By validating whether the parameter is used in any assignment
expressions in the class. I don't see how the Collection<Class> to a
Collection<Object> comparison is the same. This has a completely
different erasure for the collection element, where as Class<?> and
Class have the same erasure.
David M. Lloyd wrote:
How would the compiler know that the parameter may be used for
operations? There's no way it could differentiate between the two
The "?" is treated differently from an unqualified type because an
unqualified List can allow you to add any Object type, whereas "?"
means there is *some* specific type required but you don't know what it
is; therefore it is unsafe to make any assumptions regarding what can
be accepted. This fails to compile for the same reason that casting
from a Collection<Class> to a Collection<Object> fails. The compiler
can't tell how you intend to make use of the parameter.
I think this is an Eclipse bug, not a JDK bug.