Ah, OK.
But it looks like the fqn works as well -- just tried it.
On Jun 3, 2010, at 3:13 PM, Stan Silvert wrote:
Ales Justin wrote:
> projects/jboss-jsf-int/trunk/jboss-faces/src/main/resources/
> projects/jboss-jsf-int/trunk/jboss-faces/src/main/resources/META-INF/
> projects/jboss-jsf-int/trunk/jboss-faces/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/
> Shouldn't the last one be AnnotationProvider instead of all low level chars?
AnnotationProvider javadoc
* <p>
* To register a custom AnnotationProvider with the runtime, place a file named
* com.sun.faces.spi.annotationprovider within META-INF/services of a JAR file,
* with a single line referencing the fully qualified class name of the
* implementation. Custom AnnotationProviders can be used to decorate the default
* AnnotationProvider by providing a constructor that takes an AnnotationProvider as the
* second parameter:</p>