On 03/01/2010 06:34 AM, Thomas Diesler wrote:
There is an effort that started in May-2009 which is about providing
better API docs for the MC code base
Recently, I came across an open source project that takes a radically
different (read opposite) approach to API docs than we have with the MC
code base. Mockito says: "all docs are in javadoc"
I like this idea. I do not like how they used a specific class for the
"main" page though. If I were doing it this way, I'd use the overview page
and package summary pages a lot more thoroughly, and try to tie the
hierarchy of the documentation to the structure of the Javadoc in some way.
For "chapters" which are not directly related to a package, I'd use a
separate HTML page linked from the overview page.
Also, if you're doing this already, you might as well re-skin the Javadoc
too :)
- DML ☍