Semantic Web Drools Module, Request for Feedbak
by Xavier Breton
I'm looking for feedback, I'll develop a Semantic Web Drools Module that
will be the subject of my Master Degree Tesis.
The idea is to use Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF) for prototyping and
follow a Model Driven Architecture (MDA) where the source language is
Semantic of Business Vocabularies and Business Rules (SBVR) and the target
language is Drools DRL.
The mapping could be (PIM level):
- Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL)
- Ontology Web Language (OWL)
- RuleML
- Rule Interchange Format (RIF)
- REWERSE Rule Markup Language (R2ML)
It could be added to the module at the source UML or Entity Relationship
like models to transform the models into SBVR.
Xavier Breton
11 years
Attach custom editor on guided decision table cell
by c3310082
We would like to render a custom editor when a user double-clicks on a cell
that is present in web guided decision table in Guvnor 5.1 (or later). The
custom editor needs to be invoked for cells that represent a particular fact
model attribute only.
This is somewhat similar to WS custom forms functionality available for
guided business rules.
So far we have seen the
org.drools.guvnor.client.decisiontable.GuidedDecisionTableWidget class that
contains implementation for:
public void onCellDblClick(GridPanel grid,
int rowIndex,
int colIndex,
EventObject e)
in the GridCellListenerAdapter class that opens up text editor or drop down
We're new to GWT and Guvnor so would appreciate it if anyone can provide the
high level steps.
View this message in context:
Sent from the Drools - Dev mailing list archive at
12 years, 4 months
Guided Editor in BRMS / Guvnor Version 5 (Snapshot of 26 June)
by Paul Browne
For various reasons I'm trying out the Guided Editor for Business Rules in
the Guvnor Version 5 (Snapshot of 26 June from Hudson, deployed on JBoss App
Server 4.2.2GA).
I've created the Package / Category and uploaded a simple fact model (as
works in BRMS version 4). I create a new business rule using the guided
editor and the screen shows successfully with both 'When' and 'Then'
parts.Assume the next question is due to me missing something, but wanted to
double check:
When I press the green '+' to the right of the screen I am shown the message
/ dialog layer saying '
*Add a condition to the rule... *or* Add an action to the rule.
*Problem is that there doesn't appear to be a way of adding a condition or
action. The only thing I'm seeing in the logs is
* ( could not discover
transaction status
*Am I missing something or should I come back to Guvnor later in the
development Cycle?
13 years
Drools on android
by Justin King
Hi All,
I'm wondering if anyone has tried to use drools in a google android
application, and if so what problems did you have? I'd also be interested to
know if its even possible!
Justin King
PhD Candidate
Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies
Swinburne University of Technology
Justin King
PhD Candidate
Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies
Swinburne University of Technology
13 years, 2 months
Ant Work Item
by Mark Proctor
I saw this jira and thought it's a nice idea:
Should be able to select either build.xml files on a path/classpath or
paste in a xml. The GUI should show targets and other information (xml
comments doc etc) and allow targets to be selected with variable
assignments for execution.
Any takers?
13 years, 9 months
Planner design naming: phasing
by Geoffrey De Smet
Once I introduce phasing, it will be possible to configure 2 or more
sequential solver algorithms in planner, for example:
Solver algorithm 1 = First Fit Decreasing (for initialization)
Solver algorithm 2 = Simulated Annealing (after initialization)
Solver algorithm 3 = Tabu search (when things get really hard)
I see 2 ways of naming these concepts.
What do you consider better? Or do you see a better alternative?
Alternative 1: A Solver has Phases
There is only 1 Solver, with the .solve() method, which is external API.
A Solver is constructed from a SolverConfiguration.
The Solver has n Phases.
A Phase is a solver algorithm implementation (for example tabu search).
A Phase also has a .solve() method, but that's internal API.
Alternative 2: A Planner has Solvers.
There is only 1 Planner, with the .solve() method, which is external API.
A Planner is constructed from a PlannerConfiguration.
The Planner has n Solvers.
A Solver is a solver algorithm implementation (for example tabu search).
A Solver also has a .solve() method, but that's internal API.
With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet
13 years, 9 months
Planner big user impacting changes: declarative metamodel
by Geoffrey De Smet
Hi guys
For Drools Planner 5.3.0 (not the upcoming release)
I am working on a separate branch [1] to allow Planner to understand
your domain model better.
*This will force some big changes upon you as a user*, but it will also
allow many new features.
Reading and replying to this mail is your chance to steer those changes,
and verify that they are a good thing for your implementation too.
I'll push those changes to master in a day or 2 ... unless someone finds
a good reason not too.
Any feed-back, especially on concept names, is welcome.
*The Bad News*
You'd have to do some serious upgrading changes. Although I am confident
this can be done in an hour or 2.
Here is the upgrading recipe as in github. Please go through to this
list to understand the impact of these changes.
Once the changes are on master, I 'll update the reference manual.
[MAJOR] You need to define your solution class in the configuration now:
Before in *SolverConfig.xml and *BenchmarkConfig.xml:
After in *SolverConfig.xml and *BenchmarkConfig.xml:
[RECOMMENDED] Understand the concept of a "planning entity" class.
The class (or classes) that change during planning (and do not implement
Solution) are a planning entity.
For example: ShiftAssignment, BedDesignation, Queen, CloudAssignment, ...
The other domain classes are considered normal planning facts,
for example Shift, Employee, Bed, Room, Department, ...
They do not change during planning (at least not without pausing the
Read the manual to understand the "planning entity" concept better.
[MAJOR] You need to define your planning entity class(es) in the
configuration now:
Before in *SolverConfig.xml and *BenchmarkConfig.xml:
After in *SolverConfig.xml and *BenchmarkConfig.xml:
[MAJOR] You need to annotate your planning entity class(es) with the
@PlanningEntity annotation
Before in *.java:
public class Lecture ... {
After in *.java:
public class Lecture ... {
[RECOMMENDED] Understand the concept of a "planning variable" property.
The property (or properties) on a planning entity class that are changed
(through their setter) during planning
are planning variables.
For example: ShiftAssignment.getEmployee(), BedDesignation.getBed(),
Queen.getY(), ...
Note that most planning entities have 1 property which defines the
planning entity
and that property is NOT a planning variable.
For example: ShiftAssignment.getShift(),
BedDesignation.getAdmissionPart(), Queen.getX(), ...
Read the manual to understand the "planning variable" concept better.
[MAJOR] You need to annotate your planning variable property(ies) with
the @PlanningVariable annotation.
Furthermore, you need to annotate a @ValueRange* annotation on to define
the allowed values.
Commonly, you 'll use @ValueRangeFromSolutionProperty which specifies a
property name on the solution
which returns a collection of the allowed values for that variable.
Before in *.java:
public class Lecture ... {
private Course course;
private int lectureIndexInCourse;
// Changed by moves, between score calculations.
private Period period;
private Room room;
public Course getCourse() {...}
public void setCourse(Course course) {...}
public int getLectureIndexInCourse() {...}
public void setLectureIndexInCourse(int lectureIndexInCourse) {...}
public Period getPeriod() {...}
public void setPeriod(Period period) {...}
public Room getRoom() {...}
public void setRoom(Room room) {...}
public int getStudentSize() {
return course.getStudentSize();
public Day getDay() {
return period.getDay();
After in *.java:
public class Lecture ... {
private Course course;
private int lectureIndexInCourse;
// Changed by moves, between score calculations.
private Period period;
private Room room;
// This is not a PlanningVariable: it defines the planning entity
public Course getCourse() {...}
public void setCourse(Course course) {...}
// This is not a PlanningVariable: it defines the planning entity
public int getLectureIndexInCourse() {...}
public void setLectureIndexInCourse(int lectureIndexInCourse) {...}
@ValueRangeFromSolutionProperty(propertyName = "periodList")
public Period getPeriod() {...}
public void setPeriod(Period period) {...}
@ValueRangeFromSolutionProperty(propertyName = "roomList")
public Room getRoom() {...}
public void setRoom(Room room) {...}
// This is not a PlanningVariable: no setter
public int getStudentSize() {
return course.getStudentSize();
// This is not a PlanningVariable: no setter
public Day getDay() {
return period.getDay();
[MAJOR] Annotate every property on your Solution that returns a
collection of planning entities
with @PlanningEntityCollectionProperty.
Before in *.java:
public class CurriculumCourseSchedule ... implements Solution<...> {
private List<Lecture> lectureList;
public List<Lecture> getLectureList() {...}
public void setLectureList(List<Lecture> lectureList) {...}
After in *.java:
public class CurriculumCourseSchedule ... implements Solution<...> {
private List<Lecture> lectureList;
public List<Lecture> getLectureList() {...}
public void setLectureList(List<Lecture> lectureList) {...}
[MAJOR] The method getFacts() has been removed from the Solution interface.
Annotate every property that returns a fact or fact collection with the
or @PlanningFactCollectionProperty annotation respectively,
except those already annotated with @PlanningEntityCollectionProperty.
Properties annotated with these annotations are inserted into the
working memory as facts:
- @PlanningFactProperty
- @PlanningFactCollectionProperty: each element in the collection
- @PlanningEntityCollectionProperty: each planning entity in the
collection that is initialized
Remove the getFacts() method.
Before in *.java:
public class ... implements Solution<...> {
private InstitutionalWeighting institutionalWeighting;
private List<Teacher> teacherList;
private List<Curriculum> curriculumList;
private List<UnavailablePeriodConstraint>
private List<Lecture> lectureList;
private HardAndSoftScore score;
public String getName() {...}
public InstitutionalWeighting getInstitutionalWeighting() {...}
public List<Teacher> getTeacherList() {...}
public List<Curriculum> getCurriculumList() {...}
public List<UnavailablePeriodConstraint>
getUnavailablePeriodConstraintList() {...}
public List<Lecture> getLectureList() {...}
public ...Score getScore() {...}
public Collection<? extends Object> getFacts() {
List<Object> facts = new ArrayList<Object>();
if (isInitialized()) {
return facts;
public List<TopicConflict> calculateTopicConflictList() {...}
After in *.java:
public class ... implements Solution<...> {
private InstitutionalWeighting institutionalWeighting;
private List<Teacher> teacherList;
private List<Curriculum> curriculumList;
private List<UnavailablePeriodConstraint>
private List<Lecture> lectureList;
private HardAndSoftScore score;
// This is not a PlanningFactProperty: the name is inserted
into the working memory
public String getName() {...}
public InstitutionalWeighting getInstitutionalWeighting() {...}
public List<Teacher> getTeacherList() {...}
public List<Curriculum> getCurriculumList() {...}
public List<UnavailablePeriodConstraint>
getUnavailablePeriodConstraintList() {...}
// This is not a PlanningFactCollectionProperty: it is a
public List<Lecture> getLectureList() {...}
// This is not a PlanningFactProperty: the score is inserted
into the working memory
public ...Score getScore() {...}
// renamed from calculateTopicConflictList because these are
also facts needed in the working memory
public List<TopicConflict> getTopicConflictList() {...}
[RECOMMEND] A planning entity is considered uninitialized if one if at
least on of its planning variables is null.
Therefor it's now possible to start from a partially initialized solution,
for example during real-time re-planning as new facts events come in.
[MAJOR] The StartingSolutionInitializer no longer has a
isSolutionInitialized(AbstractSolverScope) method
Before in *
public class ...StartingSolutionInitializer extends
AbstractStartingSolutionInitializer {
public boolean isSolutionInitialized(AbstractSolverScope
abstractSolverScope) {
After in *
public class ...StartingSolutionInitializer extends
AbstractStartingSolutionInitializer {
[MAJOR] The planning entity collection in the Solution can never be null,
but some (or all) of its planning entity's can be uninitialized.
So create them before setting the starting solution, instead of in your
Before in *.java:
public class ... {
public void ...() {
CurriculumCourseSchedule schedule = new
After in *.java:
public class ... {
public void ...() {
CurriculumCourseSchedule schedule = new
private List<Lecture> createLectureList(List<Course> courseList) {
List<Lecture> lectureList = new
long id = 0L;
for (Course course : courseList) {
for (int i = 0; i < course.getLectureSize(); i++) {
Lecture lecture = new Lecture();
lecture.setId((long) id);
// Make sure to set all non PlanningVariable properties
// Notice that we lave the PlanningVariable
properties on null
return lectureList;
[RECOMMENDED] Remove the isInitialized() from Solution if you copied
that from the examples.
Before in *.java:
public class ... implements Solution<...> {
public boolean isInitialized() {
return (lectureList != null);
After in *.java:
public class ... implements Solution<...> {
The Good News*
I already have written a brute force solver (only useful for very very
small toy problems of course).
In time, I 'll write a branch and bound solver (only useful for very
small toy problems of course).
I 'll write generic, high-quality StartingSolutionInitializers that work
on any program,
such as First Fit Decreasing and Cheapest Insertion.
A good StartingSolutionInitializer is really important to get a good
result from Planner.
Currently writing a StartingSolutionInitializer was a bit of a black art.
Some users use a highly under optimized version or - even worse - none
at all.
Phasing. This will be fun.
You 'll be able to do configure this really easily:
Phase 1 = First Fit Decreasing (for initialization)
Phase 2 = Simulated Annealing (after initialization)
Phase 3 = Tabu search (when things get really hard)
Notice that a StartingSolutionInitializer is just a phase.
With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet
13 years, 9 months
Cloning Collections issue
by Mark Proctor
Previously ALL collections where cloned when bound:
public Object getNonShadowedValue(InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory,
final Object object) {
Object result =this.readAccessor.getValue( workingMemory,
object );
if (this.isInternalFact()&& resultinstanceof Collection ) {
try {
Collection newCol = (Collection) result.getClass().newInstance();
for ( Iterator it = ((Collection) result).iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Object element =;
newCol.add( element );
return newCol;
}catch ( InstantiationException e ) {
// nothing we cando, so justreturn the resulting object
}catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
// TODO Auto-generatedcatch block
return result;
This was left over from shadow facts and actually still existed today. I
have removed the code but now we have a failing test in
rule"Collect Test" salience 70
$cheeseList : ArrayList(size == 1) from collect( Cheese( ) );
The reason why this passed before was the collection was cloned, so the
accumulate's evaulations would not impact it. Now it is no longer cloned
and while the rule does not fire the Collection is updated. I think the
later is the correct behaviour and I've updated the test as expected.
Everyone agreed?
13 years, 9 months