This is a follow up to my reply to :)
What I would like are some changes to PackageBuilder (line numbers at
Remove/change lines 632-641 as they call
pkgRegistry.getPackage().getFactTemplate, where fact templates are
compiled into the package after 393, which is after 381->551->570->634.
Ok, so perhaps it is possible, if you define your templates in another
Change TypeDeclaration.Format to a class, instead of an enum. We want
our own type. At line 632, insert something like the following:
final String format =
TypeDeclaration.ATTR_FORMAT).toLowerCase(), "pojo");
TypeFactory factory = packageDesc.getTypeFactory(format); //where
packages have a typeFactory declaration of a class that implements
TypeFactory (which has a getFormat() for registration purposes)
TypeDeclaration type = factory.create(typeDescr);
lines 643-674 get moved into PojoTypeFactory.create();
Something needs to be done to TypeDeclaration to allow non-class based
implementations. After all, it makes no sense (to me) to call a method
that then just refers to a map of name-values.
However, drools uses java object types/classes heavily for rules
optimisations - and type references. Is this unavoidable? Was this the
fundamental problem with templates - that one could not be composed
inside another because the type could not be referenced (by a class)?
Also, I'm looking for a way to do partial compilation... I want to
create a description with fundamental declarations and imports for our
product to simplify the text ones, but I can't figure out how to merge -
is it just a case of declaring my core package, and then "adding" the
same one from the file?