JBoss 4_2 dtds/schemas
by Dimitris Andreadis
I've synched the dtds in Branch_4_2 with HEAD, introducing new 4_2 ones in both branches. I
did some minor changes where one of them was outdated.
The xml schemas were ok, so I just copied over ejb-jar_3_0.xsd & web-app_2_5.xsd from HEAD
to Branch_4_2.
One discrepency is security-config_4_1.xsd in Branch_4_2 and HEAD. They contain different
packages names for the jbxb bindings:
org.jboss.security.auth.* (Branch_4_2)
org.jboss.security.config (HEAD)
Are we supposed to synch those?
Is there anything else we need to update with the new dtds?
17 years, 11 months
AS support for jdk-1.6
by Thomas Diesler
what version of AS is supposed to run with jdk-1.6?
Thomas Diesler
Web Service Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
17 years, 11 months
JBossAS 4.2 standard / ejb3 configurations merged
by Dimitris Andreadis
I've just finished merging the ejb3 configuration into the standard one, in case you see
something braking.
There is some more refactoring I want to do in the build file to simplify thing, since we
base on jdk5 now.
The only downside I've noticed is the all config takes an additional 20% time to boot, I
guess due to the extra entity & sfsb cluster cashes. That should improve when we switch to a
multiplexer jgroups configuration.
17 years, 11 months