JPA Deployers VFS Abstraction
by John Bailey
I have added the VFS abstraction projects to jboss-jpa and jboss-jpa-deployers is no longer referencing VFS as a compile time dependency. The jpa-dployers component loads the correct VFS adapter based on a ServiceLoader mechanism. I have tested the the component on the current JBossAS trunk as well as the VFS3 branch, and both load the correct adapter.
If this looks good, we will need to move forward with cutting a release for jboss-jpa-deployers, jboss-jpa-vfs2 and jboss-jpa-vfs3. Then I …
[View More]will go through and integrate the correct adapters in AS trunk and the VFS3 branch. Sounds good?
Also, I think this proves the ServiceLoader model will work with EJB3 as well. What do you think?
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15 years, 1 month
Optional @Inject
by Rémy Maucherat
In AbstractWarDeployer, there is a @Inject annotation on the
setPersistenceUnitDependencyResolver method which creates a hard
dependency on JPA. Trying to loosen that dependency without making big
changes, I changed it to @Inject (option=InjectOption.OPTIONAL). This
does work to some extent (the dependency is now indeed optional), but
it causes a NPE on shutdown.
Any ideas ?
15 years, 1 month
More VFS3 updates
by John Bailey
The next projects on the list is jboss-jpa-deployers and jboss-jpa-mcint. I will be merging the VFS3 changes into the trunk and creating a 1.0.2.Alpha1 release.
Please let me know if there are any problems with this.
John Bailey
JBoss by Red Hat
15 years, 1 month
M2 Boot time
by Dimitris Andreadis
With the delayed start-up of the webapps default boots now in 30secs for me.
First hit on the admin console takes 30secs (!) to get to the logging page. After logging,
it takes another 10 secs to get to the resources screen.
jmx-console and jbossws console are accessed almost instantly, so no problem there.
15 years, 1 month
M2 Status
by Brian Stansberry
Just an FYI on the status of the 6.0.0.M2 release. Rajesh Rajasekaran,
Martin Gencur and the QE folks are doing a great job (thanks!) and found
a couple critical issues not exposed by the testsuite. They proved easy
to fix, and are fixed, but it's delayed things by a day.
Brian Stansberry
Lead, AS Clustering
JBoss by Red Hat
15 years, 1 month
Round2: Refactoring resolver.jar and xercesImpl.jar from $JBOSS_HOME/lib/endorsed
by Richard Opalka
I can't see any reasonable argument why:
* resolver.jar
* xercesImpl.jar
should be in lib/endorsed? I'm going to refactor them to:
* client/
* common/lib/
If nobody will complain I'll do it this week.
Just FYI the dependencies are:
resolver.jar is cunsumed by xercesImpl.jar only
xercesImpl.jar is consumed by jbossws-native-core.jar, jbossxb.jar,
xalan.jar and richfaces-impl-jsf2-3.3.3.Beta1.jar
Richard Opalka
JBoss, by Red Hat
Office: +420 222 365 200
[View More]Mobile: +420 731 186 942
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15 years, 1 month
Re: [jboss-dev] Possible blocker with jboss-cl 2.2.0.Alpha1 [WAS]: Hudson Jobs Hanging
by Ales Justin
To put this on jboss-dev.
(as Brian is probably reading emails in chronological order :-))
The CL 2.2.0.Alpha2 was just tagged. ;-)
On Feb 9, 2010, at 4:06 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
> On 02/09/2010 04:50 AM, Adrian Brock wrote:
>> On Mon, 2010-02-08 at 22:02 -0600, Brian Stansberry wrote:
> <snip/>
>> There is however a change in behaviour since jboss-4.2.x in that
>> you could always load java.lang.* classes even when the classloader
>> was …
[View More]shutdown.
>> This was because of a shortcut in the old UCL classloader:
>> to workaround this problem:
>> which doesn't exist with the new classloader when correctly configured.
>> I can restore the 4.2.x behaviour, but I don't think it
>> is the real problem?
>> In both examples on JBAS-7688, it would still fail if it tried to
>> load a common/lib class at that point, e.g. javax.ejb.*
>> or any other class not in the classloader that is shutdown.
> Good point. Still, seems useful, since a lot of responses only involve JDK classes.
> I don't see any reason to not use jboss-cl 2.2.x in M2; the clean shutdown behavior the ejbthree1116 is testing doesn't work, which isn't the fault of jboss-cl.
> It would be nice though to have a jboss-cl 2.2.0.Alpha2 w/ the JBCL-145 fix to reduce the probability of this kind of failure.
> Thanks, everyone, for digging into this.
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15 years, 1 month
Fwd: Removing Xalan from AS distribution
by Richard Opalka
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Removing Xalan from AS distribution
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 2010 09:18:22 +0100
From: Richard Opalka <ropalka(a)>
To: jboss-dev-all(a)
Hi AS folks,
could you comment on
please? If there will be no complains I do plan to remove xalan from
AS distro in M2 (code freeze this thursday)
Richard Opalka
JBoss, by Red Hat
Office: +420 222 …
[View More]365 200
Mobile: +420 731 186 942
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15 years, 1 month