Hope married life is treating you well (yep, it's been that long!)
The code that I'm using to Package up the Drools Rules is at the link below.
Pretty much just serializing the KnowledgeBase to a file, that is later read
in via a URL when it is deployed on App Engine ; Encountered plenty of
java.io.File restrictions, but no problems at all around the bytecode (at
the moment the code is generated within Eclipse, using the GAE plugin, which
modifies Java not Rule code after the normal compile) .
Will try to package create a patch using GIT - give me a couple of days to
figure that out!
It's a very basic feature set at the moment; Just rule load, insert facts,
globals and get output.
The online sample loads a spreadsheet, rules fire that update the
spreadsheet, marks the changed cells in Orange. I have the simple sample
deployed as of today (17th Jan '11) - might take down or modify later).
Original Spreadsheet;
- check out the 'log'
tab in the spreadsheet to see what rules have fired.
Red-Piranha project aim is to make the power of Drools available to Excel
users *without* Java code. Number 1 complaint about my book was the 'techie
setup bit' in Chapter 2 (remember the audience was Excel power users);
Deploying online allows people to try without the setup.
So, most of the features I want to add will be case-by-case as needed by the
samples. It would be *cool* to compile the rules online; When I tried this
12 months ago there were problems with the Apache Mvel library so I may be
brave enough to try again later, but current priority is to get the Core /
Runtime changes submitted as a JIRA patch.
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 19:25:54 +0000
From: Paul Browne <paulb(a)firstpartners.net>
Subject: [rules-dev] Drools running in Google App Engine - list of
changes made to code
To: rules-dev(a)lists.jboss.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
A little bit later than expected (!) I've managed to get Drools running
within Google App Engine.
A list of the changes that I made to the Drools Core and Drools Util code
are below. A lot of these changes are NullPointer checks when reading
properties from a file (i.e. things that you might want in the codebase
Notes on the sample I used to try this out are at
The sample (for the moment) is running a pre-built KnowledgeBase within GAE
(i.e. no rule compilation, nor any of the advanced features).
What is the best way of submitting the actual code changes for review and
possible inclusion as part of the Drools source code?
* Drools Core *
AbstractRuleBase.java // line 265 surrounded by try / catch
this.config = (RuleBaseConfiguration) droolsStream.readObject();
RuleBaseConfiguration.java // - line 985 surround by try / catch
this.classLoader = ClassLoaderUtil.getClassLoader
RuleBaseConfiguration.java // line 395 surround by try / catch
this.chainedProperties = new ChainedProperties( "rulebase.conf",
RuleBaseConfiguration.java // line 457 surround by try / catch,
default Conflict Resolver
setConflictResolver( determineConflictResolver(
this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.conflictResolver",
* Drools Util *
ChainedProperties.java // line 98 - exception check around
ChainedProperties.java // line 125 - exception check around
ChainedProperties.java // line 160
- null check for properties /key and return default
ChainedProperties.java // line 240 - surround by try / catch for
if ( file != null && file.exists() ) {
ChainedProperties.java // line 270 - surround by try / catch for
if ( file != null && file.exists() ) {
ClassFieldInspector.java // line 166 -
return "/" + clazz.getCanonicalName() + ".class";
ClassLoaderUtil.java // line 25 - surround by try / catch for
ClassLoader systemClassLoader =
-------------- next part --------------
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Message: 2
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 19:32:15 +0000
From: Mark Proctor <mproctor(a)codehaus.org>
Subject: Re: [rules-dev] Drools running in Google App Engine - list of
changes made to code
To: rules-dev(a)lists.jboss.org
Message-ID: <4D34993F.7070102(a)codehaus.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
On 17/01/2011 19:25, Paul Browne wrote:
> Folks,
> A little bit later than expected (!) I've managed to get Drools
> running within Google App Engine.
I thought App Engine wouldn't work with runtime generated bytecode and
had classloader restrictions?
> A list of the changes that I made to the Drools Core and Drools Util
> code are below. A lot of these changes are NullPointer checks when
> reading properties from a file (i.e. things that you might want in the
> codebase anyway).
> Notes on the sample I used to try this out are at
> The sample (for the moment) is running a pre-built KnowledgeBase
> within GAE (i.e. no rule compilation, nor any of the advanced features).
> What is the best way of submitting the actual code changes for review
> and possible inclusion as part of the Drools source code?
A patch against trunk attached to a jira should suffice, don't forget
we've moved to GIT.
> Thanks
> Paul
> *Drools Core *
> AbstractRuleBase.java// line 265 surrounded by try / catch
> this.config= (RuleBaseConfiguration) droolsStream.readObject();
> RuleBaseConfiguration.java// - line 985 surround by try / catch
> this.classLoader= ClassLoaderUtil.getClassLoader
> RuleBaseConfiguration.java// line 395 surround by try / catch
> this.chainedProperties= new ChainedProperties( "rulebase.conf",
> RuleBaseConfiguration.java// line 457 surround by try / catch, default
Conflict Resolver
> setConflictResolver( determineConflictResolver(
this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.conflictResolver",
> *Drools Util *
> ChainedProperties.java// line 98 - exception check around
> ChainedProperties.java// line 125 - exception check around
> ChainedProperties.java// line 160
> - null checkfor properties/keyand return default
> ChainedProperties.java// line 240 - surround by try / catch for
> if ( file!= null && file.exists() ) {
> ChainedProperties.java// line 270 - surround by try / catch for
> if ( file!= null && file.exists() ) {
> ClassFieldInspector.java// line 166 -
> return "/" + clazz.getCanonicalName() +
> ClassLoaderUtil.java// line 25 - surround by try / catch for
> ClassLoader systemClassLoader=
> _______________________________________________
> rules-dev mailing list
> rules-dev(a)lists.jboss.org
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Message: 3
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 17:33:57 -0300
From: Mauricio Salatino <salaboy(a)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [rules-dev] Drools running in Google App Engine - list of
changes made to code
To: Rules Dev List <rules-dev(a)lists.jboss.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
That sounds really nice!
Can you mention the features that you get working? which are left out?
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 4:32 PM, Mark Proctor <mproctor(a)codehaus.org>
> On 17/01/2011 19:25, Paul Browne wrote:
> Folks,
> A little bit later than expected (!) I've managed to get Drools running
> within Google App Engine.
> I thought App Engine wouldn't work with runtime generated bytecode and
> classloader restrictions?
> Mark
> A list of the changes that I made to the Drools Core and Drools Util code
> are below. A lot of these changes are NullPointer checks when reading
> properties from a file (i.e. things that you might want in the codebase
> anyway).
> Notes on the sample I used to try this out are at
> The sample (for the moment) is running a pre-built KnowledgeBase within
> (i.e. no rule compilation, nor any of the advanced features).
> What is the best way of submitting the actual code changes for review and
> possible inclusion as part of the Drools source code?
> A patch against trunk attached to a jira should suffice, don't forget
> moved to GIT.
> Mark
> Thanks
> Paul
> * Drools Core *
> AbstractRuleBase.java // line 265 surrounded by try / catch
> this.config = (RuleBaseConfiguration) droolsStream.readObject();
> RuleBaseConfiguration.java // - line 985 surround by try / catch
> this.classLoader = ClassLoaderUtil.getClassLoader
> RuleBaseConfiguration.java // line 395 surround by try / catch
> this.chainedProperties = new ChainedProperties( "rulebase.conf",
> RuleBaseConfiguration.java // line 457 surround by try / catch, default
Conflict Resolver
> setConflictResolver( determineConflictResolver(
this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.conflictResolver",
> * Drools Util *
> ChainedProperties.java // line 98 - exception check around
> ChainedProperties.java // line 125 - exception check around
> ChainedProperties.java // line 160
> - null check for properties /key and return default
> ChainedProperties.java // line 240 - surround by try / catch for
> if ( file != null && file.exists() ) {
> ChainedProperties.java // line 270 - surround by try / catch for
> if ( file != null && file.exists() ) {
> ClassFieldInspector.java // line 166 -
> return "/" + clazz.getCanonicalName() + ".class";
> ClassLoaderUtil.java // line 25 - surround by try / catch for
> ClassLoader systemClassLoader =
> _______________________________________________
> rules-dev mailing listrules-dev@lists.jboss.orghttps://
> _______________________________________________
> rules-dev mailing list
> rules-dev(a)lists.jboss.org
- CTO @
- MyJourney @
- Co-Founder @
- Salatino "Salaboy" Mauricio -
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End of rules-dev Digest, Vol 49, Issue 11