A session never was thread safe... it is supposed to be accessed by a
single thread.
What *is* thread safe is a RuleBase, after its creation. So, if you
change your code to have:
final StatefulSession statefulSession = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
Inside your thread, it should work.
I.e., you share your rulebase, but creates a session for each thread,
that seems precisely what you need, since your threads are (correctly)
calling session.dispose().
2008/8/6 Harsh Jetly <harsh.jetly(a)lntinfotech.com>
ricky.nfs wrote:
> Hi there, I am a newbie on Drools. I tried to create a multi threading
> programs using drools. But in large amount of threads, the result in
> stateful session is not safe anymore. Can anyone help me?
> private final static Map<Integer,Double> score = new HashMap<Integer,
> Double>();
> static
> {
> score.put( 0 , 0.0 );
> score.put( 1 , 0.84 );
> score.put( 2 , 1.26 );
> score.put( 3 , 1.68 );
> score.put( 4 , 1.05 ); //Else
> }
> public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
> Reader source = new InputStreamReader(
> TestStatefulSimpe.class.getResourceAsStream( "/simple/SimpleCATRule.dslr"
> ) );
> Reader dsl = new InputStreamReader(
> TestStatefulSimpe.class.getResourceAsStream( "/simple/SimpleCATRule.dsl"
> );
> PackageBuilder builder = new PackageBuilder();
> builder.addPackageFromDrl( source, dsl );
> //get the compiled package (which is serializable)
> Package pkg = builder.getPackage();
> //add the package to a rulebase (deploy the rule package).
> org.drools.RuleBase ruleBase =
> ruleBase.addPackage( pkg );
> final StatefulSession statefulSession =
> for( int i = 0 ; i < 200000 ; i++ )
> {
> final int idx = i;
> Thread t = new Thread( new Runnable(){
> @Override
> public void run() {
> int amount = (int) Math.round( (
Math.random()*4 ) );
> TestSimpleVO vo = new
> vo.setDecisionMakersAmount( amount
> FactHandle fact =
statefulSession.insert( vo );
> statefulSession.fireAllRules();
> statefulSession.retract(fact);
> if(
score.get(amount).doubleValue() != vo.getScoreFactor() )
> System.out.println( idx + "
- " + amount + " : " +
> score.get(amount).doubleValue() + " - " + vo.getScoreFactor() );
> statefulSession.dispose();
> }});
> t.start();
> }
> }
> And the dslr and dlr attachment :
> SimpleCATRule.dslr
> I really appreciate for any help or answer.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ricky
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JBoss Drools Core Development
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