Have a great project for any intrepid rule exlorers. The project itself
is not too difficult and will make it really easy for people to get an
idea for what is going on inside of the engine. The below is an early
concept idea sketched out, don't take it as a spec to be rigidly
followed :) You know where to find us if you want mentoring on this task:
While the rule itself is named, patterns are not. By allowing patterns
themselves to take on ids, we can specify capture points. This is
already possible for rule terminal nodes via listeners for rule
activation, but users would still need to write their own handlers. The
proposal here is to write a utility that will capture propagations
during a given start/stop period that users can later inspect for both
activations and join attempts. This will allow users to know exactly
what is happening underneath.
Blow shows a rule with 3 potential capture points:
package pkg1
rule r1 when then
Person( name == "xxx" ) @id(p1)
Location( name == "xxx" ) @id(l1)
1) The terminal node, via the rule name.
2) p1
2) l1
The idea is to be able to turn on monitor, that has a start(), stop()
and clear() methods. When started it will capture the insert, update,
retract propagations. Further it should be possible to write assertion
utility to assert on the state of the captured information.
When capture is turned on for a given capture point it will record a
List of instances. As different nodes have different data, there is a
base node and a child node. Every time a propagation happens an instance
is created and added to the montior representing the current state.
NodeType nodeType // enum for join, exists, not etc to allow
for casting to correct node
String nodeName // enum for join, exists, not etc
Collection<Rule> rules // Rules is a collection, as the node
might be shared
Activation activation // Activation at the root of the WM
operation (may be null, if the acion came from outside of the wm).
FactHandle[] f // fact at the root of the working
memory operation
FactHandle[] fh // fact[] that entered the node
JoinCaptire extends BaseCapture
Direction direction // Left/Right enum
FactHandle[] successJoins // the opposite fact handles that were
successfully joined with, during this montioring session
FactHandle[] failedJoins // the opposite fact handles that were
unsuccessfully joined with, during this monitoring session.
//Note if the
propagation was from the left the join arrays will all be an length of 1.
RulePropagation extends BasePropagation
RuleStatus status // Matched, UnMatched, Fired
For example lets say I want to monitor the propagations on l1 and r1,
that happens during two working memory actions. I can do the following:
ksession.insert( new Person("darth"));
fh = ksession.insert( new Location("death star));
NodeMonitor l1monitor = ksession.getMonitor("pkg1/r1/l1")
NodeMonitor r1monitor = ksession.getMonitor("pkg1/r1")
ksession.insert( new Person("yoda));
ksession.retract( fh );
List<JoinCapture> props = l1monitor.getResults(JoinCapture.class);
List<RuleCapture> props = r1monitor.getResults(RuleCapture.class);
l1monitor will show left propagation for yoda and a successful join for
death star
r1 will have two entries. It will show a match (activation creation) but
it will also show an unmatch, due to the retract.