by Sacha Labourey
In case you usually don't look at the result of the AS testsuite, here
is the list of the 39 remaining failing tests:
* org.jboss.test.naming.test.SimpleUnitTestCase.unknown
[View More]jbossmessaging-cluster).testSimpleCluster
* org.jboss.test.util.test.SchedulerUnitTestCase.testDefaultScheduler
* org.jboss.test.jacc.test.EJBSpecUnitTestCase(JACC).testRunAsWithRoles
* org.jboss.test.jacc.test.EJBSpecUnitTestCase(JACC).testMDBDeepRunAs
* org.jboss.test.timer.test.BasicTimerUnitTestCase.testMDBTimer
* org.jboss.test.web.test.FormAuthUnitTestCase.testPostDataFormAuth
* org.jboss.test.asynch.AsynchTestCase.
* org.jboss.test.jmx.test.DeployXMBeanUnitTestCase.testSecuredJndiXMBean
* org.jboss.test.naming.test.NamingRestartUnitTestCase.testLookupLink
* org.jboss.test.web.test.JASPIFormAuthUnitTestCase.unknown
* org.jboss.test.naming.test.EjbLinkUnitTestCase.testEjbNoLink
* org.jboss.test.jmx.test.JMXConnectorUnitTestCase.testNotification
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16 years, 8 months
myfaces 1.2.3 issue with jboss 4.2.2 and Seam 2.0.2
by hasmik007
I am having an issue where I see alot of posts but with no resolution
stated. I was running Jboss 4.2.2 with myfaces 1.1.5. Everything worked
So I tried to bring in Seam 2.0.2 and it seems like it requires myfaces 1.2.
So I upgraded myfaces to 1.2.3, but I get errors such as below when my jsp
page is rendered.
Caused by: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to convert string "en"
to c
lass "javax.el.ValueExpression" for attribute "locale": Property Editor not
stered …
[View More]with the PropertyEditorManager
I am using myfaces 1.2.3 and jsp-api 2.1 and jstl 1.2 and the myfaces tag
that causes this is:
<f:view locale="en">
Any pointers would be appreciated...
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/myfaces-1.2.3-issue-with-jboss-4.2.2-and-Seam-2.0.2...
Sent from the JBoss - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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16 years, 8 months
AS trunk freeze
by Dimitris Andreadis
Please refrain from making further changes to AS trunk.
If you have a change that is critical to be committed, let me know first.
16 years, 8 months
CEAI CDC - Production-Ready Associated Press OSTN Video News Portlet/Channel
by Dheeraj Kumar (CampusEAI Consortium)
Many of our members have requested for more compelling content for their
Oracle/uPortal/Liferay campus portals. Based on this need, CEAI has
secured a special license agreement with the Associated Press to use
Associated Press video news content and Associated Press' embedded news
player. Based on the special license agreement with AP, this content is
provided at no cost to all the CEAI, JA-SIG and Jboss Members.
In addition to Associated Press' news content, Associated Press has …
[View More]also
agreed to carry OSTN News' student-produced news content on their
embedded news player! As you may know, OSTN News is the first
collegiate news show where students report the hottest stories from
around the US, UK and Canada. The stories are based on news events that
are of interest to college-age students.
To provide this content through a Portal, CEAI in collaboration with
University of Montana has developed a JSR-168/WSRP compliant Associate
Press OSTN News Portlet/Channel. This portlet/channel is being provide
to the community on an open source basis. We have successfully tested
this portlet/channel against Oracle Portal and Liferay Portal. We are
looking for a brave volunteer institution that would like to deploy/test
this against Jboss Portal.
Attached is the WAR file which can be deployed on your portal. Please
let me know if you would like to volunteer or if you have any
questions/problems implementing this portlet/channel.
*Dheeraj Kumar* <mailto:dheeraj_kumar@campuseai.org>
Community Development Coordinator
*Work:* 216-589-9626 ext. 217 <sip:217@asterisk.campuseai.org>
*Email:* dheeraj_kumar(a)campuseai.org <mailto:dheeraj_kumar@campuseai.org>
*Fax:* 216-589-9639
* *
**CampusEAI Consortium* <http://www.campuseai.org>
1940 East 6th Street - 11th Floor
Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2225
This e-mail, including any attachments, is confidential and may well be
legally privileged. If you receive it in error, you are on notice of its
status. Please notify us immediately by reply e-mail and then delete
this message from your system. Please do not copy it or use it for any
purposes, or disclose its contents to any other person. To do so could
violate state and/or federal privacy laws. Thank you for your cooperation.
[View Less]
16 years, 9 months
CEAI CDC - Production-Ready Associated Press OSTN Video News Portlet/Channel
by Dheeraj Kumar (CampusEAI Consortium)
Many of our members have requested for more compelling content for their
Oracle/uPortal/Liferay campus portals. Based on this need, CEAI has
secured a special license agreement with the Associated Press to use
Associated Press video news content and Associated Press' embedded news
player. Based on the special license agreement with AP, this content is
provided at no cost to all the CEAI, JA-SIG and Jboss Members.
In addition to Associated Press' news content, Associated Press has …
[View More]also
agreed to carry OSTN News' student-produced news content on their
embedded news player! As you may know, OSTN News is the first
collegiate news show where students report the hottest stories from
around the US, UK and Canada. The stories are based on news events that
are of interest to college-age students.
To provide this content through a Portal, CEAI in collaboration with
University of Montana has developed a JSR-168/WSRP compliant Associate
Press OSTN News Portlet/Channel. This portlet/channel is being provide
to the community on an open source basis. We have successfully tested
this portlet/channel against Oracle Portal and Liferay Portal. We are
looking for a brave volunteer institution that would like to deploy/test
this against Jboss Portal.
Attached is the WAR file which can be deployed on your portal. Please
let me know if you would like to volunteer or if you have any
questions/problems implementing this portlet/channel.
*Dheeraj Kumar* <mailto:dheeraj_kumar@campuseai.org>
Community Development Coordinator
*Work:* 216-589-9626 ext. 217 <sip:217@asterisk.campuseai.org>
*Email:* dheeraj_kumar(a)campuseai.org <mailto:dheeraj_kumar@campuseai.org>
*Fax:* 216-589-9639
* *
**CampusEAI Consortium* <http://www.campuseai.org>
1940 East 6th Street - 11th Floor
Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2225
This e-mail, including any attachments, is confidential and may well be
legally privileged. If you receive it in error, you are on notice of its
status. Please notify us immediately by reply e-mail and then delete
this message from your system. Please do not copy it or use it for any
purposes, or disclose its contents to any other person. To do so could
violate state and/or federal privacy laws. Thank you for your cooperation.
[View Less]
16 years, 9 months
JNDI Binding Policy / Full meta data view
by Carlo de Wolf
In EJB3 we use ejb3-interceptors-aop.xml to add meta data to our
container (as opposed to standardjboss.xml).
For example the JNDI binding policy:
<domain name="Stateless Bean" extends="Intercepted Bean" inheritBindings="true">
<annotation expr="!class((a)org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.JndiBindingPolicy)">
@org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.JndiBindingPolicy (policy=org.jboss.ejb3.jndipolicy.impl.PackagingBasedJndiBindingPolicy.class)
[View More]domain>
These settings to not make it into the full meta data view, so mapped
reference meta data resolver deployer doesn't know about it.
We could do an extra deployer in before the annotation meta data
deployer. Would that work?
Or do we need to change annotation meta data deployer to pick this up?
At least the annotation meta deployer needs to use a different
annotation finder. Problem here is the domain is one-on-one with an EJB,
while the finder is one-on-one with a module.
[View Less]
16 years, 9 months
transactions change in AS 5.0
by Jonathan Halliday
Hello all
Arguably one for the AS list, but in light of potential
impact on other projects I think it needs wider discussion,
so hello dev list...
I'm pleased to say that we will shortly be announcing the
change of licence terms for the JTS (distributed,
interoperable transactions between e.g. EJB containers) and
XTS (transactions for Web Services) parts of JBossTS from
GPL/Dual to LGPL.
The current JBossAS release bundles our JTA ('local only'
transactions), which is already LGPL. …
[View More]The JTS and XTS
options are available to the community as additional
downloads that can be integrated into AS 4.x The EAP 4.x
releases include support for JTA only. We have promised EAP
5.x will include JTS also, and probably at least some parts
of XTS.
Now that it's legally feasible to do so, does the AS dev
community wish to include either JTS or XTS with the AS 5.x
releases, in order to provide users with these increased
I see the advantages as: The AS will have more functionality
out of the box and can be pulled into the EAP with fewer
changes. For both cases it would otherwise be necessary to
retrofit the additional transactions pieces and retest the
I see the disadvantages as: Changing something as core as
the transactions engine between CR and GA may raise issues
that further delay the release. It adds additional
complexity and footprint for something not all users need.
Hybrid solutions are available, such as sticking with the
JTA for the 'default' config and putting the JTS into the
'all' config. These further muddy the waters and complicate
the testing, although I rather like it from a point of view
of offering the most appropriate technical solution for
users with different needs.
There may be a degree of tension here between the AS
(community) and EAP (product). Putting the JTS into the AS
reduces the productisation work at the cost of more
engineering effort in the AS for example.
I'm wearing my community developer hat today: JBossAS and
JBossTS are open source projects, it's up to the core
developers to discuss the engineering tradeoffs and make the
call on this. That may of course be unduly idealist:
commercial realities dictate that EAP product management
have at least some influence on the final decision :-)
Does anyone have strong opinions one way or the other on this?
Jonathan Halliday
JBossTS dev team lead.
Registered Address: Red Hat UK Ltd, Amberley Place, 107-111
Peascod Street, Windsor, Berkshire, SI4 1TE, United Kingdom.
Registered in UK and Wales under Company Registration No.
3798903 Directors: Michael Cunningham (USA), Charlie Peters
(USA), Matt Parsons (USA) and Brendan Lane (Ireland)
[View Less]
16 years, 9 months
Compilation error
by tuxdna
I am getting error while compiling JBoss.
I checked out the code like so:
svn co http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/trunk jboss-head
Then I used maven to compile the code:
cd jboss-head
mvn -e -f pom.xml compile
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building JBoss Application Server Security
[INFO] task-segment: [compile]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [enforcer:enforce {…
[View More]execution: enforce-versions}]
[INFO] [resources:resources]
[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] [compiler:compile]
[INFO] Compiling 53 source files to
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Compilation failure
package javassist.util.proxy does not exist
cannot find symbol
symbol: class MethodHandler
implements MethodHandler, HandshakeCompletedListener
package javassist.util.proxy does not exist
I had set the java CLASSPATH variable to include the javassist.jar
file. Then also the error is occuring.
Somebody please suggest how to add the javassist.jar file to
class-path so that I don't get these compilation errors. How do I add
it to build.xml or pom.xml ?
[View Less]
16 years, 9 months
Re: [jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r75112 - trunk/system/src/main/org/jboss/system/server/profile/basic.
by Adrian Brock
Ales has fixed the profile service tests so we're back below
50 failing tests again.
On Thu, 2008-06-26 at 07:50 -0400, jboss-cvs-commits(a)lists.jboss.org
> Author: alesj
> Date: 2008-06-26 07:50:43 -0400 (Thu, 26 Jun 2008)
> New Revision: 75112
> Modified:
> trunk/system/src/main/org/jboss/system/server/profile/basic/MetaDataAwareProfile.java
> trunk/system/src/main/org/jboss/system/server/profile/basic/ProfileImpl.java
> Log:
> Fix hasBeenModified …
[View More]check.
Where's the JIRA issue? :-)
Adrian Brock
Chief Scientist
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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16 years, 9 months