you have the start and end date, you can filter with that information?
CrewSegment( personId == $s.personId, $crewHours : crewHours, startDate <=
"<date>", endDate => "<date>" ),
On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 4:24 PM, <billhainaut(a)> wrote:
Drools Experts:
I have a list of the following fact objects sent to my rules:
Date startDate
Date endDate
double crewHours
int personId
along with an object to designate seats:
int seatId
int personId
Here is the rule I want to enforce in English: No crew member (uniquely
identified by personId) can have more than 56 hours of total crewHours in
any 7 day period. The rule I've written so far is:
$s : SeatAssignment ( )
$total : Number( doubleValue > 56 )
from accumulate( CrewSegment( personId == $s.personId, $crewHours :
crewHours ),
sum( $crewHours ) )
This rule nicely catches any instance where more than 56 hours are
committed by a person, but does not limit the time period to 7 days.
How do I limit the search to be sure that it is 56 hours WITHIN 7 days, and
not just 56 hours total over ANY time period?
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!!!
rules-dev mailing list
- Salatino "Salaboy" Mauricio -