way.
This year it's located in San Diego, at the Bahia Resort Hotel.
There will be a dedicated Healthcare day, as well as the normal
Drools&jBPM bootcamps. Both days are available with free registration
<http://intellifest.org/wordpress/community-registration/>; although
spaces are limited. Followed by the 3 day main event. The main sessions
will cover a wide range of reasoning technologies from the domain of AI,
register here
<http://intellifest.org/wordpress/community-registration/>. The main
sesssion format this year is multi-track to cater for developers,
management and executes. The IntelliFest call for presentations
<http://intellifest.org/wordpress/call-for-presentations/> is still open.
The healthcare day is being co-chaired by Dr Emory Fry and Dr Davide
Sottara, and request for presentations is now open. Please send your
healthcare and medical submissions to the following emails:
to: eafry at gmx d0t com.
cc: dsotty at gmail d0t com, mproctor at codehaus d0t org.
Any talks that involve reasoning technologies from the domain of AI is
accepted. However special focus will be given to rules, workflow, event
processing, ontologies, planning and agents. Both 25 and 50 minute talks
are accetable.We prefer presentations more on the clinical side, than on
the administration side (i.e. billing talks).
I have the great pleasure of announcing the healthcare keynote speaker,
Dr Robert Greenes. A biomedical and infomatics star
<http://www.flinn.org/news/454> from Arizona State University.
*Title: "Embedding Decision Support in Clinical Systems"*
*Dr. Robert Greenes*
*Chair, Department of Biomedical Informatics*
*Arizona State University*
Dr. Greenes joined ASU in September, 2007 to lead the new Department of
Biomedical Informatics (BMI). This unit, originally in the School of
Computing and Informatics, in the Fulton School of Engineering, is now a
Department under the newly constituted Biomedicine@ASU framework.
Before coming to ASU, Dr. Greenes spent many years at Harvard, in the
field of BMI, first at Massachusetts General Hospital, then at Brigham
and Women's Hospital, where he established the Decision Systems Group in
1980, and developed it into a leading BMI research and development
program. Dr. Greenes was professor of radiology and of health sciences
and technology (HST), at Harvard Medical School, where HST is a joint
division of Harvard and MIT. He was also professor of health policy and
management at Harvard School of Public Health. For over 20 years, he has
directed the Biomedical Informatics Research Training (BIRT) program,
with support from the National Library of Medicine and other sources,
with co-directors now representing 10 hospital and university-based
informatics groups throughout the Boston area. Dr. Greenes is a
practicing radiologist, and has also had brief interludes at Stanford
and in industry. Dr. Greenes' research has been in the areas of clinical
decision support, in terms of models and approaches to decision making,
the knowledge representation to support it, and its clinical application
and validation. He has also been active in the promulgation of standards
and fostering of group collaborative work, particularly in knowledge
management. A related research interest is human-computer interaction,
particularly with respect to the use of clinical information systems by
providers and patients, the improved capture of clinical data and the
incorporation of individualized, context-specific decision support.
Another interest is in personal biosensors for monitoring of patients at
risk in a variety of settings.
Modeling of clinical decision making - knowledge representation -
knowledge management - clinical decision support - personal biosensors -
human-computer interaction - group collaborative work
1970, Ph.D, Harvard University
1966, MD, Harvard Medical School
1962, BA, University of Michigan
12 years, 6 months
drools 5.5, 6.0 and roadmap
by Mark Proctor
--- copied from blog article ---
Some time soon we will branch master. The current master will be
branched to 5.5 and then master will become 6.0.
We will develop 5.5 and 6.0 in parallel. In general we will try to apply
as many bug fixes and stable features to both branches, for as long as
it's practically possible. At some point 6.0 will diverge too much and
the cost will become too high.
I hope we can release a 5.5 within the next 4-5 months; this may very
depending on the impact of other commitments.
6.0 will be a longer term effort, and will involve the most drastic
changes at both the engine and language level to date. The engine
algorithm will be almost completely new, and will no longer be
considered a Rete implementation. Instead it will be a lazy collection
oriented matching algorithm, that will support adaptive network
topologies. First we'll deliver the lazy matching algorithm and then
shift to collection oriented. The adaptive network topologies will take
more time and may deliver after 6.0. These engine changes will lay the
ground work for exploiting multi-cpu architectures, and durable backing
stores (Active Databases). I also hope we can integrate our engine with
a tableaux algorithm, to provide seamless description logic capabilities
for semantic ontologies; but that's still a very open research area,
with many unknowns.
6.0 will most likely retain api comparability (no current plans to break
it), however the DRL syntax will be broken. DRL has been backwards
compatible, excluding bugs and regressions, for almost 7 years now. We
plan to take this opportunity to revamp DRL, as we fully embrace
becoming a hybrid reasoning engine. We will fully explore passive,
reactive, relational and functional programming styles. The hope is we
can create a declarative language system, more flexible and more
suitable for a wider range of solutions. I also really want to address
some of the usability problems associated with rule execution control,
particularly around salience and the various rule groups (agenda-groups,
ruleflow-groups, activation-groups). Relative salience and a single
concept around a flexible RuleModule will hopefully make this possible.
We have to start making things easier, simpler and more consistent.
We are just starting to flesh out our designs, figuring out what works
and what doesn't. All are at the very early stages, much has not yet
been added, and everything is open to debate.
General rule syntax
The event sequencing draft can be found here:
The functional programming aspects are still being explored on this wiki
We will eventually roll the later two back in the Drools60 document, to
provide a single document that covers the 6.0 language specific.
The web based tooling is also under going a revamp. It will offer a more
flexible workbench like experience where all panels are plugins, with
support for perspectives. This will allow us to build a consistent and
unified approach to our web tooling efforts across Drools&jBPM. We also
have a mechanism now that will allow our web based components, such as
decision tables and guided editors to be used in Eclipse -- to create a
consistent experience between the two environments. We have back ported
the java7 vfs api and have a Git implementation for this, we will also
continue provide a JCR implementation. So far Git is looking extremely
scalable and easy to use. JGit provides a full java implementation,
making out of the box use easy. Stay tuned for more news. Hopefully in
less then 2 months we will have some early proof of concepts to show,
for the web based efforts.
If you want to help make history happen, joins us on irc (real time
chat). You can also leave comments on the wiki pages or the mailing
lists (developer list).
Here goes nothing!!!
12 years, 6 months