Project ByteMan
by Andrew Dinn
Hi Foax,
After several false starts and concomitant rethinks legal have finally
agreed that I can use the name ByteMan (aka JBoss ByteMan) for the tool
formerly known as TOAST. The name abbreviates 'Byte Manipulation' rather
than identifying some nerdy superhero -- although I am still toying with
the idea of presenting at Jazoon in mask, tights and cape. Mark Newton
is currently in the process of setting up a ByteMan project with
repository, forum etc. In the meantime I would like to …
[View More]claim the package
space org.jboss.byteman for all code products associated with the
project. I believe this does not clash with any existing code. If you
know otherwise please inform me ASAP.
Andrew Dinn
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15 years, 9 months
JBoss Bootstrap, Embedded & Reloaded
by Carlo de Wolf
Where to begin?
This question is actually the one we are going to debate. Where does
Application Server begin and where does it end?
But there is more to it: I want to be able to unit test EJB3 before
bringing it to AS. (I think it should become a requirement of any
component to be able to run/test standalone before coming to AS/EAP, but
that's another discussion.)
Let's start with the simple one: JBoss Bootstrap:
As of AS 5.1 the application server no longer performs the bootstrapping
of …
[View More]profile service. Instead AS defines a bootstrap descriptor and
delegates bootstrapping it to JBoss Bootstrap.
Effectively this allows anybody to create an arbitrary bootstrap, for
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bootstrap xmlns="urn:jboss:bootstrap:1.0">
Voilà instant JTA compliant transaction server.
The best part is, that it's using the same components as the real AS, so
it should be close to 100% compatible.
Now the most complex one in terms of definition: JBoss Embedded.
It's *not* Embedded JBoss (
), which was a preview of AS 5 capabilities (previously known as EJB 3.0
It is *not* EJB 3 Embedded, which is a preview of EJB 3.1 Embeddable
The scope of JBoss Embedded is currently defined as:
* Software component which, in tandem with an arbitrary AS
distribution, launches JBossAS in preexisting JVM.
* Conforms to all existing AS TestSuites and TCK (fully-compatible) when
in a JavaSE environment. Whether AS is launched from or Embedded
should be transparent to applications.
Which leaves the following bits out of scope:
* Bundling alongside JBossAS (in the AS release cycle)
* Virtual JAR deployment. This may later be handled by user extensions
into VFS, such that user code may assemble an EAR or JAR view
programatically, and pass that along to the AS deployment mechanism.
* Compatibility from launch inside arbitrary runtimes like Tomcat,
What I've really left out so far is the goal we're trying to achieve:
unit testing. I would say both unit testing of user applications & unit
testing of services.
So there I was sitting behind my screen setting up a new component:
ejb3-jndibinder. Recreating another bootstrap...
Hmm, that's not how I want to do it with every component.
In comes JBoss Reloaded, because I actually want to have a single
component dependency which gives me the proper environment to run my
unit test in. So I only should need: jpa-profile (whichs depends on
jta-profile, which depends on naming-profile (I'll leave jca-profile out
of scope for a moment)).
For this to work Reloaded defines a vdf-bootstrap /
profile-service-bootstrap and it should also provide a facility to plug
To plug stuff into the bootstrap descriptor itself it uses
repoclassloader ( ).
And to make it more extensible allow for compound classloaders ( ).
Now the bits where it gets real fun: JBoss Embedded & JBoss Reloaded can
both boot AS 5.0.1, AS 5.1 and AS 6. :-)
JBoss Embedded does this by virtue of the fact that all these three AS
versions adhere to the same Bootstrap contract, so it can point
Bootstrap to the proper descriptors.
JBoss Reloaded does this by virtue of defining a proper bootstrap and
booting up the right Profile Service (from the repository) and pointing
that Profile Service to the AS ( as a showcase ).
Which brings us to the question of where should Application Server
begin? Where does it get it's Main from?
The bootstrap descriptors themselves are going to be moved to
jboss-reloaded-vdf-bootstrap. Note that this still requires components
to be broken out of AS.
By answering these question we can lock down the scope of Embedded &
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15 years, 10 months
On demand JCA and JTA for the web-profile
by Adrian Brock
This will be the first real use of the "new" on-demand processing.
The idea is that unless the webapp looks up a user transaction
or transaction synchronization registry (there's a sticking point
there) or the admin deploys a transactional datasource,
then jca and jta won't bootstrap by default.
This won't effect the other configurations since we always provide
a transactional datasource out-of-the-box …
[View More]for jms persistence
and other services reference the transaction manager anyway
so they will always bootstrap.
Adrian Brock
Chief Scientist
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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15 years, 10 months
JBoss-AS-5.1.x-EMBJOPR-JSFUNIT* runs
by Ondřej Žižka
We have the red ligts because maven build fails upon test failure, and
we call maven from a shell script. That will probably change soon.
- The console included in AS is a release version, and we need to test
the SVN HEAD version.
- We need to test against more AS configs because we need to detect
presence/absence of parts which are needed for EmbJopr and RHQ plugin to
run correctly.
Can someone …
[View More]clean up the JBoss-AS-5.1.x-EMBJOPR-JSFUNIT* runs?
It's been "red" lights since
the beginning.
- why not test the embedded console already included in AS?
- why test against the 'standard' config?
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15 years, 10 months
Announcing Infinispan - open source data grids
by Manik Surtani
Apologies for hijacking this list, I thought some of you may be
interested in this! :-)
I've just announced a new open source data grid project - Infinispan.
Why is Infinispan sexy?
1. Massive heap - with consistent-hash based distribution, and a
configurable amount of data redundancy, the collective memory of all
nodes in a grid is exposed and addressable via a single data structure.
2. Extreme …
[View More]scalability - communications are based on peer-to-peer
design, where nodes speak directly to one another. No single point of
failure or bottleneck.
3. Very fast and lightweight core - using state of the art lock-free
and synchronization-free algorithms and data structures wherever
possible. Lighting fast even for LOCAL mode as a result!
4. Not Just for Java (PHP, Python, Ruby, C, etc.) - on the roadmap is
a server module that speaks the memcached protocol. As such, in
addition to being a distributed drop-in replacement for memached, we
also leverage memcached's plethora of client libraries.
In addition to announcing the project, our second alpha is now
available for download along with a nifty GUI demo:
Give it a whirl, I'd love to hear your feedback!
Manik Surtani
Lead, Infinispan
Lead, JBoss Cache
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15 years, 11 months
remaining JBoss-AS-5.1.x-testSuite-sun15 failures
by Dimitris Andreadis
It seems we are down to 5 recurring failures in JBoss-AS-5.1.x-testSuite-sun15
One is related to the jbossxb change, I've assigned to Anil:
The other 4 are profileservice related:
[View More]testWebHost
There is that hasn't moved for some time now.
Can Emanuel or Scott (or anyone that wants to help) take a look?
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15 years, 11 months
Status of Branch_5_x/embedded
by Scott Stark
Although the Branch_5_x/embedded is reference by the main build.xml, its
in the optional modules and not being built. It does not build under
eclipse because of the org.jboss.embedded.adapters.JMXKernel not
implementing the org.jboss.bootstrap.spi.Server after some methods were
added. Is the module now obsolete?
15 years, 11 months