Semantic Web Drools Module, Request for Feedbak
by Xavier Breton
I'm looking for feedback, I'll develop a Semantic Web Drools Module that
will be the subject of my Master Degree Tesis.
The idea is to use Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF) for prototyping and
follow a Model Driven Architecture (MDA) where the source language is
Semantic of Business Vocabularies and Business Rules (SBVR) and the target
language is Drools DRL.
The mapping could be (PIM level):
- Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL)
- Ontology Web Language (OWL)
- RuleML
- Rule Interchange Format (RIF)
- REWERSE Rule Markup Language (R2ML)
It could be added to the module at the source UML or Entity Relationship
like models to transform the models into SBVR.
Xavier Breton
11 years
getNestedConstraintPrefixLenght method in
by Claudio Jesús Sánchez Casanueva
I am studying the drools code and i have seen strange the method
'getNestedConstraintPrefixLenght()' in If i translate
that function to a regular expression in antlr lexer, it would be "ID? (
(DOT | HASH) ID)* DOT LEFT_PARENT", which have few sense.
The header
of 'nestedConstraint()' describes the expected the expected result as "(
ID ( DOT | HASH ) )* ID DOT LEFT_PAREN constraints RIGHT_PAREN" : it
internally calls to 'getNestedConstraintPrefixLenght()', consumes the
numbers of items retuned by this, calls to 'constrains()' and cosumes a
For me the expected results described in the header of
'nestedConstraint()' do not correspond with the real results.
11 years
Tomcat7 & drools workbench
by Mohit Srivastava
I deployed drools workbench on tomcat. Guide only explains every thing on
Wildfly or JBOSS EPA cluster
But I am unable to figure out following things:
- How to add new user?
- How to change system properties?
11 years