Help fix the testsuite or we rollback to r79434
by Dimitris Andreadis
The status of the testsuite has been deteriorating since the build of Oct 14th: : 79434
For everyone that checked in stuff since then (akostadinov, alesj, ALRubinger, dimitris,
bstansberry, kabir, scott, emuckenhuber, anil, remy), if the testsuite runs do not improve
by Monday, I'll rollback to r79434.
16 years, 3 months
Injection from outside modules
by Carlo de Wolf
In AS 5.0.0.GA when a servlet is packaged standalone (outside ear) and
an EJB is packaged standalone, the EJB can't be injected into the
servlet without specifying a JNDI name somewhere. Is it a bug or a
feature request to have that working?
16 years, 3 months
Public vs. Private API's
by Andrig Miller
I was going to start a thread on one of the design forums but there isn't an overall AS design forum, so I'm posting to the dev list instead.
We have been having a discussion within the TDM's about documenting the public vs. "private" API's. The problem we continue to have is customers start using API's that are usually, but not always, third-party libraries that are used as implementation details for an API we do mean for them to use. Of course, then they start asking for support of that usage.
As this discussion took place internally, we starting batting around the idea of separately all the things we would like to be private into its own lib directory. So having one lib directory where have all the API's that we intend to have customers/users use, and one where we have everything else, so we can clearly communicate what should be used and what shouldn't be used directly.
What do you guys think? Is this even possible?
Andrig (Andy) Miller
VP of Engineering
JBoss, a division of Red Hat, Inc.
16 years, 3 months
Information on JBoss micro-projects and AS modules
by Brian Stansberry
As discussed at I've
created a wiki page intended to provide information about the many
"micro-projects" that we've created in the last couple years,
particularly during all the refactorings related to AS 5.
I've seeded it with information about the JBoss Common and AS Clustering
projects. If you're knowledgeable about a particular project, please
chip in and add an entry for it. Or just send me the intended usage info
for the project and I can add it. The goal is to:
1) encourage code reuse by providing a quick reference as to what
libraries are already available that may solve a given problem.
2) help engineers working on projects that consume some of these
projects to understand the design intent behind the project.
I also created a page with information about the various modules that
make up the JBoss AS source tree. At this point this page isn't
particularly useful. Not all modules have explanatory info; just those
whose exact design intent I totally understood/could express or those
that seemed simple enough for me to guess. :-) The ones without
explanatory info are also the ones where some design explanation would
be most helpful; again please pitch in and add whatever you can.
Perhaps the thinking about the intent of these AS modules will prove
helpful in the refactorings that will eventually be needed for embedded.
Brian Stansberry
Lead, AS Clustering
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
16 years, 3 months
JBAS-6280, docs refresh
by Scott Stark
The community docs under:
were in some incomplete state where some uber resolved.xml document was
one giant doocbook book. There were several other docbook files that
were comprising the same book, something Samson apparently started but
did not complete. He has left, so I'm working on getting the docs to a
known state. I have completed a restructuring where the
Installation_And_Getting_Started_Guide.xml is the root book that imports
the various chapters from the others, and have made this the source for
the jdocbook target. There still is a lot of updating to do. The current
docbook files are:
[656][valkyrie: en-US]$ ls
Installation_And_Getting_Started_Guide.xml - the book root xml file
Server_Configurations.xml - Overview of the server structure and files
in the configuration.
not-used-resolved.xml - old resolved.xml, to be deleted once I'm sure
the sections are in sync.
One problem I'm seeing with the pdf generation is that large tables are
not split across pages, so the table just runs off the page into
nowhere. Anyone know what can be done about that?
16 years, 3 months
Re: [jboss-dev] JBAS-6280, docs refresh
by Scott Stark
Thanks, yes, 1.1.0 is much better. Note that the names of the xslt
stylesheetResource locations changed in this release to:
Pete Muir wrote:
> Try updating to the 1.1.0 version of the jbossorg-docbook-xslt plugin
> - I think Mark and I fixed this for that version (it certainly works
> for the Seam docs, and we don't do any local overrrides).
> On 8 Dec 2008, at 22:29, Scott Stark wrote:
>> One problem I'm seeing with the pdf generation is that large tables
>> are not split across pages, so the table just runs off the page into
>> nowhere. Anyone know what can be done about that?
16 years, 3 months