Hi Ramesh,
Thanks; will forward with this. I would say Google's plugin and SOA
Expressway is similar; however at Intel, for SOA Expressway we had the
kernel embedded so everything was kind of inside the eclipse environment
facilitating executing and debug with integrated problem markers; something
very similar to Teiid goals.
On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Ramesh Reddy <rareddy(a)redhat.com> wrote:
Good thoughts. Yes, it is like Google Plugin, I just saw this last night
in a presentation. IMO, application generator should be just one time
generation at the beginning of the project, so no button needed. It
should be done along with the step to create the project for simplicity.
Rest of them sound good. I am not familiar with SOA Expressway, but the
goal is similar to what Google plugin's button for deployment. There
they may be publishing to a external cloud, here we are talking about to
a Teiid instance.
On Thu, 2009-10-08 at 23:02 -0500, Sanjay Chaudhuri wrote:
> Hi Ramesh,
> Thanks for sending over the detailed requirement on the project. From
> the implementation standpoint, I would like to to propose the
> following to get started and strongly believe would eventually satisfy
> the use-cases:
> Phase 1:
> Something very similar to the Google Eclipse Plugin from Google, where
> the Java Perspective is used to generate the template codes instead of
> a separate perspective like Java EE for web projects. We may need it
> later when we do Phase 2 to bring up other Teiid related views
> integrated. Some of the use-cases I can think of are:
> - Contribute a Connector application generator button on the Eclipse
> Main Toolbar,
> - Contribute a Connector application menu on Package Explorer and
> Navigator
> - Injection of connector libraries as system variables
> - Command handler to create Teiid Connector application with necessary
> classpaths
> - Wizard for exporting project
> Phase 2:
> I guess it will be something similar to Intel's SOA Expressway
> I shall concentrate on Phase 1 now and start wiring things up in
> Eclipse.
> Thanks
> Sanjay
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 10:05 PM, Ramesh Reddy <rareddy(a)redhat.com>
> wrote:
> Sanjay,
> That is good news, we appreciate your help. As you probably
> learned from Teiid documents "Connectors" provide access to
> the actual data sources. Since Teiid is data integration tool,
> most of the time users like to integrate custom sources,
> and/or non-relational sources together. Teiid provides various
> connectors, however if user wants a custom source, they need
> to write themselves.
> When a connector is written to the "Connector" API, that
> plug-in can nicely in fit in Teiid system and let's the user
> integrate data exposed by that connector with other
> connectors. What Teiid is looking for is a Eclipse development
> environment such development activity. Think of it much like
> developing a Eclipse perspective to create a "WAR" file,
> deploy it and test it. You get the idea!
> Requirements
> Phase 1
> - Eclipse based plug-in which supports Java development. You
> can take regular Java perspective and extend it.
> - When user creates a project using this plugin, it asks for
> the "Connector" name.
> - Using Connector name as the prefix, this creates the
> directory structure for development
> - Creates/stubs the all the required classes by extending the
> Connector API
> - User should be able compile these classes.
> - User should be able to define any number of dependent
> libraries, or static resource files
> - User should be able to package (export) the binaries into
> "RAR" file format. RAR format used by the J2EE connectors to
> package Resource Adapters. Basically this is a Jar of more Jar
> files with META-INF directory. (6.3 will support this)
> - The Connector API does change time to time between versions,
> so the code should be able to accommodate changes in the API.
> i.e do not hard code the stub generation.
> Phase 2
> - Integrate Teiid into Eclipse, may be we could use the
> Designer installation (do not know this now)
> - Deploy the RAR package from above into Teiid
> - Connect to Teiid, and issue some queries against the source
> and get the results.
> - If we can get to where user can issue a query and debug into
> his/her code that would be great, but a quick deploy and test
> will go a long way.
> This should give you enough information as to what Teiid wants
> in this tool. There are more details we can add to the tool
> once we have main goals satisfied. For example "connector"
> project look under "connector-loopback" or
> projects.
> Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions or
> suggestions. I want to keep this as open discussion, so that
> we can both benefit from this.
> Thanks again.
> Ramesh..
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sanjay Chaudhuri" <email2sanjayc(a)gmail.com>
> To: teiid-dev(a)lists.jboss.org
> Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2009 12:38:26 PM GMT -06:00
> US/Canada Central
> Subject: [teiid-dev] Involement with CDK tooling project
> Hi Ramesh,
> Was wondering if there was anything that I can get started
> with on the CDK tooling project. This weekend, I was planning
> to put few hours incase you want me to look into something.
> Thanks
> Sanjay
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