----- Original Message -----
From: "Antoine Sabot-Durand"
To: seam-dev(a)lists.jboss.org
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011 6:25:23 PM
Subject: [seam-dev] Seam social API stabilisation is near.
Hi Team,
After some pain, suffering and knots in my brain, I found a clean
answer to my multi-account issue (thanks to dependent scope, @Any
qualifier and Instance<> class).
I created a qualifier to distinguish different services beans in a
polymorphic context. The purpose of this qualifier is only to bind
some beans (settings, controller) to a given social service. To be as
generic as possible it takes a binding (in opposition to @Nonbinding)
parameter which is an enum related to service name. So
@RelatedTo(Service.Twitter) qualifies a bean in relation to Twitter.
I'm not very happy with this name "RelatedTo" but didn't found
something short and eloquent (I avoided @InRelationTo :-) ).
Suggestion and commentaries are welcome. (the source is in
multi_account feature branch)
Hi Antoine!
I am not exactly sure I understand correctly what is a multi-account issue, so let me just
write how I see it and correct me afterwards :) These new qualifiers will allow me to
create, let's say, multiple Twitter OAuthServiceSettingsImpl beans, right? I
understand that is useful when I want to configure different service providers that have
the same implementation (such as generic OAuth providers).
From reading SEAMSOCIAL-12, what I thought was a multi-account issue,
is that you want a single user (session) be tied to several accounts (that could or could
not be from the same service, so I can have two twitter accounts and one facebook
account). I see this issue as orthogonal to the one with multiple services, because I
still don't see how I would accomplish this using the new multi_account API. To do
that I would imagine I would need something like a session scoped account manager, which
would manage my OAuthServices and let me list them, authorize them, create new ones from
configured OAuthServiceSettings, etc...
Marek Schmidt
seam-dev mailing list