So what's the status on this initiative? They changed all our passwords in
JBoss Community due to the security breach and I have no clue how to reset
the password on my own via the website functionality... Maybe I need to
read the damn spec! :)
No reference to keyword "change" in above page...
On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 4:37 AM, Pete Muir <pmuir(a)> wrote:
On 18 Mar 2010, at 23:45, Gavin King wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 6:15 PM, Arbi Sookazian <asookazian(a)>
>> The project lead apparently has no say b/c this open issue has
>> already been decided and finalized single-handedly by GKing, no? The
>> community (the people who use the forums the most) has no say. One out
>> hundreds decides. A dictatorship in the open-source community.
> This is not a democracy. Some people contribute more to the project
> than others, and those people therefore have a bigger say.
Yes, I have a say ;-). I was simply on vacation when Dan raised this issue
here - for the background, we have been discussing this issue for a while
now. There are good arguments on both sides. Personally, I come down
somewhat on the side of migration (if a few blocking issues with
can be resolved which I will outline elsewhere).
Needless to say I have an enormous amount of respect for Gavin and his
opinion and I am not prepared to support migrating the Seam website to software without Gavin's full support on the matter. This has
always been my position, and will continue to be.
>> And the performance of in North America
>> at least is typically abysmal...
> Which, as you've already been told, is more a matter of the location
> of the server. European users are not reporting problems.
Exactly. is *very* responsive here in the UK.
Dan, Lincoln and Rodney have been investigating moving the server to
somewhere with better peering. We will conduct some speed trials of any new
location (with the communities help) to ensure good latency in all parts of
the world.