Artifacts (jar or wars) used by 3th parties shouldn't contain a or log4j.xml in the root.
If they do, the logging configuration depends on the order of the jars
in the classpath, which is hard, error-prone and a bad practice to control.
- namespace the log4j.xml, like I did in drools-solver, use a
DomConfigurer (or what's it called) at the initialization of the
application. However that will be hard in a war I believe.
- or use sl4j?
With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet
Mike McMahon schreef:
I find that one of my applications (a webapp running on jboss-4.2.1ga
stops logging when I added drools.
Actually it does not entirely stop logging, but it just becomes very
very quiet (ERROR only).
After some digging I discovered that drools-repository.jar contains
log4j.xml and when I deleted that file from the jar,
my webapp logging returned to normal levels.
Is this expected behavior?
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