On 14/02/2012 04:51, Davide Sottara wrote:
Wolfgang, could you please open a JIRA for this?
This is
related to my reluctance to expose agenda-groups, salience
grousp and other rule meta data on the Rule interface.
Part of my reason for that is we only just got a clean api and we know
that agenda-group, ruleflow-group etc will be changed. So I'm trying to
be forward thinking on not bloating the external api. Also where does it
end? Do we expose the entire LHS/RHS, etc?
A compromise is we could create a secondary helper class that will get
those attributes values.
RuleMetaHelper.getSalience( rule );
RuleMetaHelper.getAgendaGroup( rule );
RuleMetaHelper.getRuleflowGroup( rule );
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