WARN message from WarAnnotationMetaDataDeployer for 2.3 version of web-app
by Jaikiran Pai
I see these WARN messages for ROOT.war and invoker.war when the server
12:28:09,632 WARN [WarAnnotationMetaDataDeployer] Cannot scan classes,
missing ResourcesIndex as attachment:
12:28:10,231 WARN [WarAnnotationMetaDataDeployer] Cannot scan classes,
missing ResourcesIndex as attachment:
[View More]default/deploy/ROOT.war
Both these wars are marked to be 2.3 web-app version. Maybe we should
just skip looking for an annotation repository for such applications,
instead of logging a WARN message. Thoughts?
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14 years, 9 months
Re: [jboss-dev] AS trunk is broke
by Jaikiran Pai
Looks like there's a snapshot dependency added in the component-matrix:
Not sure why we are depending on a SNAPSHOT dependency in trunk.
P.S: Just to workaround the issue, you might want to install it to your
local maven repo from here
Andrew Dinn wrote:
>> Some of us had seen the checksum errors (there's …
[View More]a mail in this dev
>> list) too. It kept slowing down the build, but I ignored it. As for the
>> other error you are seeing, could you post the build logs? And what
>> command do you use to build the trunk? From what I know, the recommended
>> way is to mvn clean install from the trunk root.
>> P.S: I think we should really have the hudson.qa instances build the AS
>> trunk against a clean repo using the *public* repo. Right now, it's just
>> a false impression that the AS trunk is building fine.
> I initially used bash build.sh in the build directory. However, after
> posting I retried using mvn clean install and the source of the
> problem became more evident:
> [INFO] [dependency:unpack {execution: unpack}]
> [INFO] Configured Artifact:
> org.jboss.jsf.integration:jboss-jsf-deployer:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT:jar
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Unable to find artifact.
> Embedded error: Unable to download the artifact from any repository
> I assume this is why the deployer was not found.
> regards,
> Andrew Dinn
> -----------
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14 years, 9 months
How to scan annotations in AS trunk?
by Bill Burke
I was doing this:
AnnotationRepository env =
Within my RESTEasy deployer, but "env" is always null. Should I be
using a different API? BTW, I'm augmenting a WAR.
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
14 years, 9 months
StackOverflow in WarAnnotationMetaData Deployer
by Bill Burke
Just updated from trunk, got this on shutdown (and other undeploys)
18:25:32,655 ERROR [WarAnnotationMetaDataDeployer] Error during
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
14 years, 9 months
Find your community on FreeNode IRC
by David M. Lloyd
Hello hello! Attention all JBoss developers, contributors, and community
If you're only subscribed to the JBoss development mailing lists and
monitoring forums, you're missing half of the community action. These days
a lot of interesting debates and discussions are happening in real time on
FreeNode IRC.
Using IRC is easy. Just install a client (check out
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_IRC_clients for a big list), OR
use the FreeNode web chat feature at http://…
[View More]webchat.freenode.net/ to
connect over HTTP.
The next step is to register a nickname (and a backup nickname, usually
your main nickname with a "_" attached to the end). See
http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration for information on
how (and why!) to do so.
Currently there are several channels dedicated to JBoss projects. The main
JBoss channels are:
#jboss - this is the channel which is primarily used for user
questions & answers. Everyone in the community should hang out here to ask
questions and contribute help!
#jboss-dev - this is where the developers hang out. And I mean
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get set up.
Hope to see you all on IRC real soon!
- DML ☍
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14 years, 9 months
Re: [jboss-dev] [was: new scanning in AS trunk] JSF and scanning
by Stan Silvert
Ales Justin wrote:
> I think you can actually just rip off my JBossAnnotationProvider and put it into your jboss-faces.jar,
> and you then simply depend on scanning-plugins.jar,
> which is actually already available at boot classpath - due to deployers usage,
> and mc-int-servlet.jar which is in common/lib.
> Let me know when you copied the JBP, so I'll remove it from scanning lib.
Yea, we talked about that before. Guess we made the wrong decision.
I'll …
[View More]move it as soon as I get a chance. It will probably be a couple of
hours before I can get to it.
>> On thing I also noticed you should probably put jboss-structure.xml into jsf.deployer/META-INF,
>> so you're not depending on "proper" structure deployers to be used,
>> when *not* recognizing your Mojara and jsf-libs dir as non-deployments.
>> e.g. someone might resurrect sar' lib/ structure deployer or have matching group structure deployer
> I can add this if you like.
Yes, please do. Thanks.
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14 years, 9 months
Re: [jboss-dev] new scanning in AS trunk
by Shelly McGowan
The Embedded tests run in the AS Build are failing with this change:
I've attached the output of the test.
To reproduce, build jbossas/trunk passing -Pembedded
Shelly McGowan
JBoss, by Red Hat
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ales Justin" <ales.justin(a)gmail.com>
To: "JBoss.org development list" <jboss-development(a)lists.jboss.org>
Cc: "Pete Muir" <pmuir(a)redhat.com>, "Remy Maucherat"…
[View More] <rmaucher(a)redhat.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 2, 2010 9:26:32 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [jboss-dev] new scanning in AS trunk
I've just updated the AS trunk with new Scanning lib.
It also includes some other MC changes: Reflect, MDR, Kernel, CL, Deployers.
Apart from AnnotationRepository (which was already there with the old code),
I've also hacked around Hibernate's Scanner a bit, so it uses new scanning lib's ScannerImpl.
(the hack is mostly in place due to some impl issues in Hibernate itself, Emmanuel is working on it)
JSF can now use new JBossAnnotationProvider -- let me know how that goes Stan.
And web can use ResourcesIndex from DeploymentUnit -- Remy.
WeldScanningPlugin is currently commented out.
We need to disable one of the deployers in plugin's favor.
Pete, let me know when the new Weld release is coming in,
and I'll enable the plugin + run a few tests.
All in all, if you spot any issues / regressions wrt this change,
let me know, and I'll try to fix the stuff asap.
jboss-development mailing list
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14 years, 9 months
Update AS build to Maven 3
by Paul Gier
I've done some testing using Maven 3 for the AS build, and it seems to be
working fine now. If there are no objections, I will update the AS trunk build
to Maven 3-beta-1.
Some of the advantages of Maven 3 include:
- Improved logging and error messages
- Some fixes related to dependency resolution when using "import" scope
- Fixes related to classloading
14 years, 9 months
Nexus configuration changes
by Paul Gier
After a lot of feedback and discussions about the repo configuration and repo
performance, we've decided to make some changes to the Nexus repo [1]. The
public group URL now contains the proxy repositories, so this URL can be used by
everyone instead of having separate anonymous vs. authenticated settings.
The other change is that downloads from the public group now allow standard
http, and this appears to have some improvement in the download speed.
I think we should also include this …
[View More]repository URL in project POMs for the time
being. Ideally, we wouldn't need repositories listed in POMs because it can
cause problems when the pom is used from the repository. But for now, I think
the benefits of including repositories in project POMs outweigh the negatives.
By adding this public repo to your project POM, a default Maven install with no
settings.xml configuration should be able to build your project.
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14 years, 9 months