My vote:
+1 for 4 spaces in .java, .drl
+1 for 2 spaces in .xml
-0 for oneven number of spaces for an indentation
Winning result:
4 spaces for .java, .drl: +4 (mark, michael, wolfgang, geoffrey)
2 spaces for .xml: +4 (mark, diego, wolfgang, geoffrey)
Non winning alternatives:
3 spaces for .xml: +1 (mark), -0 (geoffrey)
I 'll start indenting the pom.xml files (so they become readable)
and write instructions on the how to configure eclipse/intellij for 2
spaces in xml in the trunk/README.txt file.
With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet
Op 07-09-10 08:38, Wolfgang Laun schreef:
Here is another vote:
4 spaces for .java, .[dlrs]+
2 spaces for anything starting with <?xml
And no TABs please! (I admit that I occasionally use emacs to look at
Drools source files. Although you can adjust the tab settings easily,
it's still a nuisance.)
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