On 18/04/2010 10:56, Geoffrey De Smet wrote:
I don't know of any enterprise size build that uses Gradle or
one of those frameworks that:
- no serious projects uses
- no one knows how to configure advanced stuff
- doesn't integrate with hudson, nexus, eclipse, intellij and netbeans
- but looks really cool.
That being said, you do have a really valid point that our build
use some care:
- we violate a lot of maven best practices
-- use of<repository> tag
-- compile dependencies VS transitive depedencies
-- depdencyManagement for all versions in the parent pom
-- guvnor's generated files are not all in target directory
-- the eclipse plugin should be build with maven tycho
-- drools-examples should build in the main build
-- there must not be jars in subversion
I'd love to clean it up, but I have no time atm.
After Drools 5.1, we plan to try and split up the build into sub builds,
to allow for quick build times. And so if someone breaks something, it
won't break the entire build.
Ideally what we also need is some reporting system in maven that warns
us when we break best practice, so we can try and keep ontop of things.
And there's also some good things coming our way:
- Maven 3 is coming very soon (twitter jason: "Maven 3.0-beta-1: 1 issue
remaining Apr 9th")
- and it's huge leap forward (twitter ceki: "Started building logback
using maven 3. With mvnsh, the "mvn compile site" command which took 8
seconds now takes less than 1 second. Cool.")
- Jboss will upgrade to a nexus professional repository (tommorrow I think)
yup, very much looking forward to moving to maven3 and tycho.
With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet
tolitius schreef:
> Just wondering if any of the devs considered to use something a bit more
> efficient for the whole Drools Suite build. Maven is really painful,
> especially for huge source bases with cross dependencies like drools...
> Ivy? Gradle? Buildr?
> /Anatoly
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