It doesn't indeed sound overkill to me to create a FactoryBean for the
Though I would probably reuse the Builder inside the
KnowlegdeBaseFactory to build the Knowlegde base.
The real issue is concurrency.
Spring promotes the idea of stateless beans which do have global
variables, but those global variables are either synchronised
thread-safe or also follow the stateless bean pattern.
This in fact makes the stateless beans thread safe, without any need for
So the question is: is your KnowlegdeBase thread-safe?
Thread safe objects are usually put into global variables,
while not thread unsafe objects are always put into local variables.
class A {
private B b; // thread-safe by synchronization (JDBCConnection, ...)
private C c; // thread-safe by the stateless pattern:
// both b and c are set during initialization (constr. or setter),
before A is exposed to other threads
public void metho(D d) { // d is not thread-safe
E e = ...; // e is not thread-safe
In drools 4. B is the RuleBase, while E is the working memory instance.
With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet
Mark Proctor schreef:
Geoffrey De Smet wrote:
> With kind regards,
> Geoffrey De Smet
> Mark Proctor schreef:
>>> I'd also maybe consider dropping the Spring prefix, as it's in a
>>> package called spring?
>>> => org.drools.spring.KnowledgeAgentFactoryBean
>> My worry here is it might be a duplicate of the same name used in the
>> future - although it'll be in a different package namespace, it's
>> still not good practice. Anyone else have any opinions on this?
> Good point, prefixing it with Spring can't hurt :)
I'm just wondering about KnowledgeBuilderFactory and
KnowledgeBaseFactory. While it makes sense to put the
KnowledgeAgentFactory into spring, does it make sense for those other
factories? What are they gonna do other than return KnowledgeBuilder or
a KnowledgeBase, only possible advantage is that it would allow spring
to inject the KnowledgeBuilderConfiguration and
KnowledgeBaseConfiguration. And ideas?
This is typically how those two factories are used:
KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder();
kbuilder.addResource( new URL( "file://myrules.drl" ),
KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
If we use spring to automate the adding of resources, that's pretty much
what the agent is doing anyway, so wouldn't that be pointless?
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