Heck, yeah, I'm up for it. Rulesfest is over, so I'm bored.
heh, ok :)
I'd start with the creation of a compile time bitmap mask of the field
changed. To do this you'll need to make it work for both the java and
the mvel dialect. For the java dialect you'll have to hook into the
antlr grammar and identify setters - nested setters we can ignore for
now - and a bitmap mask can be made from that. On the MVEL dialect I'm
not sure, you'll need to speak to the MVEL author (see Mike Brock in CC)
on how to get that information.
While you are there, you may want to capture the assert, retract info as
this can then be used by the verification guys for subsumption - I know
this was a blocker for them.
--- On Tue, 11/4/08, Edson Tirelli <tirelli(a)post.com> wrote:
> From: Edson Tirelli <tirelli(a)post.com>
> Subject: Re: [rules-users] Chart notation, update, and infinite loops
> To: greg_barton(a)yahoo.com, "Rules Users List"
> Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 7:54 PM
> That is an excellent project, but it is deep in the core
> engine. Great
> opportunity to learn all about ReteOO and drools internals,
> but will require
> some research from your side... we know the general
> solution, but you may
> still find some obstacles that need to be removed as you
> go.
> If you are willing to take the challenge, lets move the
> discussion to
> drools-dev and we can guide you.
> []s
> Edson
> 2008/11/4 Greg Barton <greg_barton(a)yahoo.com>
>> I thought drools had this. If you point me in the
> right direction (and you
>> have the time) I'd be happy to work on that.
>> --- On Tue, 11/4/08, Edson Tirelli
> <tirelli(a)post.com> wrote:
>>> From: Edson Tirelli <tirelli(a)post.com>
>>> Subject: Re: [rules-users] Chart notation,
> update, and infinite loops
>>> To: "Rules Users List"
> <rules-users(a)lists.jboss.org>
>>> Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 7:06 PM
>>> Dan,
>>> This is a feature that is in our to-do list.
> Jess calls
>>> it "slot specific
>>> updates". We did not had the time yet to
> implement it
>>> though. :(
>>> []s
>>> Edson
>>> 2008/11/4 Dan Seaver <dan.seaver(a)ge.com>
>>>> Your understanding is very close to what
> I'm
>>> looking for. I don't mind
>>>> having
>>>> multiple rule activations in other areas of
> the
>>> ruleset when the Fact is
>>>> updated, I just don't want the current
> rule, the
>>> one with the update
>>>> statement, to be reactivated.
>>>> Accumulate plus no-loop works fine for the
> specific
>>> case of updating
>>>> amounts, but I'd like to have something
> generic
>>> for more sophisticated
>>>> logic
>>>> that would be implemented in the
> "then"
>>> clause.
>>>> Maybe if there was something that looked
> specifically
>>> at each property of
>>>> the update? In this case, the
> "when" clause
>>> is looking at the "name"
>>>> property and the "then" clause is
> updating
>>> the "amount" property. As the
>>>> "name" is not being changed, then
> the update
>>> wouldn't reactivate the rule.
>>>> Greg Barton wrote:
>>>>> If you have the control fact that
> handles the
>>> "applied == false"
>>>> condition
>>>>> you wouldn't need to prevent
> reactivation of
>>> the rule. It would be
>>>>> handled by the condition.
>>>>> I'm thinking Edson's accumulate
>>> suggestion would be best, at this point.
>>>>> If I understand correctly, what you
> want is this:
>>>>> 1) One rule Fact/Charge activation per
> Charge
>>> instance, with no
>>>>> reactivation when the Fact is updated.
>>>>> 2) Other Fact dependent rule
> activations when the
>>> Fact is updated.
>>>>> The problem with making (1) happen is
> that
>>> you'd still have the matched
>>>>> Fact being updated once per Charge,
> which could
>>> lead to reactivation of
>>>>> the rules in (2) multiple times, which
> you may
>>> not want. If you use
>>>>> accumulate in the Fact/Charge rule,
> plus no-loop
>>> to prevent reactivation,
>>>>> you get the best of both worlds: single
>>> activation of the Fact/Charge
>>>>> rule, with a single update to notify
> other rules
>>> that the Fact has
>>>>> changed.
>>>>> I think what you're after is some
> kind of
>>> "modify group," where multiple
>>>>> calls to modify are counted as just
> one, and
>>> rules are notified when the
>>>>> group is closed out. I'm not sure
> how that
>>> would be implemented, because
>>>>> how do you know when the modifications
> are
>>> finished? A low priority
>>>> rule,
>>>>> possibly? Anyway, it doesn't exist
> in
>>> drools, afaik.
>>>>> You could do that kind of thing with an
>>> additional rule that tests for
>>>> the
>>>>> nonexistence of an unprocessed Charge,
> then does
>>> the update. Adding in
>>>>> the control fact for tracking Charges:
>>>>> rule "Update Amount"
>>>>> when
>>>>> amountFact : Fact(name ==
>>> "Amount")
>>>>> $charge : Charge()
>>>>> chargeTracker :
> ChargeTracker(charge ==
>>> $charge, applied == false)
>>>>> then
>>>>> Double amount =
> amountFact.getAmount();
>>>>> Double chargeAmount =
> charge.getAmount();
>>>>> amountFact.setAmount(amount +
>>> chargeAmount);
>>>>> chargeTracker.setApplied(true);
>>>>> update(charge);
>>>>> end
>>>>> rule "Close Facts After Charges
>>> Applied"
>>>>> no-loop false
>>>>> when
>>>>> amountFact : Fact(name ==
>>> "Amount")
>>>>> not ChargeTracker(applied ==
> false)
>>>>> then
>>>>> update(amountFact);
>>>>> end
>>>>> You'd probablt also have to prevent
> the
>>> "Close Facts" rule from firing
>>>>> when there's just no ChargeTrackers
> in
>>> working memory, too.
>>>>> Give that a try.
>>>>> --- On Tue, 11/4/08, Dan Seaver
>>> <dan.seaver(a)ge.com> wrote:
>>>>>> From: Dan Seaver
> <dan.seaver(a)ge.com>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [rules-users] Chart
> notation,
>>> update, and infinite loops
>>>>>> To: rules-users(a)lists.jboss.org
>>>>>> Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008,
> 1:55 PM
>>>>>> Greg,
>>>>>> 1) Yes, in this case I'm
> looking for the
>>> cartesian
>>>>>> join.
>>>>>> 2) No, I can't add a property
> to Charge
>>> as it's
>>>>>> part of our corp Object
>>>>>> Model.
>>>>>> However, I could create a third
> object that
>>> manages whether
>>>>>> the Charge has
>>>>>> been processed which works just
> fine. Unless
>>> there is a
>>>>>> simpler strategy /
>>>>>> technique, I'll go with that.
>>>>>> Do you know of any way to keep the
> rule from
>>> being put back
>>>>>> on the agenda
>>>>>> when amountFact is updated? I want
> other
>>> rules to know that
>>>>>> it's been
>>>>>> updated, just not the rule that
> made the
>>> change.
>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>> Greg Barton wrote:
>>>>>>> 1) Do you want to apply all
> Charges in
>>> working memory
>>>>>> to all "Amount"
>>>>>>> Facts? I ask because the rule
> is a
>>> cartesian join
>>>>>> (i.e. no relation
>>>>>>> between matched objects) and
> that
>>> sometimes performs
>>>>>> in ways users don't
>>>>>>> expect. (i.e. all combinations
> of
>>> objects that match
>>>>>> the conditions are
>>>>>>> affected by the rule)
>>>>>>> 2) Can you add a property to
> the Charge
>>> object? Then
>>>>>> you could use a
>>>>>>> boolean named
> "applied" to
>>> prevent future
>>>>>> matches.
>>>>>>> Rule "Update Amount"
>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>> amountFact : Fact(name
> ==
>>> "Amount")
>>>>>>> charge : Charge(applied
> == false)
>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>> Double amount =
>>> amountFact.getAmount();
>>>>>>> Double chargeAmount =
>>> charge.getAmount();
> amountFact.setAmount(amount +
>>> chargeAmount);
>>>>>>> update(amountFact);
>>>>>>> charge.setApplied(true);
>>>>>>> update(charge);
>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>> If a charge could be applied
> to multiple
>>> Facts you
>>>>>> could maintain an
>>>>>>> "appliedTo" list of
> Facts in
>>> the Charge, and
>>>>>> check that instead of a
>>>>>>> simple boolean.
>>>>>>> --- On Tue, 11/4/08, Dan
> Seaver
>>>>>> <dan.seaver(a)ge.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> From: Dan Seaver
>>> <dan.seaver(a)ge.com>
>>>>>>>> Subject: [rules-users]
> Chart
>>> notation, update, and
>>>>>> infinite loops
>>>>>>>> To:
> rules-users(a)lists.jboss.org
>>>>>>>> Date: Tuesday, November 4,
> 2008,
>>> 11:50 AM
>>>>>>>> I'm trying to find a
> good
>>> technique for
>>>>>> updating
>>>>>>>> specific facts in working
>>>>>>>> memory. What I'm
> currently doing
>>> is something
>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>> this:
>>>>>>>> Rule "Update
> Amount"
>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>> amountFact :
> Fact(name ==
>>>>>> "Amount")
>>>>>>>> charge : Charge()
>>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>>> Double amount =
>>> amountFact.getAmount();
>>>>>>>> Double chargeAmount
> =
>>> charge.getAmount();
> amountFact.setAmount(amount +
>>> chargeAmount);
>>>>>>>> update(amountFact);
>>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>>> The update statement
> causes an
>>> infinite loop.
>>>>>>>> I tried using no-loop,
> which works
>>> if there is 1
>>>>>> charge,
>>>>>>>> but not if there
>>>>>>>> are more than one.
>>>>>>>> Any help with solutions or
>>> strategies would be
>>>>>> much
>>>>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> View this message in
> context:
>>>>>>>> Sent from the drools -
> user mailing
>>> list archive
>>>>>> at
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>>>>>>>> rules-users mailing list
> rules-users(a)lists.jboss.org
>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> rules-users mailing list
>>>>>>> rules-users(a)lists.jboss.org
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> View this message in context:
>>>>>> Sent from the drools - user mailing
> list
>>> archive at
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> _______________________________________________
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>>>> --
>>>> View this message in context:
>>>> Sent from the drools - user mailing list
> archive at
> _______________________________________________
>>>> rules-users mailing list
>>>> rules-users(a)lists.jboss.org
>>> --
>>> Edson Tirelli
>>> JBoss Drools Core Development
>>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat @
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> rules-users mailing list
>>> rules-users(a)lists.jboss.org
>> _______________________________________________
>> rules-users mailing list
>> rules-users(a)lists.jboss.org
> --
> Edson Tirelli
> JBoss Drools Core Development
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat @
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