Conan and I had a discussion whether the current behavior of drools has
a bug or a feature. What do you think?
Let's say I have a Person STATED fact:
- Person: name=John, favoriteColor=RED
- Person: name=Elvis, favoriteColor=GREEN
- Person: name=Tom, favoriteColor=GREEN
Person has an equals/hashcode based on the name only.
I also have a logically asserted ExistingFavoriteColor
which just takes a color and has a equals/hashcode based on the color.
So now we have a rule which logically asserts all existing favorite colors:
rule "favoriteColor"
Person($color : favoriteColor)
insertLogical(new ExistingFavoriteColor($color));
So if we fire all rules the first time, there will be 2 existing
favorite colors: RED and GREEN.
Next, John changes his mind, and has a new favoriteColor YELLOW.
When all rules are fired, what exisiting favorite colors would you expect?
a) YELLOW and GREEN because no one likes RED anymore
b) RED, YELLOW and GREEN because John used to like RED
With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet