Hi all,
I got a question relating to value substitution of enum types in rule
Given the enum type:
public enum MyEnum
private String shortName;
private MyEnum(string shortName)
this.shortName = shortName;
public String shortName()
return shortName;
public String toString()
return shortName;
an object for the template
public class RuleObject
private MyEnum myEnum;
public TemplateObject(MyEnum myEnum)
this.myEnum = myEnum;
public void setMyEnum(MyEnum myEnum){this.myEnum = myEnum;}
public MyEnum getMyEnum(){ return myEnum;}
and a fact model object
public class FactObject
private MyEnum myEnum;
public void setMyEnum(MyEnum myEnum){this.myEnum = myEnum;}
public MyEnum getMyEnum(){ return myEnum;}
with an instance
TemplateObject templateObject = new TemplateObject(MyEnum.A);
and the template
template header
package my.package
import my.package.FactObject
import my.package.MyEnum
template "MyTemplate"
rule "@{name}"
$factObject: FactObject(myEnum == MyEnum.@{myEnum}} //<------------
toString() is used here
end template
It seems that for the substitution of @{myEnum} the toString() method of the
myEnum-Object is used. Without providing a toString() method in the declared
enum class the name() method is invoked implicitly. Hence the expression would
be substituted with 'A' ($factObject: FactObject(myEnum == A) . Therefore it's
necessary to put the Enums-Classname with a dot - "MyEnum." - in front so it
would be MyEnum.A in the generated rule ($factObject: FactObject(myEnum ==
Trouble starts if I provide a custom toString() method in my enum type. With
the example above the expression @{myEnum} would be substituted with 'a'
($factObject: FactObject(myEnum == MyEnum.a) hence I get
MyEnum.a in my generated rule -> Rule error because type doesn't exist.
I don't know anything about the implementation details of the template to rule
generation - but wouldn't it make more sense
1. to substitute @{myEnum} with the enums classname and name() value
(@{myEnum} -> MyEnum.A) if the given field is an Enum instance?
2. At least use the name() method (which is final) to always get the enums
Maybe there are reasons why this makes no sense or can't be done? Your
thoughts please.
Florian Beckmann
camunda services GmbH - The Business Process Company
Zossener Straße 55-58 - 10961 Berlin
www.camunda.com - info(a)camunda.com
Florian Beckmann
Telefon +49 30 664040 900
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg: HRB 113230 B
Geschäftsführer: Jakob Freund, Bernd Rücker