jboss-beans.xml versus spring-beans.xml
by Adrian Brock
Since a number of users are complaining about us
trying to process WEB-INF/spring-beans.xml
as an MC -beans.xml file, even though
spring-beans.xml should be in WEB-INF/classes
I'm going to go through and change all our
-beans.xml files to end with -jboss-beans.xml
e.g. ejb3-deployer-beans.xml becomes
To try to keep the history of these files
I'll be moving them in the repository
along with seperate commits to the …
[View More]build files.
To try to keep the individual changes
as atomic as possible I'll be doing it project
by project in jboss-head.
Problems you might see:
1) I'll be doing the testsuite last, so
some of the overridden configs may not
work because it will be copying over the
wrong file until I've changed them.
2) If you are doing incremental builds
you might end up with both the old and
new file in your jboss image which
will surface as an attempt to deploy a bean twice.
Adrian Brock
Chief Scientist
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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16 years, 7 months
Using custom security domain to use encrypted password
by Priyanka Maheshwari
Hi Everybody,
My Requirement:
1. remove the usage of cleartext password from mysql-ds.xml
2. Use the custom password manager to retrieve the password
Given Solution by extending the SecureIdentityLoginModule:
JBoss connector API’s provides SecureIdentityLoginModule to encrypt database
passwords rather than using clear text passwords in the datasource
configuration. I have extended this class and overridden the commit method,
which will call password manager to retrieve the password.
[View More]
By going thru the above approach of custom login module, JBoss JCA takes ~25
milliseconds to return the connection. And this 25 milliseconds doesn't
count the time to call password manager. But if I don't use cleartext
password, it takes hardly 1 millisecond.
I want to understand:
1. what is done by JCA when login module is used which takes ~25
2. Is there any way I can configure JBoss JCA to verify the password only
for the 1st time, and for the subsequent calls, it just returns the
connection in ~1 milliseconds.
Thanks in advance,
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Using-custom-security-domain-to-use-encrypted-passw...
Sent from the JBoss - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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16 years, 8 months
by Jesper Pedersen
Hi all,
Currently AS/trunk is using the combined jar file of jboss-integration, but
all the SPIs are listed as dependencies.
For CR2/GA are we going to depend on the combined jar file or the separate
ones (like jboss-transaction-spi.jar and so on) ?
It looks like the combined jar currently isn't uploaded to the maven snapshots
repository - only the pom files are, see:
Also if we could branch the integration …
[View More]module for 5.0 now it would be great.
Best regards,
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16 years, 8 months
JBoss Application Server 4.2.3.GA released
by Rajesh Rajasekaran
JBoss Application Server 4.2.3.GA has been released and is available for
download at jboss.org
This is the 3rd bug fixing release of the JBoss Application Server v4.2
series. The aim of this release is to provide
fixes for bugs reported by the community against previous JBossAS v4.2.x
releases. There were some backwards
compatible component upgrades so switching to AS 4.2.3.GA from a
previous 4.2.0/4.2.1/4.2.2 release should not
present any problems. …
[View More]Please check out the Detailed Release Notes
section for the full details.
A secondary target for this release was to improve support for Java 6.
JBossAS 4.2.3.GA can be build with both JDK5
and JDK6. The JDK5 compiled binaries have undergone more rigorous
testing, they constitute our certified version and
can run under both Java 5 & 6 VMs (with a few configuration changes for
JDK6, see the configuration section below). The
JDK6 compiled binaries include support for the JDBC 4 APIs, but this
should be considered experimental at this point.
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16 years, 8 months
Known Smoke test Regressions
by Andrew Lee Rubinger
"Rules are meant to be broken, but the reason better be real good." -
EJB3 Project Charter
@see http://jboss.hudson.alrubinger.com/job/AS_TestSuite_Smoke_Tests/13/
I've upgraded JBossAS to:
* EJB3 Core 0.1.8
* jboss-metadata 1.0.0.Beta29
This has lead to 6 notable regressions.
* 5 > org.jboss.test.web.test.WebIntegrationUnitTestCase
* 1>
The reason I've allowed these into the codebase is to get past a
[View More]longtime blocker for EJB3 and AS, the mismatch of JNDI Names expected
and those actually bound.
The WebIntegrationUnitTestCase will likely be solved with some more
attention to MappedReferenceMetadataResolverDeployer, which I'm working
on now.
The Seam error I'll have to bring up with Seam team (ie. Pete Muir) to
discern how they're obtaining their JNDI targets.
Revision in question is r75923.
Andrew Lee Rubinger
Sr. Software Engineer
JBoss EJB3
JBoss, a division of Red Hat, Inc.
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16 years, 8 months
Commons collections 3.2 and Qdox 1.3.3
by Fernando Nasser
Someone was asking me if we are upgrading to commons-collections 3.2 in
AS 5 and if not what is the reason.
I see that AS 5 has commons-collections 3.1, but I can't tell why we did
not use 3.2. Did we test with that? Big API changes or something?
And qdox 1.3.3? We are still at 1.3.1 and the 1.6.3 is available for
some time and being used by some other components.
Can we still move to these new versions?
16 years, 8 months