I will take a look at the test and try to think about something to include
in the emergency service app.
If you think about an use for BC in my app I can easily add it beacuse I'm
using the snapshots.
During the week I will ping you if I have an idea.
PS: michael I will ping you too to see if you can help me with some DTables
On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 1:56 PM, Michael Anstis <michael.anstis(a)gmail.com>wrote:
Stilton good is favourite mine.
The force is strong in this one.
sent on the move
On 16 Apr 2011 16:48, "Mark Proctor" <mproctor(a)codehaus.org> wrote:
> I have the basics to backward chaining working now, using both named and
> positional arguments and mix of both. Mixed positional/named syntax is
> based conceptually on the RuleML proposal for POSL:
> POSL provides a bridge between the positional terms, often used in
> Prolog, and "slotted" names used in OO languages. POSL allows the best
> of both worlds.
> I'm building out the tests, which should illustrate the behaviour and
> syntax here:
> Still lots to do to improve the over all syntax and consistency across
> patterns. The last test is a geneology style test which is probably more
> intesting to people. There is still an issue here when using eval. I
> currently use "new Variable" to indicate an unbound unification
> variable, the problem is that evals and other things generate code
> expecting the original object type, say "String" and this results a cast
> error (see sibling rule). I want to avoid an explicit instanceof check
> for unwrapping and will be working on that over the weekend.
> There is enough there now to give people an idea of what it looks like.
> I'll try and put together a "roadmap" for BC, along with more details
> the syntax next week once it all comes together.
> If anyone wants to help on this, you know where to fine me :)
irc.codehaus.org #drools
> Mark
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