I added some logic to the decisiontables module to allow properties
to be specified per RulesTable. This is done by declaring a
RulesTableConfig tag followed by properties that should apply to the
following RulesTable. I used this capability to allow declarations
of code snippets that should be inserted before/after generated
conditions and before/after the consequences on the right hand side.
This allows me to create more complicated rule templates.
For example, the declaration:
LhsPreamble ##LHS PREAMBLE
LhsTrailer ##LHS TRAILER
RhsPreamble ##RHS PREAMBLE
RhsTrailer ##RHS TRAILER
produces the following DRL output:
package Testing_table_configuration;
#generated from Decision Table
#From row number: 14
rule "_14"
Abc(column == "123")
The patch which includes these changes (against 3.0.5 source bundle)
is attached. I also added a test case spreadsheet to src/test/
resources/data which is not included in the patch but is attached to
this email. For some reason I was unable to get the patch to apply
cleanly from the command line but Eclipse took it just fine.
Let me know if this is of interest and is a candidate for commit to
SVN. If so, I can update the patch to apply against the trunk.
Terry Laurenzo