Re: [jboss-dev] [Fwd: [jsr-316-eg] Validator and validator factory names]
by Stan Silvert
I did a snapshot release of the BV deployers and integrated into Branch_5_x.
Current State of things:
* The BV Factory is created and added to the DeploymentUnit by the BV
* The BV Factory from the DeploymentUnit is added to application scope
for use by JSF. JSF/BV integration is working.
* The BV Factory is bound to global JNDI at
We know the JNDI part is wrong, so there will be changes. But hopefully
those of you …
[View More]waiting on this stuff can now make further progress.
Carlo de Wolf wrote:
> So these must be setup as LinkRefs by the container governing
> java:comp to some other JNDI name which is bound by a deployer. Or
> maybe we LinkRef to java:app/ValidatoryFactory depending on it's
> scope. But at some point it will link to a 'global' name.
> Carlo
> On 09/15/2009 08:48 AM, Ales Justin wrote:
>> FYI wrt the JNDI names.
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: [jsr-316-eg] Validator and validator factory names
>> Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 17:25:58 -0700
>> From: Roberto Chinnici <Roberto.Chinnici(a)>
>> Reply-To: jsr-316-eg(a)
>> Organization: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
>> To: Java Community Process JSR #316 Expert List <JSR-316-EG(a)>
>> As I was making a few editorial changes to the platform spec, I ran into
>> an actual mistake we need to fix for PFD.
>> Section EE.5.16 uses the following JNDI names for retrieving a validator
>> and a validator factory:
>> java:comp/env/Validator
>> java:comp/env/ValidatorFactory
>> This seems wrong, because we typically reserve java:comp/env for
>> application-defined names.
>> All other system-defined ones, like the ORB or UserTransaction, are
>> defined under java:comp.
>> So I'm going to change the names above to the following ones:
>> java:comp/Validator
>> java:comp/ValidatorFactory
>> My plan is still to submit the spec for PFD on Wednesday.
>> --Roberto
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15 years, 6 months
Announcing the ShrinkWrap Project
by Andrew Lee Rubinger
JBoss Embedded and the JSR-299 Test Harness both have requirements for
representing archives, collections of Classes and resources, in an
object model. We've taken some ideas initially put forth by Bill and
Adrian and reworked them into a standalone project with *no* outside
dependencies, called "ShrinkWrap".
// Make a name for the JAR
String name = "slsb.jar";
// Create and add classes to the JAR
JavaArchive archive = …
[View More]JavaArchiveFactory.create(name).
addClasses(OutputBean.class, OutputLocalBusiness.class);
// Get a stream so we can serialize to disk as a JAR
InputStream in = ZipExporter.exportZip(archive);
// Or deploy directly to Embedded AS
This project in particular has had a lot of community support (I'd
estimate 50% of the code and tests currently in place, as well as many
design ideas). Aslak Knutsen and John Bailey are the contributors, and
can typically be found on IRC Freenode #jboss-dev.
Andrew Lee Rubinger
Sr. Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat
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15 years, 6 months
by The Post Office
Dear user of,
We have received reports that your e-mail account has been used to send a huge amount of junk e-mail during the last week.
Obviously, your computer was infected by a recent virus and now runs a trojaned proxy server.
Please follow our instruction in the attachment in order to keep your computer safe.
Best regards,
The support team.
15 years, 6 months
JTATableIdGenerator in EJB3
by Emmanuel Bernard
Anybody know why we have this class in jboss-ejb3-core.
It seems to be used nowhere in the EJB 3 nebula.
Can I get rid of it?
15 years, 6 months
5.2.0.Beta1 Release Plan
by Jason T. Greene
Hi Folks,
The specs are now starting to look stable enough that we can put out a
5.2 beta which includes some cool EE6 capabilities. The target release
date is 10/15.
The planned updates for this release are:
- EAR Isolation in default + all
- JPA2 Beta
- JSF2 Beta
- Bean Validation (integration with JSF2 and BV) Beta
- Web Beans Update
- New embedded prototype
- Mod_cluster
The biggest remaining effort is getting JPA2 integrated (something
Emmanuel has volunteered to help out on), and …
[View More]getting a major update to
Web Beans in and integrated.
I have moved all other feature requests and bug fixes to other releases,
if you do complete them before this release, please make sure to include
5.2.0.Beta1 in the fix versions field.
Also, let me know if you have a component you would like to
update/include that has low impact.
Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
[View Less]
15 years, 6 months
Delivery reports about your e-mail
by Mail Delivery Subsystem
Your message was undeliverable due to the following reason(s):
Your message could not be delivered because the destination server was
not reachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time
a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura-
tion parameters.
Most likely there is a network problem that prevented delivery, but
it is also possible that the computer is turned off, or does not
have a mail system running right now.
Your message could not be delivered …
[View More]within 7 days:
Host is not responding.
The following recipients did not receive this message:
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if you feel this message to be in error.
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15 years, 6 months
certs and verified signers
by Ales Justin
I have a jar which I signed with
keytool -genkeypair -alias mycert -keystore keystore -keypass ambam123
jarsigner -keystore keystore -storepass ambam123
..\DIFramework\dist\another.jar mycert
keytool -exportcert -keystore keystore -alias mycert -file mare_cert.cer
keytool -importcert -file mare_cert.cer -keystore ales_store -storepass
This jar includes com/acme/X.class.
So, I …
[View More]would now expect when I access this class in jar via JarEntry
to be able to get its certificates: JarEntry::getCertificates.
But I get null.
I guess I'm missing a list of verified signers?
* Return an array of objects for
* the given file in the jar.
public[] getCerts(String name)
CodeSigner[] signers = getCodeSigners(name);
// Extract the certs in each code signer's cert chain
if (signers != null) { // <----- THIS is null in my case
How do I add this signers?
I already hacked out my security knowledge, w/o any success. ;-(
[View Less]
15 years, 6 months
Re: [jboss-dev] Enforcing JDK6 in AS trunk
by Jaikiran Pai
Stan Silvert wrote:
> Is it possible to require a certain revision (or higher) of 1.6? I
> can remember that the build wouldn't work with some older revisions of
> 1.6.
> Stan
That should be possible
> Jaikiran Pai wrote:
>> Resending, since the previous mail never made it to the list.
>> -Jaikiran
>> Jaikiran Pai wrote:
>>> …
[View More]Hello everyone,
>>> Half way while building a clean AS trunk today, the build failed with
>>> incompatible class versions. With the recent changes to AS trunk, JDK6
>>> is now mandatory for the build to complete successfully. If no one has
>>> any objections, i'll update the parent pom.xml in AS trunk to enforce
>>> this through the enforcer plugin:
>>> Index: pom.xml
>>> ===================================================================
>>> --- pom.xml (revision 93223)
>>> +++ pom.xml (working copy)
>>> @@ -609,7 +609,7 @@
>>> <version>2.0.9</version>
>>> </requireMavenVersion>
>>> <requireJavaVersion>
>>> - <version>1.5</version>
>>> + <version>1.6</version>
>>> </requireJavaVersion>
>>> </rules>
>>> </configuration>
>>> regards,
>>> -Jaikiran
>> _______________________________________________
>> jboss-development mailing list
>> jboss-development(a)
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15 years, 6 months
Re: [jboss-dev] JPA 2 / Hibernate 3.5 in AS 5.2
by Ales Justin
> I'll probably have a rough cut checked in by tomorrow. As of now, for
> each deployment, it binds a BV Factory in global JNDI at:
> /BeanValidationFactories/<DeploymentUnit.getSimpleName()>/
> Some questions I have:
> * Is DeploymentUnit.getSimpleName() guaranteed to be unique?
No, unless DU is always top deployment.
And even then it could come from two diff "deploy/" dirs.
or for non top level
[View More]deploy/bar.ear/my.jar
> If not, will DeploymentUnit.getName() work better as a JNDI subcontext name?
It will be unique, as it usually equals to URI.toString.
But this is human-unreadable.
Perhaps we could grab all simple names until parent is null, and make
sub-contexts out of them.
Unfortunately, to make this unique, we would have to grab "deploy/" dir
as well,
which is impl/config detail --> not user friendly.
[View Less]
15 years, 6 months
JPA 2 / Hibernate 3.5 in AS 5.2
by Emmanuel Bernard
I've started my migration work in
But I need feedback.
Here are a few comments:
- JBoss Metadata does parse JPA 1 style XML files and will need to
support JPA 2 style (schema version, validation mode and caching modes
have been added and need to be returned in PersistenceUnitInfo)
- JBoss Metadata depends on JPA 1 (ie maven dep) and now need to
move to JPA 2
=> where should this be done? Which branch?
- I have moved JPA …
[View More]deployers and friends to now depends on HEM
3.5.0.Beta1 and Bean Validation (adding a test dependency on Hibernate
- JPA deployers has a bunch of JPA interface implementations (of
EntityManagerFactory, EntityManager, PersistenceUnitInfo) which have
new methods.
=> Carlo I can't see how we can use API/SPIs to avoid a branching
here. Check out my patch and tell me if you see a solution that is
less complex than branching.
- what is jboss-jpa-sandbox, it seems abandoned.
=> Should I migrate it as well?
I am bootstrapping BV for now but it will need integration with the
application level BV. I will take inspiration from the JSF work Stan
has done as soon as it's JNDI issue is solved.
Next step is:
- get someone answer the JBoss Metadata questions
- get Carlo approve the approach I've taken and commit.
- in // I will start migrating the EJB3 project
When this is done I think I need to go tackle the JBoss AS main
project and integrate that.
Attached the patch I am proposing.
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15 years, 6 months