OSGi dependencies in EJBs
by Sascha Vogt
Hi all,
a colleague of mine ran into a problem and created a forum entry in the
JBoss AS 7 section, but I thought it might be a good fit here.
The entry is https://community.jboss.org/thread/205456
I searched a bit around and found
https://community.jboss.org/thread/165717 where Thomas showed an example
MANIFEST.MF without any versions (I assume 7.0.0 used the latest
available one?)
Now the question is: Was it an intended change that the version has now
to be specified and the follow-up if the answer is yes: What is the
recommended behaviour of dealing with "hotfixes".
A simple example: We have a bunch of EJBs all referencing a small
utility bundle in version 1.0.0. Now we discover a bug in the utility
bundle and release a new version (1.0.1 according to the OSGi semantic
versioning spec) but all of our EJBs refer to the 1.0.0, so in that case
we would have to change / release all of our EJBs as well, to refer to
the new bundle?
Leaving the version out of the dependencies seems not to work in JBoss 7.1.2
12 years, 4 months
org.jboss.as.embedded.EmbeddedServerFactory and sharing classes from the parent classloader
by David Bosschaert
Hi all,
In order to get AS7 to run in the OSGi TCK the server needs to be
runnable in an embedded fashion. I had some success with achieving this
through the org.jboss.as.embedded.EmbeddedServerFactory class.
However, in addition, the TCK needs to be able to share a number of test
classes between the parent classloader and modules in JBoss Modules. Is
it possible to configure the EmbeddedServerFactory (or JBoss Modules) to
allow this?
(BTW On the OSGi level the org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra
property allows the specification of this).
12 years, 4 months