Re: [teiid-dev] vdb connector binding names
by Steven Hawkins
We should be clearer on our terms. There are:
a connector / connetor type - scope deployment wide
a connector binding / connector binding name / jndi name - scope deployment wide
a vdb specific connector binding name (aka source name) - scope vdb
I'm suggesting that in non-multisource scenarios that model name == vdb specific connector binding name. If there are two models sharing the same connector that's fine.
At deployment time assigning a connector binding to a model is sufficient for the non-multisource case. For multisource connector binding association, an additional "source name" attribute would be required. If the deployer has multiple multi-source models associated to the same set of connector bindings, it would be up to them to ensure that the source name was consistent.
Alternatively we can infer the source name to be the connector binding name. This removes the need of having a vdb specific source name (which removes some desirable indirection), but this is how it worked in MMX anyway.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ramesh Reddy" <rareddy(a)>
To: "Steven Hawkins" <shawkins(a)>
Cc: "teiid-dev" <teiid-dev(a)>, "teiid-designer-dev" <teiid-designer-dev(a)>
Sent: Tuesday, March 2, 2010 9:32:49 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: Re: [teiid-dev] vdb connector binding names
Using the model name as the connector name is fine for default scenario,
unless there are two models that are associated with same connector.
On Tue, 2010-03-02 at 10:11 -0500, Steven Hawkins wrote:
> Hello all,
> There seems to be some confusion over what's needed for connector binding names. To simplify things, there are two basic requirements - we need a known/stable/not environmentally dependent name for each connector binding used in a vdb and there also needs to be a way to associate that name with an actual JNDI resource. In the case of non-multisource models, the model name itself satisfies the first part. Only in the multisource scenario do we have an issue with needing an additional vdb specific name for the connector binding. As a first cut it seems fine to say that both the JNDI mapping and the vdb specific naming of multi-source connector bindings is a deployment time concern. Then the only design-time concerns become the model name and optionally marking a model multi-source enabled.
> Any thoughs?
> Steve
> _______________________________________________
> teiid-dev mailing list
> teiid-dev(a)
15 years
vdb connector binding names
by Steven Hawkins
Hello all,
There seems to be some confusion over what's needed for connector binding names. To simplify things, there are two basic requirements - we need a known/stable/not environmentally dependent name for each connector binding used in a vdb and there also needs to be a way to associate that name with an actual JNDI resource. In the case of non-multisource models, the model name itself satisfies the first part. Only in the multisource scenario do we have an issue with needing an additional vdb specific name for the connector binding. As a first cut it seems fine to say that both the JNDI mapping and the vdb specific naming of multi-source connector bindings is a deployment time concern. Then the only design-time concerns become the model name and optionally marking a model multi-source enabled.
Any thoughs?
15 years
Re: [teiid-dev] additional reserved words for Teiid 7.0
by Steven Hawkins
The current system tables do not include groups and elements (note that they are plural so this is a non-issue).
Whether sys/system are separate or a single legacy enhanced vdb would be a design decision up to us. That would part of the productization effort in any case.
To make this work seamlessly though, we would need to rename conflicting sys/system table names:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ramesh Reddy" <rareddy(a)>
To: "Steven Hawkins" <shawkins(a)>
Cc: "teiid-dev" <teiid-dev(a)>, "teiid-users" <teiid-users(a)>
Sent: Monday, March 1, 2010 12:57:16 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: Re: [teiid-dev] additional reserved words for Teiid 7.0
>From the earlier System.vdb changes, does Teiid still support "Groups"
and "elements"? If not we already have conflict in supporting the old
VDBs right?
If we would need to support both "sys" and "system", we need two VDBs
one with both and one with "sys"? and "sys" being the default?
On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 13:32 -0500, Steven Hawkins wrote:
> So it sounds like there's agreement with adding additional reserved word. Including most if not all of SQL2003, SQL/XML, and SQL/MED.
> To resolve internal conflicts, I would propose that the system schema be renamed sys (this will also allow for an easier drop-in of a legacy system schema should a customer want it) and to deprecate the use of input as the input group name with the replacement of inputs (which is more consistent with the other plural group name variables).
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Steven Hawkins" <shawkins(a)>
> To: "teiid-dev" <teiid-dev(a)>, "teiid-users" <teiid-users(a)>
> Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2010 10:19:34 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
> Subject: additional reserved words for Teiid 7.0
> Hello all,
> I would like to propose adding additional reserved words. Some of which would be used immediately others would be place holders for future features and would help prevent users from using identifier names that will conflict. There is the potential for breaking existing vdbs though that use any of these words as an unqualified identifier.
> This includes:
> bigint - type alias for long
> decimal - type alias for bigdecimal
> real - type alias for real
> smallint - type alias for short
> tinyint - type alias for byte
> varchar - type alias for string
> call - to be used as a standard alternative to exec/execute a stored procedure
> extract function (to be added) targets:
> day
> hour
> minute
> month
> second
> timezone_hour
> timezone_minute
> year
> Other possible reserved words could include all of One minor issue is that the reserved word input conflicts with our "input" variable group used in update procedures. Since it wouldn't be used as a table reference, it would break existing vdbs, but the generated output strings for parsed commands would include input in double quotes.
> Any thoughts?
> _______________________________________________
> teiid-dev mailing list
> teiid-dev(a)
15 years
additional reserved words for Teiid 7.0
by Steven Hawkins
Hello all,
I would like to propose adding additional reserved words. Some of which would be used immediately others would be place holders for future features and would help prevent users from using identifier names that will conflict. There is the potential for breaking existing vdbs though that use any of these words as an unqualified identifier.
This includes:
bigint - type alias for long
decimal - type alias for bigdecimal
real - type alias for real
smallint - type alias for short
tinyint - type alias for byte
varchar - type alias for string
call - to be used as a standard alternative to exec/execute a stored procedure
extract function (to be added) targets:
Other possible reserved words could include all of One minor issue is that the reserved word input conflicts with our "input" variable group used in update procedures. Since it wouldn't be used as a table reference, it would break existing vdbs, but the generated output strings for parsed commands would include input in double quotes.
Any thoughts?
15 years
Re: [teiid-dev] [teiid-users] additional reserved words for Teiid 7.0
by Steven Hawkins
Additional reserved words could then include:
I could also look into updating the parser to remove unnecessary reserved words, such as oj, fn, timestamp(add|diff), sql_tsi... constants, etc., but since these are unlikely identifiers it seems unnecessary.
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Doyle" <jdoyle(a)>
To: "Ramesh Reddy" <rareddy(a)>
Cc: "teiid-users" <teiid-users(a)>, "teiid-dev" <teiid-dev(a)>, "Steven Hawkins" <shawkins(a)>
Sent: Monday, March 1, 2010 10:07:24 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: Re: [teiid-dev] [teiid-users] additional reserved words for Teiid 7.0
I would also add in the SQL/XML keywords.
----- "Ramesh Reddy" <rareddy(a)> wrote:
> I would like Teiid to take on the support of data types based on DBMS
> like MySQL or H2 or HSQL. As we have the supporting DDL based
> metadata
> on the road map, it would good to add any of those keywords upfront
> (that we know of from SQL DDL)
> +1 for adding the all words from the SQL-2003 list you provided.
> Ramesh..
> On Sun, 2010-02-28 at 23:19 -0500, Steven Hawkins wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I would like to propose adding additional reserved words. Some of
> which would be used immediately others would be place holders for
> future features and would help prevent users from using identifier
> names that will conflict. There is the potential for breaking
> existing vdbs though that use any of these words as an unqualified
> identifier.
> >
> > This includes:
> >
> > bigint - type alias for long
> > decimal - type alias for bigdecimal
> > real - type alias for real
> > smallint - type alias for short
> > tinyint - type alias for byte
> > varchar - type alias for string
> >
> > call - to be used as a standard alternative to exec/execute a stored
> procedure
> >
> > extract function (to be added) targets:
> >
> > day
> > hour
> > minute
> > month
> > second
> > timezone_hour
> > timezone_minute
> > year
> >
> > Other possible reserved words could include all of
> One
> minor issue is that the reserved word input conflicts with our "input"
> variable group used in update procedures. Since it wouldn't be used
> as a table reference, it would break existing vdbs, but the generated
> output strings for parsed commands would include input in double
> quotes.
> >
> > Any thoughts?
> > _______________________________________________
> > teiid-users mailing list
> > teiid-users(a)
> >
> _______________________________________________
> teiid-dev mailing list
> teiid-dev(a)
15 years
Re: [teiid-dev] [teiid-users] additional reserved words for Teiid 7.0
by John Doyle
I would also add in the SQL/XML keywords.
----- "Ramesh Reddy" <rareddy(a)> wrote:
> I would like Teiid to take on the support of data types based on DBMS
> like MySQL or H2 or HSQL. As we have the supporting DDL based
> metadata
> on the road map, it would good to add any of those keywords upfront
> (that we know of from SQL DDL)
> +1 for adding the all words from the SQL-2003 list you provided.
> Ramesh..
> On Sun, 2010-02-28 at 23:19 -0500, Steven Hawkins wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I would like to propose adding additional reserved words. Some of
> which would be used immediately others would be place holders for
> future features and would help prevent users from using identifier
> names that will conflict. There is the potential for breaking
> existing vdbs though that use any of these words as an unqualified
> identifier.
> >
> > This includes:
> >
> > bigint - type alias for long
> > decimal - type alias for bigdecimal
> > real - type alias for real
> > smallint - type alias for short
> > tinyint - type alias for byte
> > varchar - type alias for string
> >
> > call - to be used as a standard alternative to exec/execute a stored
> procedure
> >
> > extract function (to be added) targets:
> >
> > day
> > hour
> > minute
> > month
> > second
> > timezone_hour
> > timezone_minute
> > year
> >
> > Other possible reserved words could include all of
> One
> minor issue is that the reserved word input conflicts with our "input"
> variable group used in update procedures. Since it wouldn't be used
> as a table reference, it would break existing vdbs, but the generated
> output strings for parsed commands would include input in double
> quotes.
> >
> > Any thoughts?
> > _______________________________________________
> > teiid-users mailing list
> > teiid-users(a)
> >
> _______________________________________________
> teiid-dev mailing list
> teiid-dev(a)
15 years