Hello all,
The 7.6.x branch has been created. Any 7.6 checkins should be done there. Trunk will
have the AS7 changes merged in later today.
Also I've been doing some cleanup of JIRA issues. Some of the old issues have been
resolved or at least updated to ensure that we're not just letting them sit. Also a
new version was added called "Open To Community". This is identical to what the
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7 uses to track valid issue that are unlikely to get
core contributor attention. We'll continue to work on the unscheduled issues to
ensure that they are bucketed to a version, resolved, or moved to "Open To
We will likely be adding an 8.1 release target as the 8.0 feature work should be extremely
focused. I'm hoping that we can get out an alpha by the end of the month.