Exadel Flamingo (Seam + Flex)
by Felipe Albertao
Hello everyone,
We have recently integrated Exadel Flamingo (released at JBoss World this
year) and we are very happy so far.
Have you tested it out? Any experiences you'd like to share? (positives and
Below is a brief report from Darius Zangrean, my team mate who integrated
Flamingo into our app. (I included Darius in the cc list).
Integrating Flamingo with Seam is a breeze. Here are the few steps I had to
1. Drop couple of jars on WEB-INF/lib (flamingo-service-1.0.…
[View More]0.jar,
2. Include the flamingo swc to your flex project (flamingo-flex-1.0.0.swc)
After doing this all the java functions are available to be called from
flex. You can also restrict to only make the @WebRemote functions
available on flex. The manual included with the zip distribution is great
and includes basic examples of usage:
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16 years, 11 months
Seam docs in 2.0 branch
by Pete Muir
Thanks to the hard work of Samson and Mark the new doc formats on the
Seam 2.0 branch are almost there.
Please checkout the Seam_2_0 branch from Seam svn
(https://svn.jboss.org/repos/seam/branches/Seam_2_0) and build the
docs using:
ant refdoc
The docs are built into doc/Seam_Reference_Guide/target/docbook/publish/en-US
The PDF, html and html_single have the SeamFramework.org style applied
(the html one uses graphics from SeamFramework.org, the pdf just the
font colours). Andy, James - I …
[View More]would appreciate your review of this as
I'm no graphic artist!
There is also code highlighting for XML and Java code (all the code
blocks need the role="JAVA" or role="XML" attributes applied to make
the highlight appear, so as you edit docs please add this).
* All the maven plugins need to be releases (they are all snapshot
currently), and I'll work with Mark on that over the next few days.
* The "callouts" are overflowing in the PDF version
* The "callouts" with code highlighting aren't placing the annotations
correctly in the HTML versions
Thanks again,
Pete Muir
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16 years, 11 months
Re: [Seam Dev] Re: EJB3/JNDI bindings/ordering
by Pete Muir
I fought quite extensively over this and I'm not really prepared to
spend (waste) any more time on it.
TBH, I'm not even sure that anyone from EJB3/AS/MC actually gets what
this feature actually is and why it is important *. The main
discussion the EJB3/AS/MC guys wanted to have seemed to be over who
was to "blame" for Seam apps not running on AS5, a discussion which I
have absolutely no interest in pursuing *.
In fact, this whole discussion (and other similar ones) left me
pretty …
[View More]sour in the mouth. The general impression I got was that Seam
as a vehicle for pushing EJB3 wasn't interesting for the EJB3 guys,
from which I formed the conclusion that we would probably be better
off concentrating on the Seam JavaBean component model.
And so, if anyone else wants to pick up the AS5 integration work/
liaison from me, please do!
* There are a couple of exceptions to this of course
On 29 Mar 2008, at 14:25, Gavin King wrote:
> Agreed, we definitely can't say that Seam supports JBoss5 until this
> feature is back in.
> One of the critical selling features of Seam is that no XML is
> required to declare a component.
> Anyway, this feature will be in the next rev of EJB.
> On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 10:04 PM, Dan Allen <dan.j.allen(a)gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>> From an interop perspective this feature is a good seperator with
>>> other containers, especially for beginers.
>>> Not worrying about populating web.XML makes learning and getting
>>> started easier.
>>> My $0.02
>>> Jay
>> I'm a little late to the game with this response, but I want to
>> point
>> out that a number of Seam/JBoss developers cited this feature while
>> bragging about why JBoss AS is better than alternative application
>> servers. By taking the feature away, it results mouths stuffed with
>> feet. Besides, "configuration by exception" is the very saving grace
>> of the platform and this is a prime candidate for such a pattern.
>> My dime. Sent from a computer I don't own.
>> -Dan
> --
> Gavin King
> gavin.king(a)gmail.com
> http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/Gavin
> http://hibernate.org
> http://seamframework.org
Pete Muir
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16 years, 11 months
Updates to Seam release process to allow for translation work
by Pete Muir
You've previously raised the issue of how we allow the JBoss Content
Team to work on translation/documentation and requested that we freeze
the documentation approximately 2 weeks before we release.
Having thought about this some, we don't think that this is really
practical. So here is our alternative proposal:
1) We release Seam X.Y.Z.GA with the English docs as prepared by Seam
committers. This allows users quick access to the code and also to
updated docs
2) We freeze this …
[View More]branch for around 2 - 3 weeks except for any
critical code fixes and documentation/translation work
3) We then release Seam X.Y.Z.SP1 with any critical fixes and translations
This obviously increases the QA/release managers load so I propose
that only extremely critical fixes make it into the code, examples or
seam-gen. As the release testing and process is increasingly automated
this should become easier. What do you think?
Pete Muir
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16 years, 11 months
FormBuilder help request
by Tomas Cerny
Hello all,
I am looking for someone who could help me with evolving FormBuilder.
it is always better to have more opinions to consider, new ides and new
I have some future requests (not prioritized):
1. Eclipse plug-in (even that now it is simple to use)
2. Table generation (simple, just …
[View More]to write templates, may require
additional changes to FormBuilder)
3. New validation for date before another date or after another date
(JSF + JS) (possibly for other data types)
4. Usage of FormBuilder for test generation (similar as form
generation is also test generation that fill in the form the data. Since
formBuilder takes just templates for each data type we can generate a source
code for selenium or other tools)
5. Possible elimination of forms from JSF
development.Auto-generatethem on request according defined facelet
tags and mapping? good or bad
6. ICE-faces integration (I am working on that with J
7. Decide if the idea should be merged to the Hibernate Tools (now
independent, can work for another JSF projects as well or even without
8. Improve seam-gen directly with user-accessible templates
All of us have probably other things to work on, but every suggestion is
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16 years, 11 months
Website performance - help offer
by Sebastian Hennebrueder
I would like to offer my help to improve the website performance. Do you
use the "standard" version of the wiki or should I checkout the code
from somewhere else?
Best Regards / Viele Grüße
16 years, 11 months
Re: FormBuilder seam-gen extension announcement
by Gavin King
Hi, Tomas, fwding to seam-dev list.
Perhaps you would also like to share this work in the user forum?
On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 7:02 AM, Tomas Cerny <tom.cerny(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Gavin King,
> I have developed a new tool for view form generation from entity beans that
> I think would be very useful for Seam developers. I would like to get your
> feedback on the tool and ideas if you have time. If you like my tool, I
> would like to discuss how we can best …
[View More]provide it to the Seam community.
> Here are details...
> I am a graduate student and ICPC frontend developer working on application
> that is build on JSF, facelets, Hibernate, Spring and Acegi.
> My research is in the next generation web application frameworks for the
> next generation of our application.
> Seam is great framework, and I love developing with it. I started with
> seam-gen and am continuing with manual development.
> It is great for generation of a starter application, but its customization
> abilities are limited. If I try to customize code generated by seam-gen, I
> can no longer regenerate.
> Another problem that I had with seam-gen is that it generates forms with
> basic input components and does not offer any customization. For example,
> for properties of an enumerate type, seam-gen's form field is an input text
> field; however, what I want is a drop-down list of the enumerated type
> values.
> To address these problems, I have developed a tool called FormBuilder that
> can fully generate view forms from entity beans and offers complete
> customization of input fields. My tool uses Hibernate-Validation
> (annotations). Developers can even define their own input components for
> form generation. When the input components are wrapped as facelet tag, it
> can offer even more!
> Some features:
> The tool is completely configurable using annotations and XML.
> Each generated form can function in either read-only or editable model,
> depending on the "editable" attribute.
> The form uses configuration-by-exception for its field rendering for
> security
> Forms may be referenced by Facelets tags to decrease application coupling.
> Tool forces good practice for code management (different users same style)
> Entity field property propagation to the form allows client-side validation
> I provide two tag libraries with client-side validation and new input
> component types like Password, Link, Html, ColorPicker. (The first library
> is Seam+RichFaces, and the second library is simple JSF.)
> I also created new field annotations like (password, link, html,
> javaScriptPattern, formOrder) for complete form generation.
> Form creation and maintenance is completely handled by the tool. After
> entity bean updates, "fresh" forms are autogenerated to match.
> More information is available here:
> http://cs.ecs.baylor.edu/~cerny/formBuilder/guide.html
> I have also built an example application showing new components and client
> side validation (tested on 5 main browsers!)
> It offers also comparison to forms generated by seam-gen.
> You can experiment with the application by going to
> http://fire.ecs.baylor.edu:8080/FormBuilderExample/home.seam (not
> official/private)
> Currently, you can download FormBuilder from
> http://cs.ecs.baylor.edu/~cerny/formBuilder/download. Later I am planning
> to put it on SourceForge.net.
> I welcome any feedback (even bad) on this work.
> Tomas
Gavin King
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16 years, 12 months