Dear all,
I am working on the XML Schema (which needs repairing)
and the XML formulated rules. In doing so I have stumbled
across a discrepancy between the two rule formulations
which I dare claim to be in error, unless they are ment to
express different rules!
The left-hand side in "test_ParseRule.drl" expresses the logic
foo2 : Bar( ... )
# implicit AND
not( ... )
# implicit AND
foo3 : Bar( ... )
foo4 : Bar( ... )
foo5 : Bar( ... )
foo6 : Bar( ... )
Observe that foo3 up to foo6 and Baz are connected using OR connectives
of constant precedence. Still, observing this, the expected counterpart
test_ParseRule.xml of XML form expresses
<pattern identifier="foo2" ...> ... </pattern>
<!-- implicit AND -->
<not> ... </not>
<!-- implicit AND -->
<pattern identifier="foo3" ...> ... </pattern>
<pattern identifier="foo4" ...> ... </pattern>
<!-- implicit AND -->
<pattern identifier="foo5" ...> ... </pattern>
<!-- implicit AND -->
<pattern identifier="foo6" ...> ... </pattern>
<!-- implicit AND -->
<pattern identifier="foo7" ...> ... </pattern>
<!-- implicit AND -->
<pattern object-type="Baz" />
Hence foo5, foo6, foo6 and Baz have been ejected from the
OR-clause stipulated in the DRL file, instead being part
of the outer AND-clause.
My expectation is that either DRL or XML file be generated
after parsing from the other one, but the logical models
being different, I conclude one of the files to be in error.
Depending on hard-coded precedence model between AND and OR,
the "or-conditional-element" should encompass only foo3,
or the (the generally expected) all of "foo#". To single
out only foo3 and foo4 contradicts the mathematical logic
behind the contructs.
Best regards,
Mats Andersson
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