On demand JCA and JTA for the web-profile
by Adrian Brock
This will be the first real use of the "new" on-demand processing.
The idea is that unless the webapp looks up a user transaction
or transaction synchronization registry (there's a sticking point
there) or the admin deploys a transactional datasource,
then jca and jta won't bootstrap by default.
This won't effect the other configurations since we always provide
a transactional datasource out-of-the-box …
[View More]for jms persistence
and other services reference the transaction manager anyway
so they will always bootstrap.
Adrian Brock
Chief Scientist
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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15 years, 10 months
AS 5.1.Beta1 testsuite release criteria
by Dimitris Andreadis
Given the current good status of the TCK (near 100%), are we shooting for "clean" runs for
the rest of the testsuites (minus the jdk specific/transient failures):
Currently, we are roughly at ~15 failure each, so we should start working on those ASAP.
16 years
JBM Examples moving to AS 5
by Howard Gao
Hi JBoss team,
I'm working to add JBoss Messaging 1.4 examples to AS 5 SVN repo. The
location I put those examples is
and the examples will be built into AS 5 installation package, the
location will be :
I'm asking two questions,
1. are those above locations OK ?
2. I'm working on the AS 5 trunk
(https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/trunk), is that also OK that those
changes go to the trunk?
16 years
Beta1 Code Freeze in One Week!!!
by Jason T. Greene
We have just over *one week* until the Beta1 code freeze, and we still
have 15 component upgrades scheduled for this release:
Upgrade JBossWS Native to 3.1 Alessio Soldano
Update Web Beans to 1.0.0.BETA1 Pete Muir
Upgrade jboss-profiler-jvmti Clebert Suconic
Upgrade apache-beanutils to 1.8.0 David Walluck
Upgrade JGroups to 2.6.8 Brian Stansberry
Upgrade JBoss Cache to 3.0.3.GA Brian …
[View More]Stansberry
Upgrade jboss-metadata to 1.0.0.GA Alexey Loubyansky
Update to JBossXB 2.0.1.GA Alexey Loubyansky
Upgrade EJB3 to 1.1.x Carlo de Wolf
Update JPA to 1.0.0 Carlo de Wolf
Update to Security 2.0.2.SP7 Anil Saldhana
Update to JBossXACML 2.0.3.CR1 Anil Saldhana
Upgrade Apache XML Security 1.4.2 Anil Saldhana
Update to Bootstrap 1.0.0-Beta-1 Andrew Lee Rubinger
Update JBoss Messaging (1.4.3?) Howard Gao
These upgrades need to be completed or rescheduled ASAP!
After I rescheduled a number of issues, we are still left with 75 issues
that need to be pushed out or resolved:
As a reminder, only issues that are necessary to meet the needs of the
open console are necessary for this release.
Ales Justin 3
Alessio Soldano 2
Alexey Loubyansky 4
Andrew Lee Rubinger 6
Anil Saldhana 3
Brian Stansberry 9
Carlo de Wolf 4
David Lloyd 2
David Walluck 1
Emanuel Muckenhuber 7
Howard Gao 1
Jason T. Greene 1
Jesper Pedersen 5
Paul Ferraro 5
Pete Muir 1
Richard Opalka 1
Scott M Stark 19
Shelly McGowan 1
Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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16 years
component matrix housekeeping
by Dimitris Andreadis
When updating component-matrix/pom.xml in JBossAS please make sure to comment your commits
with associated JIRAs, usually grouped or linked under a parent task.
E.g. for AS5.1 Beta1
In those subtasks it is desirable to link or even embed release notes. This allows our users
(and ourselves) to browse and discover exactly what's changed in a release.
Finally, remember that we keep the version properties in component-matrix/pom.xml sorted, so
that …
[View More]making diffs between different version is possible. For example, to find out what
changed from AS5.0.1 to AS 5.1.0.Beta1
I've sorted them again in all 3 branches (Branch_5_0, Branch_5_x, trunk), please help keep
it sorted.
[View Less]
16 years