Not sure what you mean, I just checked the src, line 150:
public void recurse() {
if ( depth == stack.length - 1 ) {
// increase the stack if we have used up all space
stack = new int[depth * 3 ];
stack = Arrays.copyOf( stack, stack.length * 3 );
} The comment doesn't exist there to remove. Mark
On 07/07/2012 07:05, Wolfgang Laun wrote:
Removing the line marked with //>>> helps.
public void recurse() {
if ( depth == stack.length - 1 ) {
// increase the stack if we have used up all space
//>>> stack = new int[depth * 3 ];
stack = Arrays.copyOf( stack, stack.length * 3 );
On 07/07/2012, Mark Proctor <mproctor(a)codehaus.org> wrote:
> I started to write this range indexing class, based on a RBTree
> implementation that I lifted from the web somewhere. However it's a bit
> buggy, and large ranges null pointer. Anyone want to work on making
> these stable? Once done we can start using them with not/exists nodes.
> Standard joins will take a bit more work, due to some integration issues
> of the tuple structures.
> The two classes can be found in this commit, just try removing the
> @Ignore to see the issues, and feel free to add more range tests.
> drools-core/src/main/java/org/drools/core/util/RBTree.java
> drools-core/src/test/java/org/drools/core/util/RBTreeTest.java
> Mark
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