Ok it was auser bug.
The BRMS gives a zipped XML when exporting.
But requires an XML when importing, as I did not unzip the file, ....
Works great.
Good feature guys.
On 22/11/2007 17:00, Darko IVANCAN wrote:
JBoss DRools 4.0.3
JBoss AS 4.0.5
JDK 1.5.13
In the process of designing our infrastructure we're looking at how
DRools could be used with staging environments.
The easy part:
We have per environment one BRMS-Server and in the same environment some
other servers running the Rules-Application, which will get the LATEST
rules from the BRMS-Server, using polling and a JMX/JMS trigger.
The tricky part:
We had the idea of taking a "valid version" from one stage to another.
So we could either use rule packages (snapshots) or repository exports.
As I see no easy way of passing a package from one BRMS to another, the
export/import options seems a feasible option.
My issue here is now, that this does not seem to work:
a) It takes an incredible amount of time to upload an export.
b) It seems, that the import has no effect to the contents shown in the
BRMS, after the import.
We do not want to go with the RuleAgent, as the environments should
really be separated.
So my question:
Is there an easy way to migrate data from one BRMS to another, so it can
be used by the RuleAgents ?
The RuleAgents will use an URI to pick up the LATEST version.
The Web-Interface itself of the BRMS is not needed, just the URI-Source
for the Rule-Agents.
Any ideas, hints ?
Darko Ivancan
rules-dev mailing list