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The International RuleML Symposium
on Rule Interchange and Applications (RuleML-2007)
October 25-26, 2007, Orlando, Florida
*** NOTE: The early registration deadline is on 15 September 2007 ***
Co-located with:
The 10th International Business Rules Forum
In Co-operation with:
We invite you to attend the International RuleML Symposium on Rule
Interchange and Applications (RuleML-2007) to be held during October
25-26, 2007 in Orlando, Florida. As this is a 'first-of-its-kind' event,
participants can make a difference about shaping the future direction
and structure of the field, including about rule standards supporting
their own approaches and about their own possible involvement in the
organization of future events.
Co-located with the 10th International Business Rules Forum, the
International Symposium on Rule Interchange and Applications
(RuleML-2007) is the first event devoted to work on practical
distributed rule technologies and rule-based applications. These need
language standards for rules operating in the context of, e.g., the
Semantic Web, Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems, Event-Driven
Architectures and Service-Oriented Computing Applications. After a
series of successful RuleML workshops and then conferences (e.g.
http://2006.ruleml.org), this is a new kind of event where the Web Logic
community joins the established, practically oriented Forum of the
Business Rules community (
http://www.businessrulesforum.com) to help
cross-fertilizing between Web and Business Logic technology.
The goal of RuleML-2007 is to bring together rule system providers,
representatives of, and participants in, rule standardization efforts
(e.g., RuleML, RIF, PRR, CL, SBVR) and open source rules communities
(e.g., jBoss Rules, Jess, Prova, OO jDREW, Mandarax, XSB, XQuery),
practitioners and technical experts, developers, users, and researchers.
It is an excellent opportunity, for experienced rule researchers/
practitioners as well as newcomers, to learn more about this
innovation-driven technology market, characterized by strong growth and
commercial opportunities. They will be offered an exciting venue to
exchange new ideas, practical developments and experiences on issues
related to the engineering, management, integration, interoperation and
interchange of rules in open distributed environments such as the Web.
The scope of RuleML-2007 covers all topics relevant to rule-based
technologies, rule interchange formats and rule-based applications as
well as discussions of lessons learned that have to be taken into
account when employing rule-based technologies in distributed,
(partially) open, heterogeneous environments.
Technical Program
The symposium will feature a strong, single-track technical program
consisting of:
* Keynote speakers:
* Ron Ross, Business Rules Solution LLC, USA:
"Business Requirements for Rule Modeling"
* Jürgen Angele, Ontoprise, Germany:
"How Ontologies and Rules Help to Advance Automobile
* Adrian Bowles, OMG, USA:
"Sharing Policy Rules for IT Governance"
* Harold Boley, National Research Council, Canada:
"Are Your Rules Online? Four Web Rule Essentials"
* 2 Invited papers
* 9 Long research papers
* 9 Short research papers
* Industry and demo presentations
* Challenge with awards
* Panel discussion on Web Business Rules
The full symposium program is available at:
RuleML-2007 Registration
Early Registration Deadline: September 15, 2007
Late Registration Deadline: after September 15, 2007
RuleML-2007 Symposium: October 25-26, 2007
The registration page is available at:
As shown there, special discounts are available for our collaboration
partners and sponsors.
The symposium will be held at the Buena Vista Palace in Orlando,
Florida, near the Walt Disney World Resort. Information about
accommodation and the symposium venue is available here:
http://2007.ruleml.org/index-Dateien/Page716.htm (Venue)
http://2007.ruleml.org/index-Dateien/Page861.htm (Accommodation)
Program Committee
- Asaf Adi, IBM Research Laboratory Haifa, Israel
- Bill Andersen, Ontology Works, USA
- Grigoris Antoniou, University of Crete, Greece
- Arun Ayachitula, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA
- Youcef Baghdadi, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
- Sidney Bailin, Knowledge Evolution, USA
- Claudio Bartolini, HP Labs Palo Alto, USA
- Tim Bass, SilkRoad Inc., USA
- Nick Bassiliades, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- Bernhard Bauer, University of Augsburg, Germany
- Leopoldo Bertossi, Carleton University, Canada
- Anthony Brown, University of New Brunswick, Canada
- Loreto Bravo, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Diego Calvanese, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
- Donald Chapin, Business Semantics Ltd, UK
- Keith Clark, Imperial College, UK
- Jorge Cuellar, Siemens AG, Germany
- Mike Dean, BBN Technologies, USA
- Stan Devitt, Agfa Healthcare, Canada
- Jens Dietrich, Massey University, New Zeeland
- Juergen Dix, Technische Universitaet Clausthal, Germany
- Scharam Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Andreas Eberhart, HP, Germany
- Maarten van Emden, University of Victoria, Canada
- Opher Etzion, IBM Research Laboratory Haifa, Israel
- Dieter Fensel, DERI Innsbruck, Austria
- Tim Finin, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
- Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada
- Allen Ginsberg, MITRE, USA
- Robert Golan, DBmind Technologies, USA
- Christine Golbreich, Univ. of Versailles Saint-Quentin, France
- Guido Governatori, University of Queensland, Australia
- Sung Ho Ha, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
- Gary Hallmark, Oracle, USA
- Marek Hatala, Simon Fraser University, Canada
- Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity, Netherlands
- Jochen Hiller, Top Logic, Germany
- David Hirtle, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Christian Huemer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Jane Hunter, University of Queensland, Australia
- Elisa Kendall, Sandpiper Software, USA
- Matthias Klusch, DFKI GmbH, Saarbrücken, Germany
- Holger Lausen, DERI Innsbruck, Austria
- John Lee, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
- Heiko Ludwig, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA
- Thomas Lukasiewicz, University Roma La Sapienza, Italy
- Christopher Matheus, Vistology, Inc., USA
- Mala Mehrota, Pragati Research, USA
- Jing Mei, IBM China Research Lab, China
- Zoran Milosevic, Deontik, Australia
- Jang Minsu, E&T Research Institute, Korea
- Leora Morgenstern, Stanford University, USA
- Joerg Mueller, TU Clausthal, Germany
- Chieko Nakabasami, Toyo University, Japan
- Matthias Nickles, Technical University Munich, Germany
- Ilkka Niemelae, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
- Bart Orriens, Tilburg University, Netherlands
- Paula-Lavinia Patranjan, Rewerse, Germany
- Cheyne Patterson, USAchurch, USA
- Axel Polleres, DERI Galway, Irland
- Jeff Pollock, Oracle, USA
- Alun Preece, University of Aberdeen, UK
- Maher Rahmouni, HP Labs, UK
- Girish Ranganathan, University of New Brunswick, Canada
- Dave Reynolds, HP, England
- Norman Sadeh, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Marco Seirioe, RuleCore, Sweden
- Kai Simon, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg, Germany
- Michael Sintek, DFKI, Germany
- Silvie Spreeuwenberg, LibRT, Netherlands
- Giorgos Stoilos, NTU Athens, Greece
- Terrance Swift, XSB, Inc., USA
- Kuldar Taveter, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Vagan Terziyan, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
- Paul Vincent, TIBCO Software, Inc., USA
- Kewen Wang, Griffith University, Australia
- Guizhen Yang, SRI, USA
Organizing Committee
General Chair
Said Tabet, Inferware Corp.
stabet AT
Program Co-Chairs
Adrian Paschke, Technical University Munich, Germany
paschke AT in.tum.de
Yevgen Biletskiy, University of New Brunswick, Canada
biletski AT unb.ca
Challenge Co-Chairs
Alexander Kozlenkov, Betfair Ltd., London, UK
alex.kozlenkov AT
Ralph Hodgson, TopQuadrant, Inc., Mountain View, USA
rhodgson AT
Panel Chair
John Hall, Model Systems, UK
john.hall AT
Publicity Chair
Suzette Stoutenburg, MITRE Corporation, USA
suzette AT
Sponsorship from:
Top Logic <
Vistology <
Inferware <