I guess you're reading a lot of different manifest files.
Since all of the code in VFSCLPolicy is cached.
But to read manifest a lot of slow ops are present.
* find the root with class file
** read-in all jars
** navigate to class file
* read manifest.mf
** again navigate
** read manifest attributes
Which means a lot of PathTokenizer and StructuredVirtualFileHandler usage.
With VFS-performance issue already present in MC dev forum,
I'll have a look what can be improved, and then re-run this here.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4251540#4251540
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This test is currently broken for me.
But if there is a PackageRequirement there should be a delegate
(which the OSGi spec calls a "wire").
Although you have put some code that weeds out system packages that I don't understand?
My understanding was that non-core api had to be referenced using Import-Package
e.g. the logging or compendium api.
and that this would resolve to the implementing (extension) bundle - possibly the system bundle?
View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4251493#4251493
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Can you please make sure you deploy any snapshots that are being used.
I managed to build my own 2.0.9-SNAPSHOT of the MC, but there are others
that appear to missing which is I think why tests are failing for me?
| [WARNING] Attempting to build MavenProject instance for Artifact (org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.log:1.1.0-20090817.141229-3) of type: jar; constructing POM artifact instead.
| [WARNING] Attempting to build MavenProject instance for Artifact (org.jboss.osgi.bundles:jboss-osgi-common:1.0.1-20090729.115819-1) of type: jar; constructing POM artifact instead.
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I've removed this again.
Having a default log4j.xml for tests is stupid because of the following reasons.
1) log4j.test.dir is not always set - e.g. impossible to run the tests under eclipse
2) you don't get the logging when you look the test reports in the target folder
3) turning off console logging means you have to hunt around for different information
related to the test instead of searching in one place
View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4251481#4251481
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