fredag den 26 augusti 2011 klockan 13:09 skrev Mats Erik Andersson detta:
Dear all,
below "drools-compiler/src/../META-INF/" lies the XML Schema
"drools-5.2.xsd". After a removing the namespace "drools",
which makes it an invalid schema, and the trivial update
of some XML rule files to rerer to "5.2" instead of "5.0",
there is a persistent problem that the logical model presently
encoded in "drools-5.2.xsd" still fails to validate
Let me confirm that a rewritten schema using
* two cardinality changes 'maxOccurs="unbounded"'
* removal of the extension constructs for all AND and OR connectives,
replacing this by "xs:choice" constructs.
* insertion of the relevant "and-*-*" and "or-*-*" in the
type used for abstraction, thus eliminating later extension
does lead to a schema that validates also the above four rule files.
I am using "xmllint-2.7.8" to perform validation, working in the firm
belief that not only Java specific tools be the sole instruments
of choice.
Who is the author of the official XML Schema "drools-5.2.xsd"?
Clearly I need to discuss matters with him or her.
Best regards,
Mats Erik Andersson