Op 19-01-11 22:33, Michael Anstis schreef:
I tried building a WAR for Guvnor and found a couple of hick-ups
(although it was with my local copy of master taken a few months ago).
I mention them here in case they are unknown issues (feel free to beat
me up if I simply need to resync with master; which will happen as
part of my dtable commit...)
1) In \drools-guvnor
mvn package -DskipTests=true -PfullProfile
Didn't build dependant drools-ide-common, as I'd expect and I had to
"mvn install" this first.
This is partially normal...
mvn install = mvn package (=make the jar) + copy the jar in the local
mvn package = mvn compile + ... + make the jar
But for normal java apps, mvn compile is enough even in a multi-module,
because it doesn't need to create a jar (or copy that in the local repo)
as it justs reuses drools-ide-common/target/classes in the classpath of
Just like your Eclipse/IntelliJ does (because if were to build a jar
each time it would take as long as the maven build).
However, that might not work for GWT compilation,
so the safest bet it to do mvn install...
2) In \drools-guvnor
mvn package -DskipTests=true -PfullProfile
Built the WAR however the test classes are also included, leading to a
Seam error when deploying:-
SEVERE: Exception sending context initialized event to listener
instance of class org.jboss.seam.servlet.SeamListener
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Two components with the same name and
precedence - component name:
org.drools.guvnor.server.security.RoleBasedPermissionStore, component
at org.jboss.seam.init.Initialization.init(Initialization.java:687)
This traced back to "MockRoleBasedPermissionStore" in the test classes
and "RoleBasedPermissionStore" in the non-test classes.
Tomcat 6.x.
Does it occur in hosted mode in Eclipse/IntelliJ?
Looks like the test classes are also copied into the war?!?
Tihomir might know more about the whole role based stuff.
3) Alot of Guvnor tests failed, however I assume Toni Rikkola could
have fixed recently with his work in this area.
If they talk about a repository lock failing, it's cool and Toni's
working on it.
If it's something else, it's not cool.
rules-dev mailing list
With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet